St. Peregrine Shrine (1974)
This mosaic was erected in the spring of 1974 and dedicated during the 50th Anniversary celebration at The Grotto.
St. Peregrine’s Role Today
The lesson of St. Peregrine’s life is not to promise miraculous cures; he is simply the one who placed his life and conerns in the loving care of a merciful and forgiving God.
He knew that the Lord was with him through all the trials of life.
St. Peregrine’s trust in God can be a model for us in dealing with the pain, sickness and crosses of our lives.
St. Peregrine Ministry at The Grotto
The St. Peregrine ministry at The Grotto was established to help bring hope, strength and consolation to those facing serious diseases in their lives. We are committed to sharing the comfort and spiritual healing of Jesus to all who come here in need.
St. Peregrine Mass
A monthly Mass and blessing with the relic of St. Peregrine is offered on the first Saturday of every month at 12 noon.
It is a celebration of hope, comfort and encouragement: God loves us and forgives our sins; God will not abandon us in our time of need; God invites us to make peace with one another just as God has made peace with us.
At the Mass, the Blessing of St. Peregrine for the Sick is available to the chronically or seriously ill and to the frail. All intentions received at the St. Peregrine Shrine are included in the petitions of the Mass.
In the warm months, the monthly Mass is held outdoors in The Grotto Plaza.
Prayer for the Sick of the Worldthrough the Intercession of St. Peregrine
Graciously hear the prayers which we present O God, to you in honor of St. Peregrine, your beloved servant and patron of those suffering from life-threatening diseases.
Grant that we may receive help in our needs through the intercession of him whose life was so pleasing to you. Hear us in the name of Christ, our Lord.
Free to All
The St. Peregrine Shrine is located on the lower level at The Grotto. There is no admission fee to visit the lower level; it is free to all throughout the year.
Hymn to St. Peregrine
Great the virtues which he showed ,He whose brow with glory glowed, When God’s Mother gave him grace, ‘Mid her own to find his place.
To the cross he firmly clung, Wept the wounds that Jesus wrung, Mary’s Sorrows fired his heart, Till he shared her bitter smart.
Herald he of words that win, Hardened sinners back from sin, Robber bands he drew by love, Suppliants of heaven above.
Did the poor his bounty crave, Largess beyond hope he gave; For, at once at Jesus’ touch, Scanty food was turned to much.
He, whatever pains oppressed, Never laid him down to rest; Standing, fasting, worked for God, He in Jesus’ footsteps trod.
When his limb in peril stood, Christ, in pity, from the rood, Readied his hand and all the wound, Healed, the flesh grew sweet and sound.
Glory, laud, and honor be, To Three in One and One in Three, May his servant aid to bring, Us to heaven to see the King.
St. Peregrine Guild
To request a St. Peregrine Guild enrollment, click here.
For more information about St. Peregrine, click here.
Light a Candle at The Grotto
Purchase a candle to be lighted at The Grotto. Your candle will burn for seven days in the outdoor cradles by The Grotto. Your support will help The Grotto continue its ministry through this difficult time. Click here to purchase