Sponsor recognition
Recognition and thank you sign in volunteer room
Opportunity for coupon giveaway to all volunteers with shout out from volunteer coordinator
Logo and thanks on website volunteer page and Festival information page
Shout out on social media and eNews
20 Festival tickets for employees or giveaways
About the Volunteers
Each year The Grotto’s Christmas Festival of Lights relies on volunteers to make the Festival happen. We are grateful to those who come out, sometimes in not-so-nice weather, to give their time and make the event far more special for our guests and performers.
All our volunteers check in and out through our “volunteer room” which is located immediately below the Chapel where the choirs perform. This room is a place for them to gain information, share stories and warm up.
This area would also be a perfect place for our volunteer coordinators to give out coupons or freebies to these wonderful people.
Volunteer Demographics
70% ages 16-24
10% ages 25-39
15% ages 40-54
5% ages 55+
Where they live
80% within 10 miles of The Grotto
100% within 25 miles of The Grotto
65% female
35% male
Festival Attendee Demographics
Attendance for 2023 was 81,000+
Combined average attendance including choirs/volunteers was 91,000+
70% general admission ages 13-64
10% seniors 65+
16% youth 3-12
4% infants 2 and under
Where they live
75% live in Portland/Vancouver metro area
88% live within 50 miles
95% live within 100 miles
90% of ages 13+ take photos at event
80% of those 13-40 share photos on social media
Average guest spends 20+ minutes in pavilion tent
80% of all guests spend time listening to the music in the Chapel
Digital Statistics and Demographics
All demographics and statistics are from 2023.
160,000+ hits to the Festival information page
48,000+ viewed the choir schedule page
4,800+ daily opens during run of show (current mailing list is 16,000+)
For more information, or to arrange your sponsorship, please contact Jane Tokito at 503-515-9142 or email jokito@thegrotto.org.