Tuesday, Jan. 14
God our Father,
You conquer the darkness of ignorance by the light of your Word. Strengthen within our hearts the faith you have given us; let not temptation ever quench the fire that your love has kindled within us.
Monday, Jan. 13
God of all that is,
I am seeking you: your presence, your ways, your direction. Clear a path in my mind and heart that I may focus myself on you above all else. I want to love and serve you, love my neighbor, and grow in faith, hope, and love.
Sunday, Jan. 12
Gracious God,
I thank you for the men and women of faith you have gifted to me over the years. I ask that I, too, may be counted as a source of faith and encouragement for people around me.
Saturday, Jan. 11
Gracious God,
I thank you for the men and women of faith you have gifted to me over the years. I ask that I, too, may be counted as a source of faith and encouragement for people around me.
Friday, Jan. 10
Heavenly Father,
I know that you have created me, the world around me, as well as the people and the relationships that enrich my life. Help me to be grateful for each moment – every moment – as a gift from you.
Thursday, Jan. 9
Loving Father,
Help us to find ways to make peace and to foster healing and forgiveness. May we reflect your teachings in our words and actions this day.
Wednesday, Jan. 8
Loving Father,
To love you and our brothers and sisters is the greatest of all the commandments, indeed. Help us to do your holy will today. Make us instruments of your greatest love, too. May all that we do today please you. Make us attentive to the prompting of your Holy Spirit speaking through our conscience. Help us desire to do the greater good, not just for ourselves, but for the good of the many.
Tuesday, Jan. 7
Lord Jesus,
As I walk the path of life today, let my eyes be your eyes, sharing compassion, warmth and love. Let my hands be your hands, bringing healing with their touch. Let my ears be your ears, listening where there is need. Let my words be your words, bringing comfort joy and peace!
Monday, Jan. 6
Lord, there is beauty in the starkness of winter. When I pause to look at a barren tree or a rain-covered leaf, I am surprised to see buds on every branch, waiting for the proper time to open and bloom. You have given each of us gifts that have yet to awaken and bloom. Nurture us as you do the trees and shrubs, so that in time, our gifts may mature and be shared with others.
Sunday, Jan. 5
Gracious and Glorious Lord,
Help me this day to radiate your light, your love, your splendor, in every word, every thought, every action.
Like the Star the guided the Magi, may my attachment to you draw others to your infinite and unconditional loving mercy.
Saturday, Jan. 4
Loving God,
On this feast day of Saint Ann Seton, we give thanks for the inspirational example she gave in her life, especially the education and care for the children of the poor; she also founded the Sisters of Charity, the first American congregation of religious sisters. Not all of us can accomplish such achievements, but I know that I can support the good works of those who do. Through my prayers or through what I am able to give, help me find a way to support the good works of others this day.
Friday, Jan. 3
Lord God,
Thank you for this wonderful day. As we continue to realign our dispositions and plans to yours this new year, grant us a clear outlook centered on your love and truth. Help us to make Jesus a guide and teacher in this life. Grant us true wisdom and understanding. We ask this through the same Christ, our Lord.
Thursday, Jan. 2
Memorial of St. Basil and St. Gregory
And now, children, remain in him, so that when he appears, we may have confidence and not be put to shame by him at his coming. 1 John 2:28
Remember during Advent we talked about the celebration of Advent and Christmas being about the Historical event of Christ’s birth and also the anticipation of Christ’s return? This quote from 1 John is our charge: Now that we have prepared, reflected, reconciled, celebrated and rededicated ourselves to God in Christ, and the service of the Gospel, we must remain attached to Christ.
We attach ourselves through Scripture, prayer, our faith communities, and the inspiration of Mary and the Saints. May we all remain in Christ.
Do you feel closer to Christ than you did at the beginning of Advent?
Let us Pray
Eternal Father,
I ask your grace and blessing today that my prayer, my service to others, my words and actions cultivate a deep attachment to your Son Jesus.
I know that I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but as one of your children, I seek to remain with you and in you today and always.
Wednesday, Jan. 1
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart. Luke 2:21
On this feast of Mary, Mother of God, we seek to follow her example of treasuring her life with Jesus, and her journey of faithful discipleship.
Mary did not dwell on the past, or allow her mind to reach into the future of what might be. Mary was present in the moment.
She devoted her heart to encountering the people and circumstances in her life as a gift to be honored, savored and celebrated. Why? Because Jesus was with her.
How will you devote your heart today?
Let us Pray
Blessed and Holy Mary, Mother of God, increase my capacity to remain in the present moment. Even if that moment is painful.
Help me to invite you and your Son Jesus into the conversations, activities, and challenges of my day.
Confident that I am not in this moment alone, may I devote my heart and my efforts to the peace, unity and hope of others.
Tuesday, Dec. 31
Maker of the stars, the heavens, and each and every life,
Create in me a sense of awe and wonder at the gift of life that you have given to me. May you multiply my gratitude and wonder so that I may become more generous, patient and merciful.
Monday, Dec. 30
God our Father,
Today the church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family. The Gospel tells of the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt to ensure the safety of their newborn son. Help us remember that, like the Holy Family, countless people today flee for their safety. Help us – as individuals and as a country – find ways to welcome those who seek safety among us.
Sunday, Dec. 29
Loving God,
On this fifth day of Christmas, the Gospel reading tells of the presentation of the child Jesus at the temple, according to the law of Moses. The devout man Simeon recognized the child as your anointed one, who would bring salvation to the world. Open my eyes and my heart this day, that I, too, may recognize the light of Jesus in others.
Saturday, Dec. 28
Almighty God, on this feast of the Holy Innocents, we weep for all children who have died, and for mothers and fathers and family members and friends who grieve for their children. Comfort them all in their time of loss; reassure them that their loved ones are with you, and that one day we may all share in eternal life with you and all our dearly departed loved ones.
Friday, Dec. 27
Lord Jesus,
Today is the feast day Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, the disciple you loved and to whom you entrusted the care of your mother as you were dying on the cross. Your beloved disciple wrote at length about your command that we should love one another. Help us, Lord, to live up to your command. Help us to reach out with love and compassion, especially when we would prefer to walk away. Help us to say and do what is right and good in every situation we encounter this day.
Thursday, Dec. 26
Loving God, on this second day of Christmas the church celebrates the feast of Saint Stephen, the first martyr. As Stephen proclaimed the faith, he paid the ultimate price. Grant us the integrity to live and love as you have taught us; grant us the courage to work for justice and peace.
Wednesday, Dec. 25
Christmas Day
Dear Lord Jesus, my Savior and my God,
Thank you for coming into our world. Thank you for becoming flesh and allowing yourself to experience our humanity. May your presence bring a true joy and a real peace and justice for our world. Please win over our hearts and lives with your love and mercy and allow us to serve you. Don’t let us get astray, but unite us under your love. May our hearts yearn for you always, for you live and reign, now and forever.
Tuesday, Dec. 24
Christmas Eve
Almighty Father,
Praise be your name! You have shown to us the great joy of Christmas: the birth of your only Son, Jesus Christ, Our Savior. May the Savior’s Light illuminate each day and each heart. May our hearts be filled with gladness and may you make each one of us herald the Good News so many people will come to recognize you as their Savior and receive the gift of peace and love. We ask this through Jesus, Our Savior, who is born to save us, he who lives and reigns forever and ever.
Monday, Dec. 23
Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: Exult, you just, in the Lord! Sing to him a new song. (Psalm 33: 1a, 3a)
We have celebrated many Advents, and many Christmases. How can my song be new? God makes all things new in Christ Jesus.
Have you gained new insights about yourself this Advent? Have you tended to areas of your life that needed attention? What has God revealed to you?
Let us Pray
Ever-living, Ever-loving Lord,
Reveal to me in some small way the new life, the new beginnings, the new habits, and the ideas that you have begun growing within me.
Help me to celebrate your marvelous deeds today.
Sunday, Dec. 22
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Let us Pray
Gracious God,
You are the ultimate promise keeper. Guide me today that I may make meaningful preparations to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Help me not get caught up in superficial and commercial attempts to make the coming feast about me. Instead, may I celebrate you, and all that you are in these coming days.
Saturday, Dec. 21
Saturday of the Third Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: My mouth shall be filled with your praise, and I will sing your glory! (Psalm 71:8)
The word Glory means high honor, and great beauty. Are my thoughts, words, and actions today honoring God? Are they beautiful?
Let us Pray
Almighty God,
I sit in silence. My mouth is closed and my heart is open. Pour your blessings upon me so I may share your hope, joy, and glory this day.
Friday, Dec. 20
Friday of the Third Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David; This is the name they give him: “The LORD our justice.” (Jeremiah 23:5)
The prophet Jeremiah asks us to take notice of new life – a new shoot. By using the Bible phrase ‘raised up’ we remember not only Christ’s birth, but his death and resurrection. We anticipate his coming again as The Lord, our Justice.
How can I promote love and justice to someone today, especially someone who has been neglected or mistreated?
Let us Pray
Dear God,
As we quickly approach the celebration of the Birth of Jesus – Lord of Justice – help me to reconcile with individuals and groups of people with whom I have withheld your unconditional love and mercy.
Thursday, Dec. 19
Thursday of the Third Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace forever. (Psalm 72:7)
This Bible Verse takes me to The Grotto gardens blooming in the spring.
The psalmist speaks of Justice ‘cropping up everywhere!’ – in abundance – flourishing. And fullness of peace – FOREVER.
In anticipation of the feast of Christmas, how will you sow and cultivate justice and peace in your heart? In your home? In your community, so that it can flourish?
Let us Pray
Lord, Holy Ruler of Peace and Justice,
Today I seek peace. May your peace will my heart and ease my mind. May your peace be woven into my tasks today. May each person I meet today feel your peaceful presence.
Wednesday, Dec. 18
Thursday of the Third Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace forever. (Psalm 72:7)
This Bible Verse takes me to The Grotto gardens blooming in the spring.
The psalmist speaks of Justice ‘cropping up everywhere!’ – in abundance – flourishing. And fullness of peace – FOREVER.
In anticipation of the feast of Christmas, how will you sow and cultivate justice and peace in your heart? In your home? In your community, so that it can flourish?
Let us Pray
Lord, Holy Ruler of Peace and Justice,
Today I seek peace. May your peace will my heart and ease my mind. May your peace be woven into my tasks today. May each person I meet today feel your peaceful presence.
Tuesday, Dec. 17
Tuesday of the Third Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall be ever in my mouth. (Psalm 34:2)
Words are very powerful. They can comfort, incite another, wound, celebrate. God’s Word became flesh. You and I give form to God’s love and mercy with our words and actions.
Today, be mindful of the words you utter. How are they praising God? Sharing God’s good news?
Let us Pray
O Most Holy God,
I pray that today each and every word, thought, effort and gesture gives praise to you. For ever and ever.
Monday, Dec. 16
Monday of the Third Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: A star shall advance from Jacob, and a staff shall rise from Israel. (Numbers 24:17a)
The image of a Star and a staff both represent royalty. Already, but not yet, Our King is on his way.
Each of us is like the Star rising. Through our words and actions, we shine: “Christ is Coming” and “Christ is Among us!” The teachings and actions of Jesus, like the staff, sturdy us in our faith journey.
What can you do today that shines bright like that star? Or sturdies another’s walk of faith?
Let us Pray
Heavenly Lord, Creator of the stars,
Help me today that I, like a star, may provide light, direction, and guidance so that others will find their way to you and your saving love. Ammen.
Sunday, Dec. 15
Gaudete Sunday (Third Sunday of Advent)
Light the pink candle on your Advent wreath and rejoice that we are over halfway through our Advent journey.
Let Us Pray
Father, thank you for the happiness Advent brings. As with so much we are given, Lord, we delight in the anticipation of the gift of your Son. We pray that everyone will share in that delight throughout this holy season. In your Holy Name we pray, Amen.
