Sponsor recognition
Shout out on radio ads which mention value nights
Recognition signs at entrance on value nights
Thank you sign at exit on value nights
Shout out on social media and eNews when mentioning value nights
100 Festival tickets for employees or giveaways
About Value Nights
Value nights offer visitors the opportunity to come to the Festival at a discounted price on some of the traditionally less-attended evenings.
The 2024 Value Nights will be:
- Monday, December 2 – Thursday, December 5
- Monday, December 9 – Thursday, December 12
The discount is $2 on general admission tickets and $3 per child ticket.
Value Nights was introduced in 2021 and has been very popular.
Attendance for 2023 was 81,000+
Combined average attendance including choirs/volunteers was 91,000+
70% general admission ages 13-64
10% seniors 65+
16% youth 3-12
4% infants 2 and under
Where they live
75% live in Portland/Vancouver metro area
88% live within 50 miles
95% live within 100 miles
90% of ages 13+ take photos at event
80% of those 13-40 share photos on social media
Digital Statistics and Demographics
All demographics and statistics are from 2023.
160,000+ hits to the Festival information page
48,000+ viewed the choir schedule page
4,800+ daily opens during run of show (current mailing list is 16,000+)
Radio Advertising (2019 Statistics)
478 spots with iHeart radio (K103, Z100, KEX)
45 with Audicy (previously Entercom)
120 with Alpha Media (KINK)
Sponsor will be recognized in all radio advertising which mentions the Value Nights. (Above number is total radio ads.)
For more information, or to arrange your sponsorship, please contact Jane Tokito at 503-515-9142 or email jokito@thegrotto.org.