Saturday, Dec. 14
Saturday of the Second Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: Sing and rejoice, O daughter Zion! See, I am coming to dwell among you, says the LORD. (Zech 2:14)
Joy is not a momentary emotion of happiness. Rejoicing, or experiencing joy, is a posture of gratitude, hope, and humility. God dwelling among us, as one of us: EMMANUEL – is not far away, remote, or distant – God IS with us, among us. How will you embody that joy today?
Let us pray
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof – plant the seeds of true joy, humility and gratitude within me, and help me foster these virtues.
Friday, Dec. 13
Friday of the Second Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: Those who follow you, Lord, will have the light of life. (John 8:12)
As the days get shorter we have these words of encouragement. Pope Francis writes: “Faith is not a light which scatters all our darkness, but a lamp which guides our steps in the night and suffices for the journey. To those who suffer, God does not provide arguments which explain everything; rather, his response is that of an accompanying presence, a history of goodness which touches every story of suffering and opens up a ray of light.”
No matter what darkness comes into our life, or is within our community or world, we are enlightened by Christ. Accompanied by Christ, disperse the darkness for someone today.
Let us pray
Gracious God,
You are the source of all light and life. Accompany me today so that I radiate the light of your abundant love and mercy in all I do.
Thursday, Dec. 12
Thursday of the Second Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Savior. (Isaiah 45:8)
Isaiah says that God’s Justice pours down upon us like the rains. And, from that justice comes our Savior: Cause and Effect.
Today, with God’s help, how will you make those around you see, feel, and know Jesus? Offer forgiveness? Take a task or duty off of another person? Comfort someone?
Let us pray
God of power and might,
I humbly ask that you rain down your mercy and justice upon our world.
Help me to be more just and merciful so that I may serve as a minister of your justice and mercy.
Wednesday, Dec. 11
Wednesday of the Second Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. (Mt 11:28)
Jesus the Lord calls each one of us to come to him and be unburdened, healed, refreshed, and rested. Take a few moments right now to call to mind all those burdens, worries, issues and relationships that are weighing you down today. Ask Jesus to gather all of these intentions and worries, so that you may rest in him today.
How can you help another ‘rest’ today?
Let us pray
Almighty and Eternal God, I come to you today.
There are many things that I am trying to work on while laboring to be a more faithful follower of your Son Jesus. It gives me great comfort to remember that you are the source of my inspiration, my strength, and my hope. Help me to take extra time to rest in you.
Tuesday, Dec. 10
Second Tuesday in Advent
Blessed Mary,
You model for each of us the way of a faithful disciple. We ask for your guidance, protection and inspiration to know and follow God’s will today and every day.
Monday, Dec. 9
Bible Verse of the Day: Be strong, fear not! Here is your God….(Isaiah 35:4)
It is so easy to get overwhelmed these days: expectations of others, daily chores, the wants and needs of family and loved ones. Add to all of this our attempts to make our Advent and Christmas meaningful and spiritually nourishing.
Isaiah speaks to us: God is right here with us. The word become flesh and dwelt among us. God’s loving presence is within us. It surrounds us in the hustle and bustle of the day, as well as in the silent times. Offer up all our fears and worries today.
Let us pray
Mighty God,
I ask that you to enfold me with your strength and courage. I know that my time spent in fear and anxiety is counter-productive. I lift up to you all of my fears and anxieties, worries and burdens. Please gather them up and dissolve them that I may courageously love you and others today.
Sunday, Dec. 8
Second Sunday of Advent
Father, source of faith and holiness, we thank and praise you. Today is the Second Sunday of Advent. We come to your Church together to adore and worship you with all our hearts and soul. Bless us today with an active preparation for the coming of Jesus into our lives. Make us fruitful in good works this coming week. Make us productive in doing your holy will.
Saturday, Dec. 7
Saturday of the First Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: Blessed are all who wait for the Lord. (Isaiah 30:18d)
St. Charles Borromeo summed up our Advent waiting this way: ‘We must meditate before, during and after everything we do.” The prophet says “I will pray, and then I will understand.”
This is the way we can easily overcome the countless difficulties we have to face day after day, which, after all, are part of our work. In meditation we find the strength to bring Christ to birth in ourselves and in others.
Let us pray
Blessed and ever-living God,
Help me today to understand in a deeper way that your time line, and your time keeping, take precedence over my wants, needs and schedule. Foster in me a reverence for your time, and your will, in all I do.
Friday, Dec. 6
Friday of the First Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: The Lord is my light and my salvation (Psalm 27:1)
During this Advent season, we move toward the longest night of the year. With the length of days shortening, and nights lengthening, one could be disheartened. With the Birth of Christ we celebrate the Light of the World. A light that dispels all darkness.
How can I dispel the darkness (loneliness, grief, suffering, despair) within another today?
Let us Pray
Ever-living God,
Enlighten me today with your loving presence. Save me from my bad habits and my efforts to distract myself from the needs of others. May I shine your light today.
Thursday, Dec. 5
Thursday of the First Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. (Psalm 118:26a)
The prophets spoke on behalf of the Lord; Jesus came in the name of the Lord. Each of us, having been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, comes in Christ’s Name … we are blessed.
Are you grateful? How can you share your blessing with another today?
Let us pray
Gracious and Mighty Lord,
Guide me today that I may come in your name. May my efforts draw others closer to you and your Son Jesus.
Wednesday, Dec. 4
Wednesday of the First Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: The Lord God will wipe away the tears from all faces (Isaiah 25:9)
We don’t have to look far to see pain, suffering, despair, fear, and frustration. The prophet Isaiah assures Israel, and us, that God will come with compassion, comfort and healing. Christ Jesus embodies the comfort, compassion and healing of God.
To whom can you offer comfort, compassion and healing today?
Let us pray
Oh Holy One: Father, Son and Spirit,
Today I lift up those whom I love that are suffering. Gather these beloved into your loving presence and tend to their grief and pain. Help me to bring comfort and care in all I do today.
Tuesday, Dec. 3
Tuesday of the First Week of Advent
Bible Verse of the Day: A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse …”
(Isaiah 11:1)
God’s plan from the beginning is to offer us new life. The image of a sprout, or shoot, coming up from a dead stump is often used as an Advent symbol. It comes from this Isaiah passage. The stump looked dead. The people of Israel felt cut off from God … but in the fullness of time – God’s time – God is at work.
Today, bring to mind a virtue, a relationship, or emotion that seems dead, or cut off. Seek the new life that God is spouting within you around this.
Let us pray
God of Life and Hope,
Help me today to nurture new shoots: new habits and practices that not only strengthen my faith, but shine and share that faith with others.
Monday, Dec. 2
Monday of the First Week of Advent
Bible Verse for Today: Your Words, O Lord are Spirit and Life (John 6:63)
God’s word inspires, nourishes and sustains us. The people of Israel fed on the words of the Prophets. The Sacred Scripture feeds our heart and soul.
This passage today calls us to give thanks and praise God’s Word: Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us. Christ Jesus is our Spirit and Life!
How can I share that Spirit and Life with another today?
Let us pray
Heavenly Father,
Today I ask that you fill my heart, my lips, and my every action with your Words.
Words and actions that reconcile, heal, bring hope and life to others.
Sunday, Dec. 1
First Sunday in Advent
Loving God, today as we celebrate the first day of the season of Advent, I light the first candle of the Advent wreath. Let this candle be a reminder that this is a season of hope and a promise of salvation. As a single candle lights up the darkness around me, let my words and actions today reflect your light and your love. May my words be of kindness and compassion; may my actions be generous and selfless. Guide me as this journey through Advent begins.
Saturday, Nov. 30
Dear Lord,
Teach me the art of taking “minute vacations” of slowing down to look at a flower; to chat with an old friend or make a new one; to pet a dog; to watch a spider build a web; to smile at a child; or to read a few lines from a good book. Remind me each day that the race is not always won by the swift; that there is more to life than increasing its speed.
Friday, Nov. 29
Praise to you, Lord our God.
Once again, thank you for another day. Bless our Friday activities and plans. Send your holy angels to protect and keep safe all travelers today. May they reach their destinations in safety and joy. Bless all the drivers that they may always be patient and generous to each other on the road.
Please answer our prayers, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28
God our Father,
Praise and thanks we offer unto you today, as we celebrate Thanksgiving with love and devotion. Thank you for your countless blessings upon us all. There is no word that adequately describes how gracious you are to all of us. May we always be grateful, not just today, but every day.
Bless all the families who gather today. May this day be a day of renewal of love and commitment.
Wednesday, Nov. 27
Give me the grace today to respond as I can to those around me, to do whatever I can to respond to their needs. To feed the hungry, to feed the souls and needs of others as Jesus did in his public life, to extent of my own capabilities and limitations. Allow Your Holy Spirit to alert me to someone’s needs.
Tuesday, Nov. 26
Dear Lord,
May all of my thoughts, words, and actions serve to reflect your love, mercy, and peace. May Mary our Blessed Mother continue to guide us as she reflects humility, discipleship, forgiveness and hope. May the light of your love shine just right so that I reflect the vibrant message of our salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Monday, Nov. 25
As I sit beside this window, a threshold between the world outside and the landscape of my heart, I pause to connect with You, the Eternal Presence that guides me through each moment of my life. I thank You for the beauty that unfolds before my eyes.
Sunday, Nov. 24
Dear Lord,
Please help guide me to show gratitude not only through words, but also through my actions. May I use my talents and blessings to serve others and make a positive difference in the world.
Saturday, Nov. 23
Dear God,
We pray for all those who are traveling near or far this week as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving. As we embark on journeys, we ask for your protection and guidance. May your grace surround us and bring us all safely back to our loved ones.
Friday, Nov. 22
Gracious God,
Thank you for the precious gift of friends. For the laughter we share, the memories we create, and for the treasure of love that binds us together.
Thursday, Nov. 21
Gracious God,
Thank you for the precious gift of friends. For the laughter we share, the memories we create, and for the treasure of love that binds us together.
Wednesday, Nov. 20
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the sounds of nature. As I listen to the wind blow, the leaves rustle, the raining hitting the branches, I feel peace.
Help us be good stewards of the earth and take care of the natural world.
May those who come to our sanctuary find rest and relaxation in the midst of a busy city and a busy life.
Thank you for this glorious gift of nature and the joy it brings.
Tuesday, Nov. 19
Dear Lord,
As the days become shorter and temperatures drop, help us see opportunities to enjoy the colder days. May we find moments of joy and fun in the midst of the chilly weather.
Monday, Nov. 18
Dear Lord,
May Your blessings flow upon every person, filling them with hope, love, and strength. Grant us the wisdom to support one another and the grace to share your light in the world. Amen.
Sunday, Nov. 17
Dear Lord,
Grant us the serenity to embrace each other with love and understanding. May your light guide us in fostering harmony and compassion among all people, uniting us in faith and hope.
Saturday, Nov. 16
Dear Lord,
We pray for the vast and wondrous forests of the world, where trees reach towards the sky and creatures roam, both great and small.
Guide us to be responsible stewards to these sacred lands. May we work to restore and protect them.
And as we walk through the forest, may we feel your presence near. We thank you for the gift of the forest. May we honor and cherish it forever.
Friday, Nov. 15
Dear Lord,
As we near the season of Advent, I am reminded of the waiting and anticipation that comes with this time of year. With a spirit of expectation and excitement, may I never lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas and the joy that comes with the birth of our Savior.
Thursday, Nov. 14
Dear Lord,
As the world slows down beneath the rain, we ask that you grant us wisdom and patience. Help us to be mindful of the beauty in stillness, to find joy in the moments of reflection. Let the rain be a catalyst for healing, both in our hearts and in our communities. May it water the seeds of compassion and understanding, allowing us to grow together in unity and love.
Wednesday, Nov. 13
Dear St. Frances Xavier Cabrini,
Patroness of immigrants and travelers, you dedicated your life to serving those in need. We ask for your intercession as we strive to follow your example of compassion and service. Help us to see Christ in all those we meet, especially the poor, the sick, and the marginalized. Inspire us to reach out with love and kindness, and to work tirelessly for justice and peace.
Through your prayers, may we grow in faith, hope, and charity, and one day join you in the joy of heaven. Amen.
Tuesday, Nov. 12
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of art and creativity. Thank you for the ability to express ourselves through art. And thank you for the beauty and inspiration it brings to our lives.
Monday, Nov. 11
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the selfless service and sacrifice of our veterans. Bless them abundantly for their courage and dedication. May Your grace and peace be upon them and their families. Grant them strength and comfort, and may they always feel our gratitude and support.
Today, as all days, we pray for those who have given their lives in service to our country; may they rest in Your eternal peace. Guide us to honor their legacy by striving for peace and justice in our world.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sunday, Nov. 10
Heavenly Father,
We thank You for the many blessings You have bestowed upon us. On this Stewardship Sunday, we are reminded of our responsibility to be good stewards of the gifts You have given us. Help us to use our time, talents, and treasures wisely and generously, for the glory of Your name and the service of others. Inspire us to give with joyful hearts, knowing that all we have is a gift from You.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Saturday, Nov. 9
Dear Lord,
Fill our hearts with peace and hope, even in the midst of pain or fear. Help us trust in your plan and keep faith and hope for a bright future.
Friday, Nov. 8
Almighty God,
Thank you for the gift of today. Thank you for the countless things around me that I often take for granted, from the crisp morning air and the autumnal colors of the trees, to the skipping child on his way to school with his mom, or the playful dog stopping to check out every interesting bush or flower she comes upon. These simple gifts remind me of your love; may my words and actions this day remind others of your love for them, too.
Thursday, Nov. 7
Heavenly Father,
We thank You for the splendor of autumn, for the vibrant colors of the leaves, and the crispness in the air. This season reminds us of Your magnificent creation and the beauty that surrounds us here at Mary’s beautiful sanctuary.
As the days grow shorter and the nights cooler, help us to appreciate the changes and find joy in the simple pleasures of this time. May the falling leaves remind us of the cycles of life and the importance of letting go and trusting in Your plan.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday, Nov. 6
Heavenly Father,
Grant us the grace to trust in Your love and wisdom more fully each day. Help us grow in understanding and live out our faith with courage. Strengthen our relationship with You and guide us towards holiness. May our faith be a light to the world.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Tuesday, Nov. 5
Dear Lord,
As the leaves turn gold and the weather turns cooler, we thank you for the changing season. As a time of transition, autumn reminds us that things are not permanent. We pray that we may embrace each new season with open hearts and minds, finding joy in each step.
Monday, Nov. 4
Almighty God,
When I look to the future I am sometimes overcome with uncertainty about what may happen to our world. Help each of us strive to be faithful stewards of your creation so that future generations may find a healthier planet in which to live and grow.
Sunday, Nov. 3
Lord Jesus,
Throughout your life you reached out to help those who were sick or hurting, or who had been ostracized or excluded. You called to task those who harshly judged others; you rebuked those who offered their prayers only to be seen. Touch our hearts this day, Lord; help us to follow your example and seek not to judge or exclude. Lead us instead to act with greater compassion, with more humility and generosity.
Saturday, Nov. 2
Gracious God,
Your beloved Son showed his love for the sick by touching, healing, and forgiving them. Your servant St. Peregrine received your healing touch after he placed his life unreservedly in your hands. As we come to you seeking help for those who are sick, particularly those suffering from cancer and other life-threatening illnesses, we humbly ask that you hear the prayers we offer you in honor of St. Peregrine.
Friday, Nov. 1
Father of Infinite Love,
We are indeed blessed because you love us unconditionally. As we celebrate today the Solemnity of All Saints, may all your children come to worship you in the Eucharist, the very source and fountain of all Holiness
While still on earth, the Saints were sustained by your love because of their great faith in Jesus, your Son. In response, they remained in your love, so they were able to endure all the hardships they had to face, in order not to be separated from Jesus. Now they enjoy being with you eternally.
Like them, grant us also perseverance and endurance in every trial that comes along our way. Increase our faith, hope and charity, so that someday we may be one with them in your loving presence. Grant us the grace of humility and obedience. Make us your living saints today. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thursday, Oct. 31
Holy Mary,
We turn to you in prayer, seeking your guidance and intercession. You, who are full of grace and closest to our Lord, reveal to us the love and mercy of God through your example.
Help us to see God’s presence in our daily lives, as you did. Teach us to trust in His divine plan and to follow His will with a faithful heart. May your life of humility, obedience, and devotion inspire us to grow closer to God and to live out our faith with courage and compassion.
Intercede for us, dear Mother, and lead us ever closer to your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Wednesday, Oct. 30
Thank you for this new day. Walk with me and guide my words and actions. Whatever comes my way, help me to find the goodness that I can share with others.
Tuesday, Oct. 29
Loving God,
There is so much brokenness in the world. At times it is overwhelming and I feel powerless; guide my heart to take simple steps to make a difference in the lives of those around me are hurting.
Monday, Oct. 28
Lord God,
Bless all those who are grieving for a loved one. Touch their broken hearts, and be with them as they work through their sorrow and loss. Amen.
Sunday, Oct. 27
Lord God,
I am reminded today that each day is a gift from you. Help each one of us cherish the gift of life you have given us.
Saturday, Oct. 26
Lord, as the season of autumn progresses, the rain has returned as well. While I miss the warm and sunny days, remind me today that the rain – like your grace – brings life and growth to the world around me.
Friday, Oct. 25
In times of sadness, I turn to You for comfort and strength. Please lift the weight of sorrow from my heart and fill me with Your peace and joy. Help me to trust in Your love and to find hope in Your promises.
Grant me the courage to face each day with a renewed spirit and surround me with Your healing presence. May Your light shine through the darkness, guiding me towards brighter days.
I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thursday, Oct. 24
Holy Mary,
We turn to you in prayer, seeking your guidance and intercession. You, who are full of grace and closest to our Lord, reveal to us the love and mercy of God through your example.
Help us to see God’s presence in our daily lives, as you did. Teach us to trust in His divine plan and to follow His will with a faithful heart. May your life of humility, obedience, and devotion inspire us to grow closer to God and to live out our faith with courage and compassion.
Intercede for us, dear Mother, and lead us ever closer to your Son, Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, Oct. 23
Heavenly Father,
We come to you with gratitude for the increase in Mass attendance at Mary’s shrine. We thank You for drawing more people to Your holy celebration with us, for the renewed and growing faith and devotion to Your Holy Mother and You.
We come to you with gratitude for the increase in Mass attendance at Mary’s shrine. We thank You for drawing more people to Your holy celebration with us, for the renewed and growing faith and devotion to Your Holy Mother and You.
Bless each person who comes to Mass at The Grotto with your love and grace and fill their hearts with Your peace.
We ask this through Your son, Jesus. Amen.
Gracious God,
Tuesday, Oct. 22
Today we reflect on the sacredness of water, recognizing its vital role in the Sacrament of Baptism. We are also reminded of its life-giving properties, as it nourishes the body as well as the soul.
May we be inspired to cherish the waters that sustain us as we seek spiritual renewal through prayer and reflection.
Monday, Oct. 21
Lord, in the quiet times of prayer, I come before You with a humble heart.
Grant me the grace to see the world through eyes of compassion and understanding. Help me to acknowledge my own limitations and to appreciate the strengths and contributions of others.
Guide me along the path of humility, to serve without seeking recognition, and to give without expecting anything in return. May I always be mindful of the needs of those around me and strive to uplift and support them. In times of success, keep me grounded and grateful, and remind me that my success comes through the talents you gave me and from the talents of others who support me.
I ask these things in Your holy name, Amen.
Sunday, Oct. 20
Dear Lord,
Amid my life’s chaos and daily challenges, I seek Your calming presence. Grant me the serenity to find peace within my heart. Help me to trust You and to let go of my worries and fears. Fill me with your love, so that I may carry Your peace with me wherever I go.
I ask this in Your holy name. Amen.
Saturday, Oct. 19
Dear God,
I come before You with a heart full of gratitude for the wonderful people You have placed in my life. Thank You for their love, support, and companionship. I am deeply thankful for the joy and strength they bring me each day.
Bless my family, friends, and all those who touch my life with kindness and care. May Your grace be upon them, and may they feel Your presence in their lives. Help me to cherish and nurture these relationships, and to be a source of love and support in return.
I pray in Your holy name, Amen.
Friday, Oct. 18
O Most Holy Mary,
As I pause at this shrine built by the faithful decades ago may I be reminded of your faithful witness; may I be challenged by your deep compassion, and may I be consoled by you in my sorrows.
I pray that I grow as a person of faith, of hope and of charity, and that your guidance and example inspire me to commit myself more fervently as a living witness to your son Jesus.
Thursday, Oct. 17
O Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, grant to our homes the grace of loving and respecting life in its beginnings, with the same love with which you conceived in your womb the life of the Son of God.
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Fair love, protect our families so that they may always be united and bless the upbringing of our children.
You are our hope, look upon us with pity, teach us to go continually to Jesus, and if we fall help us to rise again and return to him through the confession of our faults and our sins in the sacrament of penance, which gives peace to the soul.
We beg you to grant us a great love of all the holy sacraments, which are, as it were, the signs that your Son left us on earth.
Thus, Most Holy Mother, with the peace of God in our consciences, with our hearts free from evil and hatred, we will be able to bring to all others true joy and true peace, which come to us from your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns for ever and ever.
Wednesday, Oct. 16
Holy Mother of Czestochowa, thou art full of grace, goodness and mercy.
As my morning offering, I dedicate to you my thoughts, words and actions, my soul and body. I seek your blessing and intersession.
Like you, may I withstand the challenges and sufferings that befall me and those whom I love. May I be a compassionate, faithful follower of your Son Jesus, today and every day.
Tuesday, Oct. 15
Blessed Lady of Lavang,
Be my mother and comfort me, especially in times of trial and unhappiness. Enter my heart and stay with me wherever I may go. Grant that one day, through you, I may find rest and peace in my Father’s house.
Monday, Oct. 14
Lord God, bless this Filipino Shrine at The Grotto, and bless all who come here in search of peace, prayer, and the beauty of nature.
Give us insight as we walk the garden paths and as we pray and reflect at this Dambana. May your loving presence inspire our minds and hearts, so that we may go forth from here renewed and refreshed in mind, body, and soul.
Sunday, Oct. 13
Dear Lord,
Give me your grace today to make my worship and honor of you be sincere, and not just going through the motions of prayer and sacrifice. Give me the grace today to share in a portion of the heart of Jesus, who is full of compassion and mercy. Allow me to know if and when I may be acting for others to see my good deeds that are merely for show. Allow my prayer not to be half hearted.
Saturday, Oct. 12
Gracious God,
Give me your grace to trust in hope of the guidance of the Holy Spirit when feeling challenged in my life. You give me hope and assurance in times of trouble. Give me your grace today, Lord, to trust in your mercy and presence in my life.
Friday, Oct. 11
Gracious God,
I so often lose sight of you amid the hectic rhythm of my daily life. Help me see you at every turn – your love and mercy in the eyes of my family and friends. Help me to seek you in the many unique people, situations, and perspectives that I encounter today and every day.
Thursday, Oct. 10
Lord Jesus,
Give me your grace and open my eyes to ways that I can invite people to come and see you. When I meet people searching for Jesus, allow me to have the courage to direct them to you.
Wednesday, Oct. 9
Gracious God of All Creation,
You have blessed us with the beautiful and amazing world around us. Thank you for each and every season, for the lessons they teach and the challenges that they bring.
Help me to welcome change, challenge, and growth, knowing that you are the Lord of all things.
Tuesday, Oct. 8
Continue to bless us with true humility, Lord God. For only through humility true blessedness flows. May our little kindness never swell our pride. Make us eager to do good to others without counting the cost.
We ask you this, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Monday, Oct. 7
Father in Heaven,
Thank you for being our light. You help us to find the right path, even when life is at its darkest. Let us be a light to others, through our words and deeds. Let others know that our good works are inspired by our love for you, and let us, through our example, lead others to you.
We pray, as always, in the name of your son, Jesus. Amen.
Sunday, Oct. 6
Merciful Father,
Bless those who will visit The Grotto today. Listen to the prayers of those who seek peace and strength. Restore their strength as they spend time at the Grotto, a place of prayer and peace. May the Sorrowful Mother console those who are in sorrow and lead them to Jesus. Please grant our prayers, in Jesus’ Name.
Saturday, Oct. 5
Gracious God,
Your beloved Son showed his love for the sick by touching, healing, and forgiving them. Your servant St. Peregrine received your healing touch after he placed his life unreservedly in your hands. As we come to you seeking help for those who are sick, particularly those suffering from cancer and other life-threatening illnesses, we humbly ask that you hear the prayers we offer you in honor of St. Peregrine.
Friday, Oct. 4
Oh, Gracious God,
Today, on the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, please give me the grace to take his example of living a simple life. May I follow you with my whole heart, appreciating the simple things in life, taking time to appreciate my family, and my environment. Thank you for the gifts you have blessed me with.
Thursday, Oct. 3
Gracious God,
I so often get caught up in my thoughts, my daily routine, and my circle of friends and family that I forget about everything else. Remind me of the big picture: others around me who I do not see. Open my mind and heart to their needs and burdens. May I tend to others as sisters and brothers.
I pray that each day I grow to be ever more faithful to the teachings and life of your Son.
Wednesday, Oct. 2
A Prayer to my Guardian Angel
O blessed angelic spirit, dear and attentive guide in this life, I thank you from my heart for all the love and confidence with which you have treated me.
Today I commend to you forever my body, my heart, and my soul, my memory, my intellect and my will, my passions and my feelings, that you would guard me, direct me, and at the same time purify, illuminate, and perfect me, so that filled with every good through you, I may persevere in grace until, in your company, I will come to see my God face to face and live in the blessedness of his glory forever.
Tuesday, Oct. 1
Gracious God,
Teach us how to pray, as you taught your first disciples. Make us humble of heart and forgiving. Help us pray for one another so that we, too, may experience your love, mercy and forgiveness all the days of our life.
Monday, Sept. 30
Lord Jesus, guide our thoughts, words and actions today. May your Holy Spirit be the voice we listen to today. Help us remain in you as you do in us.
Sunday, Sept. 29
A Prayer for All Creatures
Gracious and Ever-loving God,
In your infinite wisdom when you created the universe, you blessed us with all living creatures.
We especially thank you for giving us our pets who are our friends and who bring us so much joy in life. Their presence very often helps us get through trying times.
Kindly bless my pet. May my pet continue giving me joy and remind me of your power.
May we realize that as our pets trust us to take care of them, so we should trust you to take care of us, and in taking care of them, we share in your love for all creatures.
Saturday, Sept. 28
Gracious God,
Allow me to truly appreciate all that I have been given – my health, my education, the support of family and friends, as well as of those I encounter in my journey of life.
Friday, Sept. 27
Dear Lord,
I ask today for your grace to support me in the choices that I am called to make. May I have a heart of compassion, mercy and forgiveness in the day-to-day of life.
Thursday, Sept. 26
Dear Lord,
Today may I listen more attentively to your voice within my heart. Help me keep an open mind, a clean heart, and a generous spirit.
Wednesday, Sept. 25
Dear Lord,
Give me the strength of character to act accordingly in my everyday interactions with respect, compassion, forgiveness, and mercy as your faithful follower. And to forgive others as you have forgiven me, and show the mercy you have shown to me.
Tuesday, Sept. 24
Dear Lord,
Help us to offer a smile or a kind word to each other. May we love and respect each other as you have loved and respected each one of us. May we treat those we meet today with love and kindness.
Monday, Sept. 23
Dear God,
Thank you for another beautiful day. No matter what the day brings, you are with us to guide and protect us. We pray for our families, friends, and co-workers, that they, too, may be reminded of the glory of this day. And we ask your blessing on those less fortunate than us. Keep them safe and give them hope for a better day.
Sunday, Sept. 22
Dear Lord,
The beginning of each new season reminds me of the passage of time. As autumn days grow shorter, I ask you to help me to avoid procrastination; instead, guide my heart to respond more quickly, help me to help others with less hesitation or doubt. Thank you for the gift of this season.
Saturday, Sept. 21
As we prepare to begin this new season, may we always find you in the beautiful nature that you created. May your presence through all this fascinating creation and through the changing of the season bring hope to us and strengthen our faith and deepen our understanding about you and your love for us.
Forgive us if we fail to recognize the beauty of your creation and the uniqueness of each season; forgive us if we forget to be grateful for everything that we experience, see, and feel through all that you have provided for us. Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord, to see you in all your creation.
We ask now for your blessing and protection upon all your creation.
Friday, Sept. 20
Gracious God,
As summer comes to a close, remind us that as one beautiful thing ends, another is waiting around the corner. Remind us that while it may leave us for a while, we can have faith that it will return. And remind us that we must take care of the glorious environment you have created for all creatures of the earth.
Thursday, Sept. 19
Lord Jesus, there are times when I feel uncertain about the future, afraid of so many things. Please help me to remember that you are always at my side; remind me that I can do more than I think I can. Grant me the courage to look beyond my fears and insecurities; grant me the confidence to know that when I stumble, you will lift me up and restore my hope and trust in you.
Wednesday, Sept. 18
Dear Lord,
Please bless our family and friends, Lord. Grant them good health, peace, healing in body, soul and spirit; may they grow closer to you all the days of their life. And may your love surround them now and forever. We ask this, through Christ our Lord.
Tuesday, Sept. 17
Gracious God,
May we become the models of your love and grace. May the world become a better place for us to live through our way of life, through the love that we show to all people.
Monday, Sept. 16
Gracious God,
Thank you for another beautiful day. We know that no matter what the day brings, you are with us to guide and protect us. We pray for our families, friends, and co-workers, that they, too, may be reminded of the glory of this day. And we ask your blessing on those less fortunate than us. Keep them safe and give them hope for a better day.
Sunday, Sept. 15
Dear Lord,
May the Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother continue to be a place of peace and prayer for all people for another 100 years. May people from around the world find refuge here. May pilgrims find the sanctuary, with its natural beauty and serene places for prayer, the quiet retreat they seek. Give me the grace to appreciate the past 100 years and look forward to the next century. May the shrine continue to be, forever, a place of devotion to Our Sorrowful Mother.
Saturday, Sept. 14
O Holy Mother of Sorrows, with strength from above you stood by the cross of Jesus, sharing in his sufferings, and with tender care you bore Him in your arms, mourning and weeping.
We praise you for your faith, which accepted the life God planned for you. We praise you for your hope, which trusted that God would do great things in you.
We praise you for your love in bearing with Jesus the sorrows of His passion.
Holy Mary, may we follow your example, and stand by all your children who need comfort and love. O Most Blessed Mother of God, stand by us in our trials and care for us in our many needs.
Embrace us with your motherly love and protection.
Friday, Sept. 13
It is September, Lord, and summer has begun to wane. Colors of red, gold, and yellow have begun to appear alongside the green leaves on the maple trees. A new season is around the corner. The beautiful yet fleeting colors remind me to cherish the gift of each season, and to embrace the wonder of each moment. Thank you for the beauty of creation, thank you for the ever-changing world around me. Help me to share the beauty and wonder that you have shown me with those I encounter this day.
Thursday, Sept. 12
Dear Lord,
As summer draws to a close, I give thanks for a season of bright sun, long days, and the opportunity to spend time outdoors alone or with family and friends. Fruits and vegetables are ripe and ready to eat. Thank you for the bounty of the land, and for the gift of each day. Help us to be mindful of the gifts the earth provides us in every season, and may we share with one another the gifts you have given us.
Wednesday, Sept. 11
Dear Lord,
Bless all who are caring for the world. Keep them safe and healthy.
Bless them with strength, knowledge, compassion and hope. Let them know that they are appreciated and loved. Lord, please bless them today with an extra dose of your love and protection.
Tuesday, Sept. 10
Your light, O Holy One, is the only light I need as I travel on life’s pathway.
Your word the only voice I hear, that still small voice that leads me to the place where I should be.
Your presence is the only company I need, as I walk this narrow road.
Your fellowship the warmth I crave to help me on my journey.
Monday, Sept. 9
Father, bless your servants who minister under the inspiration of Mary.
Grant them strength as they bring your compassionate love to your people.
Bless them with good health, increase their community, and let their faith be hope to all.
Sunday, Sept. 8
May the Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother be a place of prayer, refuge, and consolation for all people, not only the people of Portland, but all those who come far and wide to share this retreat from the world, with its natural beauty and serene places for prayer, silence, and contemplation. Give me the grace to appreciate not just these past 100 years but for the years to come. May the shrine continue to be a place of devotion to Our Sorrowful Mother.
Saturday, Sept. 7
Gracious God of All Creation,
You have blessed us with the beautiful and amazing world around us. Each season of the year shares the glory of your loving hand.
Spring bursts with scents, colors and the sounds of birds nesting.
Summer radiates the warmth of your tender mercy and boasts our growing season.
Autumn brings harvest and the vibrant colors of the leaves before they fall from the trees.
And winter provides the rain and snow needed for the upcoming spring.
Although many plants look dead, your new life is below the surface – making its way to share the good news of new life – at the appointed time.
Thank you God for each and every season, for the lessons they teach and the challenges that they bring.
Help me to welcome change, challenge and growth, knowing that you are the Lord of all things.
Friday, Sept. 6
Gracious God,
May all who come to this sanctuary leave feeling refreshed and renewed. May the sounds of flowing water relax and strengthen them, and give them guidance so they may serve your wishes.
Thursday, Sept. 5
Dear Lord,
Hear our prayer when we call to you, especially when we are troubled. Help us to not fear the unknown or the uncertainty in our lives, and reassure us that you are with us always.
Wednesday, Sept. 4
Holy Mary,
You are called the first disciple of your son, Jesus. Help me to be a faithful disciple as well by following your example of compassion, generosity, and faithfulness.
Tuesday, Sept. 3
Mighty God,
I ask that you to enfold me with your strength and courage. I lift up to you all of my fears and anxieties, worries and burdens. Please gather them up and dissolve them that I may courageously love you and others today.
Monday, Sept. 2
Labor Day
Oh Lord, our God,
You called us to work not only for our own benefit but for the common good. We thank you for the opportunity to labor. Be with us as we work, guide us and govern our world. May all people have a job that enhances human dignity and binds us to one another. Help us to build a better world through our labor. May your spirit help us to value each worker. Help us this Labor Day to work for justice and peace where all people share in the abundance which you have given us.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Sunday, Sept. 1
Dear Lord,
Help us turn our words and actions into your words and actions, so that in everything that we say and do, we reflect your presence in our lives.
Saturday, August 31
Dear Father, Lord of Love, let your radiant, eternal light dawn in our lives, that we may walk in the sureness of your law with your wisdom to guide us always.
Friday, August 30
Oh, Gracious God,
May I follow you with my whole heart, appreciating the simple things in life, taking time to appreciate the wonder of your creation. Thank you for the gifts you have blessed me with.
Thursday, August 29
Dear Jesus,
Be my teacher of how to love as you love, so I can know your love. Give me the grace to show my love for you by my love of others and by my actions, especially to those in need of compassion, forgiveness, care and support. Instead of looking at my actions as chores, allow me to see them as your pathways to joy.
Wednesday, August 28
Gracious God,
Help me to seek you, to learn from you, to know you. I so often get caught up in my thoughts, my daily routine, and my circle of friends and family that I forget about everything else. Remind me of the Big Picture: others around me who I do not see. Open my mind and heart to their needs and burdens. May I tend to others as sisters and brothers.
Broaden my view and understanding of the world around me. May I tend to the earth as a steward. Help me to see others and the world with your eyes – your view becoming more loving and forgiving; patient and kind. I pray that each day I grow to be ever more faithful to the teachings and life of your Son.
Tuesday, August 27
Every time I walk the pathways of this shrine, Lord, I am surrounded by trees that are nearly a hundred years old or more. The trees tower above me, and I feel protected by the cool shade they provide, refreshed by the soft breeze blowing through their branches. These trees have weathered countless winter storms and burning summer heat. And still they continue to grow bit by bit, reaching toward the heavens. May my faith in you be like these trees, able to weather the challenges that come my way; help me – in good and bad times – to grow closer to you day by day.
Monday, August 26
Dear Lord,
When I am overwhelmed, confused, unsure, and restless, help me run to your Word. May your Word come alive deep inside me so that it is a living guide in every situation. Help me, Lord, to remember the promises of your Word and bring the right passage to my remembrance for the situation before me in any moment.
Sunday, August 25
Oh, God of consolation and strength, give me the grace today to practice faithfully what I preach. Give me Your assurance to be what I choose to be, a faithful follower of Your Son Jesus Christ. Sometimes I may be weak, give me the strength of Your grace not to falter or be dishonest in following You. I need Your grace to practice what I preach to others, both by word and example. Let me head Your words “he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Saturday, August 24
Dear Lord,
I seek you in the hustle and bustle of my day. You call me to come to you – to bring my worries, my regrets, my hopes and cares. You call me to come and sit with you a while – in a church, under a tree, or on a bench outdoors.
I take a deep breath and exhale … with each breath I take in, and each beat of my heart, I feel invigorated, inspired, renewed.
Friday, August 23
Dear Lord,
Make me as humble as your Son Jesus was, so that by giving respect we may also receive respect from others.
I ask this through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thursday, August 22
Thank you, Blessed Apostle Saint Jude Thaddeus, for the promise of hope you hold out to all who believe, and inspire me to give this gift of hope to others
as it has been given to me.
Wednesday, August 21
Gracious God,
I don’t know what this day holds, but I know that you hold the day. It was you that laid the foundations of the Earth and therefore understand every part of it. I know that you keep the sun in the sky, the stars in place, and have created this Earth for me and all humanity to inhabit and enjoy.
Tuesday, August 20
Almighty God,
In your greatness, you humble yourself to show us what love really means. Help us learn from you in our humble service to one another. Do not let pride win over us, but let your Spirit work with us and in us so that we become your witnesses in spreading and sharing your love in all our words and deeds.
Monday, August 19
Dear Lord,
I seek your help today, and every day to weave my relationship with you into my heart, and soul. May I use all my mind and strength to spread your loving presence into every corner of my life. May the way I speak to others reflect your compassion; may the way I treat others reflect your boundless love, and may my thinking be transformed into hopeful action. I ask this through Jesus who shows me the way.
Sunday, August 18
Help me, Lord, to be compassionate like Mary, and be aware of the needs of those I encounter today. Like Mary, may I also turn to you for help and guidance on how to generously respond to those in need according to my abilities.
Saturday, August 17
Ever-loving God,
Our world is in need of your Peace. Fill the hearts of all peoples with honor for every human life. May your loving touch heal those who dwell in anger, pain and sorrow. May your Holy Spirit reconcile and unify strangers and neighbors.
I, too, am in need of your Peace. Plant your words of healing and understanding within my heart. Give me strength to live peace, and speak peace, and be a peacemaker.
I humbly ask this through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Friday, August 16
Loving God,
We give you thanks for the life of Philip Benizi, the Servite saint who placed his gifts at the service of others.
Help us to live our lives with his spirit of generosity. Like Philip, may we be your instruments of reconciliation and unity wherever we encounter conflict and strife.
As the steadfast service of Mary inspired Saint Philip, so too may we follow her footsteps as faithful and loving disciples of Jesus.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thursday, August 15
God our Father,
As we celebrate today the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, call all your children to gather together to worship as our thanksgiving to you for this great feast of the Blessed among women. Her Assumption into your presence was your gift to her because of her perfect “Yes” to your will, as she freely and joyfully cooperated with your plan of salvation for all people when she accepted your offer to be the Mother of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. May we, too, say yes every day to your Holy Will, so as to be worthy of that Kingdom prepared by you for those worthy of your love and salvation. Grant all this through Christ our Lord.
Wednesday, August 14
Oh, generous God,
You have made us out of love and given us a free will to love you in return. Give me the grace today to be loving with my whole heart, by forgiving others as you have forgiven me. I only ask to be able to behave as your true creation.
Give me the strength of character to act accordingly in my everyday interactions with respect, compassion, forgiveness, and mercy as your faithful follower. And to forgive others as you have forgiven me, and show the mercy you have shown to me. I need to think twice before responding to others without thinking. I want to act and be your messenger.
Tuesday, August 13
Gracious God,
I pray for wisdom that is peaceable, gentle, and approachable, with lots of mercy and fairness to be shared with all. You said an unlimited supply of wisdom is available to me if I simply ask, so I pray for wisdom to know how to deal with the many people and situations that will cross my path.
Monday, August 12
Dear Lord,
We pray for the constant protection and preservation of the beauty of your creation. Make us responsible and caring of the beauty of nature around us. May each of us, each day, little by little, take an initiative to get involved in the promotion of a clean and green environment. We ask all these prayers in Jesus’ Name.
Sunday, August 11
Most holy Apostle, Saint Jude Thaddeus, friend of Jesus, I place myself in your care . Help me know that I need not face my troubles alone.
Please join me in my need, asking God to send me: consolation in my sorrow, courage in my fear, and healing in the midst of my suffering.
Ask our loving Lord to fill me with the grace to accept whatever may lie ahead for me and my loved ones, and to strengthen my faith in God’s healing powers.
Thank you, Blessed Apostle Saint Jude Thaddeus, for the promise of hope you hold out to all who believe, and inspire me to give this gift of hope to others
as it has been given to me.
Friday, August 9
Gracious God,
May we extend your boundless hospitality to all who visit our sanctuary.
May we approach each person not as a mere visitor, but as a guest that we have prepared for and anxiously awaited their arrival.
May we encounter each and every Pilgrim as a brother or sister seeking you.
May our words, and actions, as well as the gardens, shrines, artwork, and chapels here surround them with your eternal message of hope, love and salvation.
Thursday, August 8
Dear God,
Thank you for another beautiful day. Thank you for no matter what the day brings, you are with us to guide and protect us. We pray for our families, friends, and co-workers, that they, too, may be reminded of the glory of this day. And we ask your blessing on those less fortunate than us. Keep them safe and give them hope for a better day.
Wednesday, August 7
Gracious and ever-loving God,
We ask your eternal blessing on the Chapel of Mary. May those seekers and pilgrims that visit our humble Chapel find peace, consolation, and perseverance.
Bless each of the Servite Priests and the Oblate Sisters of St. Martha who serve here.
Gathered, nourished and sent, may all who enter into this holy Chapel be prepared to love and serve you, O Lord, as well as our neighbor.
Tuesday, August 6
Almighty God,
We ask your help and guidance in our lives, to recommit ourselves so that we may remain faithful to you and to enter into new life that you have given us. Lead us everyday to the way of humility and openness to your will. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Monday, August 5
Gracious God,
We are blessed to have this beautiful Sanctuary in the city.
May pilgrims and visitors feel welcomed as they are surrounded by the majesty of the tall cedars.
May the bird song, the rustling leaves, branches and the greeting of our staff allow all who visit to lay down their burdens here.
May they feel your loving mercy, and be inspired by the images of angels and saints to follow your Son Jesus more sincerely.
And may Blessed Mary offer her humble encouragement as visitors pray, explore, seek and learn.
As our visitors leave this place may they be filled with the gift of compassion and hope.
Friday, August 2
A Prayer to Saint Jude
Most holy Apostle, Saint Jude Thaddeus, friend of Jesus, I place myself in your care. Help me know that I need not face my troubles alone.
Please join me in my need, asking God to send me: consolation in my sorrow, courage in my fear, and healing in the midst of my suffering.
Ask our loving Lord to fill me with the grace to accept whatever may lie ahead for me and my loved ones, and to strengthen my faith in God’s healing powers.
Thank you, Blessed Apostle Saint Jude Thaddeus, for the promise of hope you hold out to all who believe, and inspire me to give this gift of hope to others
as it has been given to me.
Thursday, August 1
A Prayer at the Lithuanian Shrine
O Most Holy Mary,
As I pause at this shrine built by the faithful decades ago may I be reminded of your faithful witness; may I be challenged by your deep compassion, and may I be consoled by you in my sorrows.
I Pray that I grow as a person of faith, of hope and of charity, and that your guidance and example inspire me to commit myself more fervently as a living witness to your son Jesus.
Wednesday, July 31
Our Providential God and Father, we pray to you today for equal and just distribution of the world’s good and resources. Free us from greediness and selfishness, so that everyone has more than enough on their table. Grant us generosity and make our hearts charitable.
We ask this through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Tuesday, July 30
St. Joseph Prayer
O Blessed Saint Joseph, who felt the worry and sorrow of a parent along with Blessed Mary, your spouse and the Mother of Jesus, when the child Jesus was lost in the Temple in Jerusalem: protect our dear children now and always.
May you, O Blessed Joseph, foster father of Jesus, be their special foster father with God and Mary in heaven. Let our children, like Jesus, grow healthily in age, wisdom, and grace before God and all creation!
We humbly ask this of you, Blessed Saint Joseph, foster father of Our Lord himself!
Monday, July 29
Lord God, may all who come to you in worship experience peace and joy. May our worship of you at Mass not only be on the level of obligation or requirement, but of true worship of our faith and love of you. This we pray and ask you, in Jesus’ Name.
Sunday, July 28
Loving God, we give you thanks for the life of Philip Benizi, the Servite saint who placed his gifts at the service of others.
Help us to live our lives with his spirit of generosity. Like Philip, may we be your instruments of reconciliation and unity wherever we encounter conflict and strife.
As the steadfast service of Mary inspired Saint Philip, so too may we follow her footsteps as faithful and loving disciples of Jesus.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Saturday, July 27
Gracious God,
Thank you for the gift of music. The melodies are a language all their own.
When words are added we can sing your praises, or express our sorrow, embrace your forgiveness, or discover your faithfulness.
Thank you for the gift of song writers, musicians, singers and choir directors; through their God given gifts they share – each in their own way – your hope, joy, peace and presence with the world.
Friday, July 26
Saints Joachim and Anne – the Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Lord Jesus,
As we celebrate the memorial of your earthly grandparents, we ask you to bestow your special blessing to all our grandparents. Through your blessing, may they continue to be strong, healthy in mind, body and spirit, and enjoy their advance aged with happiness and experience the love of their family. For those who are sick and lonely, may your peace, healing and presence be with them. Console them when they are in sorrow, strengthen them when they are weak, heal them when they fall sick. May Saints Joachim and Anne continue to intercede for them so their faith continues to grow stronger each and everyday. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for our grandparents and for your blessings upon them.
Thursday, July 25
Lord, when you looked to the crowds of people following you, eager to listen to your words, you turned to your disciples and said, “The harvest is ready, but the laborers are scarce. Ask the harvest master to send laborers to gather his harvest.” You call each one of us, according to our abilities, to work in your harvest. Plant the seeds of good will, kindness, faith, and grace within each one of us. Throughout this day and every day, may we bring these gifts to harvest in our lives.
Wednesday, July 24
Lord Jesus,
It is hard sometimes for us to pray. And even when we pray, there are still things in our hearts and in our lives that we need to fix. Attitudes and words that could our brothers and sisters; pride and jealousy; gossiping and unforgiving heart. Teach us all the time to allow ourselves to pray to God the Father, to ask for His love and mercy, and to change our hearts into your likeness. Teach us how to pray, as you taught your first disciples. Make us humble of heart, forgiving and praying for one another that we too may experience your love, mercy and forgiveness all the days of our life.
Tuesday, July 23
Give me the grace today, Lord, of the practice of penance, leading me to a sincerity of heart to gain the holy things that lead me to eternal life. May I act uprightly with generosity of heart, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and all things that lead me to life eternal.
Monday, July 22
Gracious God,
Make us fruitful in good works this coming week. Grant us the grace to discipline our cravings for power and worldly allurements. Make us rather productive in doing your holy will.
Sunday, July 21
Gracious God,
Please continue to sustain us and fill us with the necessary grace we need each day to be able to help our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than ourselves. Make us instruments of your healing presence today.
Saturday, July, 20
Loving God,
Be close to all of us this day; remind us that you are beside us as we experience the good and the bad, the challenges and triumphs that come our way. As you comfort and encourage us in our joys and sorrows, help us to comfort and encourage those around us who are also in need of support.
Friday, July 19
Continue to bless us with true humility, Lord God. For only through humility true blessedness flows. May our little kindness never swell our pride. Make us eager to do good to others without counting the cost.
Thursday, July 18
God our Creator,
Thank you for this season of bright sun, long days, and the opportunity to spend time outdoors alone or with family and friends. Fruits and vegetables are ripe and ready to eat. Thank you for the bounty of the land, and for the gift of each day. Help us to be mindful of the gifts the earth provides us in every season, and may we share with one another the gifts you have given us.
Wednesday, July 17
Help me, Lord, to be compassionate like Mary, and be aware of the needs of those I encounter today. Like Mary, may I also turn to you for help and guidance on how to generously respond to those in need according to my abilities.
Tuesday, July 16
Almighty God, we ask for your help and guidance in our lives. Help us recommit ourselves so that we may remain faithful to you. Lead us everyday to the way of humility and openness to your will. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Monday, July 15
In my journeying with you, O Blessed Lord, may I never lose my sense of direction on the Path, never lose sight of the landmark towards which I travel.
And should cloud or rain or snow obscure my vision, may I draw closer to you, so that my feet may tread in your footsteps, your words be my encouragement, and your love be my protection against the storms that assail me.
Sunday, July 14
Lord God,
As we begin this day, bless us with your protection and guide our thoughts, words and actions so they may please you in every way. May our actions be like salts that flavor the life of the people we meet today. Make our words also be a light to guide and strengthen them.
Grant all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Saturday, July 13
Prayer to Care for God’s Creation
God of all creation,
How splendid and majestic is the world you created. It reveals your glory; it teaches us about you.
When you made us in your image, you gave us this command: care for the world and for all the creatures in it, for this is our common home.
Yet your holy creation cries out, for our home is “burdened and laid waste,” scorched and scarred. Come among us that we might remember our interdependence.
Let us see the face of your Son in those who suffer from the destruction of our common home. Help us to be stewards who honor you in the world you have made for the good of all creation and for future generations.
Friday, July 12
Gracious God,
May joy and peace fill our hearts. May we continue to grow closer to you every day of our life. We pray today that as we have received much love from you, may we, too, love more. May we care and respect all people. May we become the models of your love and grace. May the world become a better place for us to live through our way of life, through the love that we show to all people.
Thursday, July 11
Lord, life can be overwhelming at times: so many demands are made on our time, so many people or tasks vying for our attention. For this moment right now, help me to be still; help me to breathe more deeply; help me to listen to what you are saying to my heart. For just this moment, let me savor the silence and peacefulness you give me.
Wednesday, July 10
Almighty God,
Thank you for the beauty of nature that surrounds me. Help me pause to appreciate the gift of your creation this day: for the stately trees that dance in the light breeze, the squirrels that scramble across my path, the dogs that stop to inspect wherever their noses lead them, the crows that do not flit away as I walk by. As I reflect on these simple joys, help each one of us to do our part to protect your gift of this irreplaceable environment in which we live.
Tuesday, July 9
St. Joseph Prayer
O Blessed Saint Joseph, who felt the worry and sorrow of a parent along with Blessed Mary, your spouse and the Mother of Jesus, when the child Jesus was lost in the Temple in Jerusalem: protect our dear children now and always.
May you, O Blessed Joseph, foster father of Jesus, be their special foster father with God and Mary in heaven. Let our children, like Jesus, grow healthily in age, wisdom, and grace before God and all creation.
Monday, July 8
Heavenly Father,
Plant your peace in my heart. May your eternal peace enfold me like a blanket and infiltrate my thoughts, my words, and my actions.
Help me to be a person of peace; a person of hope; a person of mercy and forgiveness.
Sunday, July 7
Rose Prayer
Little Therese of the Child Jesus, please pick for me a rose from the heavenly gardens and send it to me as a message of love. O Little Flower of Jesus, ask God to grant the favors I now place with confidence in your hands. St. Therese, help me to always believe as you did in God’s great love for me, so that I might imitate your ‘Little Way’ each day.
Saturday, July 6
Gracious God,
Your beloved Son showed his love for the sick by touching, healing, and forgiving them. Your servant St. Peregrine received your healing touch after he placed his life unreservedly in your hands. As we come to you seeking help for those who are sick, particularly those suffering from cancer and other life-threatening illnesses, we humbly ask that you hear the prayers we offer you in honor of St. Peregrine.
Friday, July 5
Glory to you, Lord God. We lift up our voices of praise and thank to you for this new day. Bless all our undertakings today. Sustain us in our convictions and desire to be responsible and accountable to each other as brothers and sisters. May we always seek what is good, right and holy in your sight. Grant all this through Christ, our brother and Lord.
Thursday, July 4
A Prayer for Our Nation
Lord, our nation is blessed by your providence. Bless those who govern and all its citizens.
Grant us the wisdom to work for the common good, that all living in this land may experience the joy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
May we thirst so deeply for peace that we passionately and diligently work for equal justice for all.
Give us the resolve to uphold the dignity of all that we see each other as friends and neighbors, teachers and mentors, forever learning that we are more similar than different.
Father, bless our land.
Wednesday, July 3
Blessed are you, O God, creator of the universe, who has made all things good
and given the earth for us to cultivate. Grant that we may always use created things gratefully and share your gift with those in need, out of love of Christ of Lord, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever.
Tuesday, July 2
Give me the grace, Lord, to be a faithful messenger of Your message. May I be a faithful disciple in whatever I say and whatever I do. Help me to be authentic in my teaching and preaching of your message.
Monday, July 1
Loving Father,
We thank you for this wonderful day. Please grant us the grace we need so that we may be able to do your holy will today. Grant us an open heart and a humble spirit. Keep us in your loving care and sustain us in all we do.
Sunday, June 30
Lord Jesus,
As I walk the path of life today, let my eyes be your eyes, sharing compassion, warmth and love. Let my hands be your hands, bringing healing with their touch. Let my ears be your ears, listening where there is need. Let my words be your words, bringing comfort joy and peace!
Saturday, June 29
Loving Father,
Bless those who will visit The Grotto today. Listen to the prayers of those who seek peace and strength. Restore their strength as they spend time at The Grotto, a place of prayer and peace. May the Sorrowful Mother console those who are in sorrow and lead them to Jesus. Please grant our prayers, in Jesus’ Name.
Friday, June 28
Gracious God,
You have called my name and daily I try to follow. I listen to your words in Scripture. I seek you in the hustle and bustle of my day. You call me to come to you – to bring my worries, my regrets, my hopes and cares. I am tired, Lord.
You call me to come and sit with you a while – in a church, under a tree, or on a bench outdoors. Here I sit, Lord – tired, worried, burdened.
I take a deep breath and exhale …
Sitting here, surrounded by the quiet, I can really listen. I can reflect and contemplate. With each breath I take in, and each beat of my heart, I feel invigorated, inspired, renewed.
Thank you for the ways that you create in me. Thank you for the gift of salvation through your Son, Jesus. And thank you for the inspiration that your Holy Spirit brings.
Thursday, June 27
Gracious God,
Thank you for another beautiful day. No matter what the day brings, we know that you are with us to guide and protect us. We pray for our families, friends, and co-workers, that they, too, may be reminded of the glory of this day. And we ask your blessing on those less fortunate than us. Keep them safe and give them hope for a better day.
Wednesday, June 26
Lord, life brings unexpected changes – some wonderful, some challenging. Whatever comes my way this day, help me to remember that I do not have to face it alone, for you are with me. Help me to not fear the changes; help me find the good; help me to see the changes as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to become a better person.
Tuesday, June 25
Oh, Lord God, give me the grace today to not pass by someone who needs my help. Sometimes I can get so tied up with tunnel vision in my life that I block out the needs of others around me. With your grace, I can examine my attitude about how I treat people who may be less fortunate than myself. I may not be able to care for everyone’s needs, but I ask you to help me see people through Jesus’ eyes.
Monday, June 24
Lord, we thank you for this new week. Help us to start this week bright, embarking with you. Help us to share your blessings with others around us. May your blessing and peace be with us all.
Sunday, June 23
Calm me, Blessed Lord … calm my heart, my mind, my soul.
Slow me down, put your peace in my heart.
No matter what problem I have, Lord, you are bigger, you are more powerful than it is.
Saturday, June 22
Gracious God,
You are the sower of seeds, and the keeper of the garden of my heart. I am grateful for the care and tenderness that you show to me. Grow the seeds of faith within me. Increase my capacity to listen, care, and tend to the needs of others. I ask this through Jesus, your Son.
Friday, June 21
God, we ask for your blessing and protection as we travel this summer to visit family and friends across the nation and across the oceans. Bring us safely into their loving embrace. We ask that you bless the pilots; the bus drivers; the train engineers, and the ships’ captains. Give them confidence and skill to bring us safely to our destinations. We ask a special blessing, God, upon the many thousands of pilgrims who this summer will seek a sanctuary of peace and prayer at our beloved Grotto. Bring these pilgrims safely to us and guard them during their return home.
Thursday, June 20
The Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
Wednesday, June 19
God, our loving Father,we thank you for this beautiful day. Help us and guide us so that we may be able to do your holy will today. Make us joyful for all the countless blessings you have provided us, especially the gift of people who love and surround us.
We ask this through Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Tuesday, June 18
I ask today for God’s grace to support me in the choices that I am called to make in the situations and circumstances of my life.
May I have a heart of compassion, mercy and forgiveness in the day-to-day living that arises in life.
Monday, June 17
Give me the grace this Sunday, Lord, to open my heart and mind to you to receive a deeper love and appreciation of all that I have yet to learn of you through Scripture, especially in the Scriptures I hear at Mass and through homilies. I ask this today through your Holy Spirt, Amen.
Sunday, June 16
A Morning Prayer to Our Lady of Czestochowa
Holy Mother of Czestochowa, Thou art full of grace, goodness and mercy.
As my morning offering, I dedicate to you my thoughts, words and actions, my soul and body. I seek your blessing and intersession.
Like you, may I withstand the challenges and sufferings that befall me and those whom I love.
May I be a compassionate, faithful follower of your Son Jesus, today and every day.
Saturday, June 15
Heavenly Father, I know that you have created me, the world around me, as well as the people and the relationships that enrich my life. Help me to be grateful for each moment – every moment – as a gift from you.
Friday, June 14
Lord, true light and source of all light, listen to our prayer this day.
Turn our thoughts to what is holy and away from all fear, and may we ever live in the light of your love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Thursday, June 13
A Prayer for Peace
Loving God,
Our world is in need of your Peace. Fill the hearts of all peoples with honor for every human life.
May your loving touch heal those who dwell in anger, pain and sorrow.
May your Holy Spirit reconcile and unify strangers and neighbors.
I, too, am in need of your Peace. Plant your words of healing and understanding within my heart. Give me strength to live peace, and speak peace, and be a peacemaker.
Wednesday, June 12
Blessed are you, O God, Creator of the universe, who has made all things good
and given the earth for us to cultivate.
Grant that we may always use created things gratefully and share your gift with those in need, out of love of Christ of Lord, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever.
Tuesday, June 11
Gracious God,
You created the angels to serve you in many ways. In heaven they offer you continuous praise. In your goodness you also charged them to act as messengers and protectors of your people here on Earth. Let us offer our prayers to your archangels – St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, and to our guardian angels whose names we do not know. We ask them to intercede with you on our behalf in our time of need, and to protect us in this world until we can join you in the next.
Monday, June 10
In my journeying with you, O Blessed Lord, may I never lose my sense of direction on the path, and never lose sight of the landmark towards which I travel.
And should cloud or rain obscure my vision, may I draw closer to you, so that my feet may tread in your footsteps, your words may be my encouragement, and your love may be my protection against the storms that assail me.
Sunday, June 9
Loving Father,
To love you and our brothers and sisters is the greatest of all the commandments, indeed. Help us to do your holy will today. Make us instruments of your love. May all that we do today please you. Make us attentive to the prompting of your Holy Spirit speaking through our conscience. Help us desire to do the greater good, not just for ourselves, but for the good of the many.
Please grant our prayers, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Saturday, June 8
Merciful Father,
Bless those who will visit the Grotto today. Listen to the prayers of those who seek peace and strength. Restore their strength as they spend time at the Grotto, a place of prayer and peace. May the Sorrowful Mother console those who are in sorrow and lead them to Jesus.
Please grant our prayers, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Friday, June 7
Lord God,
Give me your grace today to make my worship and honor of you be sincere, and not just going through the motions of prayer and sacrifice. Give me the grace today to share in a portion of the heart of Jesus, who is full of compassion and mercy. Allow me to know if and when I may be acting for others to see my good deeds that are merely for show. Allow my prayer not to be half hearted. Teach me through Your Saints to be whole hearted in my prayer, worship and sacrifices, for the sake of others.
Thursday, June 6
Loving Father,
Bless those who are sad or mourning today because of misfortune or loss of a loved one. Be their comfort and consolation. Accompany them in the moment of their sadness. May they all hold on unto you even more at this moment of their struggles, suffering or loss. We ask you this, in Jesus’ Name.
Wednesday, June 5
Ever-loving God,
Our world is in need of your Peace. Fill the hearts of all peoples with honor for every human life.
May your loving touch heal those who dwell in anger, pain and sorrow. May your Holy Spirit reconcile and unify strangers and neighbors.
Give me strength to live peace, and speak peace, and be a peacemaker.
I humbly ask this through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Tuesday, June 4
Praise to Lord God for another day. We worship you and love you.
As we begin this Tuesday, keep us safe in your service. Protect us from all dangers. Grant us your peace and joy. From the rising of the sun to its setting, may we please you in thoughts, words and actions.
Grant all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Monday, June 3
Gracious God,
You call us to use our time, gifts, skills and experience for the betterment of our community and our world.
Today I offer myself to you and your service. Help me to discern where and how to serve.
I ask that you grow my generosity, my faithfulness, and open my mind to new opportunities.
May interactions with me draw others closer to you.
Sunday, June 2
Loving God,
Thank you for the vivid colors of spring in the gardens. Walking along the pathways of The Grotto, I am in awe of your creation. Here, in the peaceful retreat, I truly sense your presence in all of nature.
Bless all who walk these sacred grounds.
Saturday, June 1
Loving God,
As we celebrate St. Peregrine Mass today, may you strengthen those who are ill and the families of those who are ill, and help them to persevere in their pain and suffering knowing that “everything is possible for those who have faith” (Mk. 9:23).
We ask this through Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Friday, May 31
Dear Lord,
Bless this sanctuary for another 100 years. May millions more feel welcome here. May The Grotto continue to be a place of peace and consolation for all.
Thursday, May 30
Gracious God,
Thank you for this beautiful sanctuary, a place of peace in the middle of a big city. As I take my first step on this sacred ground, I feel the weight of the world lift, as if I’m checking my heavy bag at the door.
Thank you, Fr. Ambrose Mayer, for having this dream and bringing it to fruition.
The footsteps of millions have walked these grounds these past 100 years. May this sanctuary provide peace and consolation to millions more.
Wednesday, May 29
Lord Jesus,
As The Grotto celebrates one hundred years since its dedication today, we give you thanks for the gift of The Grotto and for its devotion to Mary, our Sorrowful Mother.
May this sanctuary continue to be faithful to its mission to offer a place of peace, prayer, and natural beauty for all who come here.
May each person who seeks out The Grotto – today, tomorrow, and in the countless days and years ahead – find comfort, consolation, and a renewed faith here.
Tuesday, May 28
A Prayer for our Visitors
Gracious God,
May we extend your boundless hospitality to all who visit our Sanctuary.
May we approach each person not as a mere visitor, but as a guest that we have prepared for and anxiously awaited their arrival.
May we encounter each and every Pilgrim as a brother or sister seeking you.
May our words, and actions, as well as the gardens, shrines, artwork, and chapels here surround them with your eternal message of hope, love and salvation.
Monday, May 27
God our merciful Father,
As we remember those who offered their lives for our country this Memorial Day, we are thankful for their heroism. Send St. Michael and all your angels to protect all soldiers.
Thank you for always being there for us, protecting and defending us from danger and harm. When we are united with you, we stand, but when we are divided and separated from you, we surely fall. Keep us united with you and each other in your love and friendship.
Sunday, May 26
A Prayer for the Servites
Father, bless your servants who minister under the inspiration of Mary.
Grant them strength as they bring your compassionate love to your people.
Bless them with good health, increase their community, and let their faith be hope to all.
Saturday, May 25
Almighty God,
We thank you for your love, peace, forgiveness and healing that we have received through your Holy Sacraments. Continue to strengthen our faith that we can be your signs in the world.
Help us to courageously bring your love, peace, forgiveness and healing to others around us.
Friday, May 24
Gracious God,
Thank you for this beautiful sanctuary, a place where one can experience the exquisit blend of art and nature. Bless the artists who, over the course of a century, have given us these amazing pieces of art. Remind me to look all around and notice the beauty all around me.
Thursday, May 23
Your Love Encircles Me
Gracious God,
Your love encircles me.
I sometimes feel like a child wrapped in a warm blanket; you surround me with the beauty of your creation.
You provide a circle of friends and family that support and challenge me.
When I close my eyes I even see those beloved family members who have gone before me, as well as other holy men and women at my shoulders echoing your loving presence to the whole world.
May my words and actions reflect your never-ending love and mercy.
Teach me your ways – the way of patience, mercy, generosity and unbounded love.
I ask this through Jesus our Lord and Brother.
Wednesday, May 22
Gracious God,
Every day I amazed by the wonder of your creation. There is beauty in everything, in every sense. Remind me to slow down when I speed ahead, so I may experience each moment to its fullest. Allow me to stop and take it all in, in every sense. Every smell, every sound, every touch. Thank you for this amazing gift. May I remember to tread lightly on your sacred grounds.
Tuesday, May 21
Loving Father,
As a look at these mosaics, I am in awe of their beauty.
As I look closely at the pieces which make up the mosaics, I see all the rough, broken pieces.
It surprises me that this collection of seemingly worthless pieces should together create such a stunning piece of art.
Sometimes I feel like a rough, broken piece. Help me remember that I am not alone, and am actually part of a big, beautiful work of art that you created.
Thank you for reminding me that your love and care surrounds me always.
Monday, May 20
No Matter the Weather You Accompany Me
Gracious and Eternal God,
You have created this beautiful world.
Every minute of every day you nurture the earth and tend to the needs of your people.
The warmth of the sun, a gentle breeze, a sudden down pour – all are your gifts.
Help me be mindful that no matter the weather you accompany me.
When the storms of life sneak up, help me cherish the gift of faith and my friends and family.
Help me to be a better steward of the people and the world around me.
No matter the weather may my heart be honest, and open, ready to share your generous mercy and love.
Sunday, May 19
Pentecost Sunday
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Loving God,
We pray today that you send your Holy Spirit to all believers that we may grow closer to you and your will. May the Holy Spirit guide us in all truth. With the help of the Holy Spirit, may we become witnesses of your love everywhere we go. May the Holy Spirit shape us into who you want us to be a pure reflection of your love in the world, where peace may abide forever.
We welcome you today, O Holy Spirit, into our hearts. We pray that you dwell in our hearts forever to guide our steps, our thoughts, minds, and our attitudes to the will of God. Enable us to do His will all the days of our life. With your presence in our life, may we please God in all we say and do.
Saturday, May 18
Father, today is a day of blessing. I am surrounded by your love in the presence of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate.
Bless me with strong faith, good health, and the hope that because you are with me, I will get through this moment.
Father, watch over my family and friends, Protect them and bless them. Keep us all safe and bring peace to our world.
Friday, May 17
A Prayer of Welcome
Gracious God,
We are blessed to have this beautiful Sanctuary in the city.
May pilgrims and visitors feel welcomed as they are surrounded by the majesty of the tall cedars.
May the bird’s song, the rustling leaves, and the greeting of our staff allow all who visit to lay down their burdens here.
May they feel your loving mercy, and be inspired by the images of angels and saints to follow your Son Jesus more sincerely.
And may Blessed Mary offer her humble encouragement as visitors pray, explore, seek and learn.
As our visitors leave this place may they be filled with the gift of compassion and hope.
Thursday, May 16
A Prayer for the Seasons
Gracious God of All Creation,
You have blessed us with the beautiful and amazing world around us. Each season of the year shares the glory of your loving hand.
Spring bursts with scents, colors and the sounds of birds nesting. Summer radiates the warmth of your tender mercy and boasts our growing season.
Autumn brings harvest and the vibrant colors of the leaves before they fall from the trees. And winter provides the rain and snow needed for the upcoming spring.
Although many plants look dead, your new life is below the surface – making its way to share the good news of new life – at the appointed time.
Thank you God for each and every season, for the lessons they teach and the challenges that they bring. Help me to welcome change, challenge and growth, knowing that you are the Lord of all things.
Wednesday, May 15
Take a Closer Look
Ever-loving God,
As I make my way through the day, remind me to stop and take a closer look. Remind me to slow down and appreciate all that is around me. Whether it is a beautiful flower, a stunning piece of art, or just an example of someone’s love and care.
Remind me to not get ahead of myself and make the most out of every day. To appreciate your amazing creation. Remind me to stop and take a closer look.
Tuesday, May 14
Gracious God,
Thank you for always being there for me. You are the foundation that supports me, the roof that shelters me, the door that leads me, and the windows that inspire me.
Give me the grace to never become complacent, and always be grateful for your protection and love.
Monday, May 13
A Twilight Prayer
Almighty and ever-living God,
I know it is you who rule the day and the night. I seek you here in the twilight, as the radiance of the sunset colors soften into grey tones along the skyline.
As the day transitions into night, I lift up my heart in gratitude for this day. Thank you for the many ways you reminded me of your faithfulness and mercy.
As I move toward my bedtime allow me to rest in the assurance of your guidance and inspiration. Please bless and multiply my efforts to love, serve and care for those around me.
I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sunday, May 12
A Mother’s Day Prayer
Gracious and ever-loving God,
On this Mother’s Day, I focus my thoughts on Our Blessed Mother. I seek her guidance and inspiration to love more deeply.
Like Mary, may I be a courageous witness of your Son, and a vessel of love, empathy and hope.
Help me to say yes to you and those in need around me. Please focus my heart to feel connection and compassion for those who are isolated, sick and poor.
Protect me from fear, anxiety and discouragement so that my words and actions genuinely proclaim you.
And finally, Lord, bless my Mother and all Mothers with the power of your Spirit to seek you in difficult and uncertain situations.
I ask all this through Jesus Christ your Son, and the intercession of Mary, our Blessed Mother.
Saturday, May 11
A Moment in Time
Gracious God,
Thank you for today, full of precious moments in time.
I spend so much time reliving yesterday or worrying about tomorrow, help me not lose sight of the only time that is really mine, the present moment.
Thank you for giving me one moment at a time. May my photographs and memories remind me of what you have graciously provided, and give me hope for all that is to come.
Friday, May 10
A Prayer for Outdoor Mass
Almighty and ever-loving God,
We gather to celebrate The Mass – Holy Eucharist – Thanksgiving. With gratitude, we celebrate your love given to us in the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus.
Here in this outdoor sanctuary we are surrounded by the beauty of your creation. A gentle breeze … birds joining their song to ours.
Here in this gathering are my brothers and sisters from many cultures and places. May each of us leave this place renewed: a more fervent and faithful follower of your Son Jesus.
Thursday, May 9
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the world around me, and the glorious rainbow of colors which surround me. Give me the grace to always tread lightly and appreciate this beautiful home, and continue to enjoy its spectacular array of colors.
Wednesday, May 8
Gracious God,
Thank you for the beauty of a body of water. Thank you for the nourishment of fresh water. Thank you for the melodic sounds of running water. Thank you for the tranquility that washes over me when I am in the presence of water.
Help me never stop appreciating every drop.
Tuesday, May 7
Gracious God,
Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the number of things I have to do, or the number of cars on the road, or the number of stairs I have to climb.
But then I remember you are right with me, encouraging me with my tasks, helping me focus on the road ahead, and boosting me up those stairs.
Thank you for your love and care which reduces my burdens and makes my moments of joy multiply.
Monday, May 6
Gracious God,
You have called my name and daily I try to follow. I am tired, Lord.
I listen to your words in Scripture. I seek you in the hustle and bustle of my day. You call me to come to you – to bring my worries, my regrets, my hopes and cares. I am tired, Lord.
You call me to come and sit with you a while – in a church, under a tree, or on a bench outdoors.
Here I sit, Lord – tired, worried, burdened and afraid.
I take a deep breath and exhale …
Sitting here, surrounded by the quiet, I can really listen. I can reflect and contemplate.
With each breath I take in, and each beat of my heart, I feel invigorated, inspired, renewed.
Thank you for the ways that you create in me. Thank you for the gift of salvation through your Son, Jesus. And thank you for the inspiration that your Holy Spirit brings.
Sunday, May 5
Gracious God,
The beauty of your handiwork surrounds us. I know that each person is a reflection of your living presence.
May all of my thoughts, words, and actions serve to reflect your love, mercy, and peace.
May Mary our Blessed Mother continue to guide us as she reflects humility, discipleship, forgiveness and hope.
May the light of your love shine just right so that I reflect the vibrant message of our salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Saturday, May 4
St. Peregrine, kindly listen to my supplication.
You who were patient and strong in infirmity, help our infirm brothers and sisters to carry the cross of their infirmity with gentleness.
You who were miraculously healed by the hand of the crucified Christ, pray to the Lord for the sick: so that their infirm and weak bodies may recover health and vigor, and their uncertain and afflicted souls may find again peace, serenity and confidence.
St. Peregrine, pray for me that I may know healing in body, mind and soul.
Friday, May 3
Looking Out a Window
All gracious and ever living God,
I know it is you who guards my coming and my going. Help me to seek you always.
Sometimes I feel like I am looking out a window, watching the world go by. Help me focus on you, and the many blessings in my life.
May I see you more clearly in the beauty of your creation, may I hear you in the readings of Scripture, and through an email or phone call from a friend.
Inspire me as a person of hope, as I strive to be your loving and faithful servant.
Thursday, May 2
In the morning, O Lord, I will direct my song and my prayer unto you and will look up. (Psalm 5:3)
Blessed Lord and God, Holy Father and Creator of all,
This is the day that you have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
I don’t know what this day holds, but I know that you hold the day. It was you that laid the foundations of the Earth and therefore understand every part of it. I know that you keep the sun in the sky, the stars in place, and have created this Earth for me and all humanity to inhabit and enjoy.
Today, I will not forget to look up.
Wednesday, May 1
A Prayer to Live in the Light
Lord, true light and source of all light, listen to our prayer this day.
Turn our thoughts to what is holy and away from all fear, and may we ever live
in the light of your love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Tuesday, April 30
I rejoice in your beauty that shines forth in the colors and smells of Spring. I am grateful for the renewal I feel as each new month begins.
Monday, April 29
Life’s Pathways
Your light, O Holy One, is the only light I need as I travel on life’s pathways.
Your word the only voice I hear, that still small voice that leads me to the place where I should be.
Your presence is the only company I need, as I walk this narrow road.
Your fellowship the warmth I crave to help me on my journey.
Sunday, April 28
A Prayer Blessing for the Chapel of Mary
Gracious and ever-loving God we ask your eternal blessing on the Chapel of Mary.
May those seekers and pilgrims that visit our humble Chapel find peace, consolation, and perseverance.
May the images of the saints carved in marble serve as support, witness and role models for us.
May the murals of the Seven Sorrows of Mary help us to focus our lives on humble service, compassion, and hope.
May the Good News of our Salvation always be preached from the Ambo.
May all be nourished at this Altar through the celebration of the Mass, and may Your praises always be sung as we gather.
Bless each of the Servite Priests and the Oblate Sisters of St. Martha who serve here.
Gathered, nourished and sent, may all who enter into this holy Chapel be prepared to love and serve you, O Lord, as well as our neighbor.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Saturday, April 27
You are my light and my help.
Remind me today that your kindness and mercy are never exhausted, but renewed every morning.
Let your love guide my actions and words today so that I can brighten another’s day as you brighten mine.
Friday, April 26
A Spring Prayer
Father, the beauty of your creative power has burst forth in the colors and smells of Spring, bringing joy to all.
May we expand this beauty in the way we lovingly care for each other.
Thursday, April 25
Blessed are you, O God, creator of the universe, who has made all things good
and given the earth for us to cultivate.
Grant that we may always use created things gratefully and share your gift with those in need, out of love of Christ of Lord, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever.
Wednesday, April 24
A Guardian Angel Morning Prayer
Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love entrusts me here, ever this day, be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide.
Tuesday, April 23
A Prayer at the Peace Pole
Heavenly Father,
I stand at this peace pole. “May Peace Prevail on Earth” is carved on it’s four sides. One language is my own; The other three are words of people and cultures unfamiliar to me. They represent all others that I may encounter.
Plant your peace in my heart. May your eternal peace enfold me like a blanket and infiltrate my thoughts, my words, and my actions.
Help me to be a person of peace; a person of hope; a person of mercy and forgiveness.
I ask this in union with Blessed Mary Ever Virgin and all the Saints, through Christ Jesus – the Prince of Peace.
Monday, April 22
Prayer to Care for God’s Creation
God of all creation,
How splendid and majestic is the world you created! It reveals your glory; it teaches us about you.
When you made us in your image, you gave us this command: care for the world and for all the creatures in it, for this is our common home.
Yet your holy creation cries out, for our home is “burdened and laid waste,” scorched and scarred. Come among us that we might remember our interdependence. Let us see the face of your Son in those who suffer from the destruction of our common home.
Help us to be stewards who honor you in the world you have made for the good of all creation and for future generations.
May your justice reign forever.
Sunday, April 21
A Prayer to Our Lady
Virgin, most holy, Mother of Jesus my Lord, I embrace your motherly affection with a lively faith, and I humbly ask of you the grace ever to do God’s will.
Into your most holy hands I commit the safe-keeping of my heart, asking you for health of soul and body, in the certain hope that you, my most loving Mother, will hear my prayer.
I entrust my soul and body to your arms of mercy and compassion, this day, every day of my life, and at the hour of my death.
I entrust to you, Blessed Mother of God, and my Mother all my hopes, my consolations, all my trials and miseries, my whole life; that all my thoughts, my words, and my deeds may constantly reflect the goodness and Love of your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
Saturday, April 20
The Big Picture
Gracious and ever-loving God,
Help me to seek you, to learn from you, to know you. I so often get caught up in my thoughts, my daily routine, and my circle of friends and family that I forget about everything else.
Remind me of the Big Picture: others around me who I do not see. Open my mind and heart to their needs and burdens. May I tend to others as sisters and brothers.
Broaden my view and understanding of the world around me. May I tend to the earth as a steward.
Help me to see others and the world with your eyes – your view becoming more loving and forgiving; patient and kind.
I pray that each day I grow to be ever more faithful to the teachings and life of your Son.
Friday, April 19
St. Joseph Prayer
O Blessed Saint Joseph, who felt the worry and sorrow of a parent along with Blessed Mary, your spouse and the Mother of Jesus, when the child Jesus was lost in the Temple in Jerusalem: protect our dear children now and always.
May you, O Blessed Joseph, foster father of Jesus, be their special foster father with God and Mary in heaven. Let our children, like Jesus, grow healthily in age, wisdom, and grace before God and all creation!
Preserve them from every harm, hurt, and danger, and most especially from the coronavirus so widespread in our community.
We humbly ask this of you, Blessed Saint Joseph, foster father of Our Lord Himself.
Thursday, April 18
A Prayer at the Lithuanian Shrine
O Most Holy Mary,
As I pause at this shrine built by the faithful decades ago may I be reminded of your faithful witness; may I be challenged by your deep compassion, and may I be consoled by you in my sorrows.
I Pray that I grow as a person of faith, of hope and of charity, and that your guidance and example inspire me to commit myself more fervently as a living witness to your son Jesus.
Wednesday, April 17
A Morning Prayer to Our Lady of Czestochowa
Holy Mother of Czestochowa,
Thou art full of grace, goodness and mercy.
As my morning offering, I dedicate to you my thoughts, words and actions, my soul and body.
I seek your blessing and intersession.
Like you, may I withstand the challenges and sufferings that befall me and those whom I love.
May I be a compassionate, faithful follower of your Son Jesus, today and every day.
Tuesday, April 16
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
O Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, grant to our homes the grace of loving and respecting life in its beginnings, with the same love with which you conceived in your womb the life of the Son of God.
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Fair love, protect our families so that they may always be united and bless the upbringing of our children.
You are our hope, look upon us with pity, teach us to go continually to Jesus, and if we fall help us to rise again and return to him through the confession of our faults and our sins in the sacrament of penance, which gives peace to the soul.
We beg you to grant us a great love of all the holy sacraments, which are, as it were, the signs that your Son left us on earth.
Thus, Most Holy Mother, with the peace of God in our consciences, with our hearts free from evil and hatred, we will be able to bring to all others true joy and true peace, which come to us from your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns for ever and ever.
Monday, April 15
Prayer to Our Lady of Lavang
Blessed Lady of Lavang, be my mother and comfort me, especially in times of trial and unhappiness.
Enter my heart and stay with me wherever I may go.
Grant that one day, through you, I may find rest and peace in my Father’s house.
Sunday, April 14
Dambana Prayer
Lord God, bless this Filipino Shrine at The Grotto, and bless all who come here in search of peace, prayer, and the beauty of nature.
Give us insight as we walk the garden paths and as we pray and reflect at this Dambana. May your loving presence inspire our minds and hearts, so that we may go forth from here renewed and refreshed in mind, body, and soul.
Loving God, bless this image of Mary, represented as Our Lady of Dambana. May we see Mary as a model of faith that we are called to imitate, and may the Mother of Jesus be a source of comfort to each one of us.
Loving Creator, you sent your only son to be savior of all. Jesus came into the world as a helpless child; may this image of the Santo Niño remind us that God became fully human to share his love and bring us salvation.
Lord God, we honor your faithful servant San Lorenzo Ruiz and his companion martyrs. As the first canonized Filipino Saint, San Lorenzo inspires us with his unwavering faith and tremendous courage, even to his death. May the example of his life and death lead us to live lives of faithful service.
Gracious God, you call us to love, you call us to help one another. We thank you for this Dambana at The Grotto. May it be a light of faith and a symbol of the universality of your Church. Amen.
Saturday, April 13
Father, the beauty of your creative power has burst forth in the colors and smells of Spring, bringing joy to all.
May we expand this beauty in the way we lovingly care for each other.
Friday, April 12
Today, in the midst of all that fills my day, make some time to sit on the shore with Jesus and share a meal of love. Let him know your needs. He will always give you the food of faith to birth hope in your day.
Thursday, April 11
O Lord, make my path a holy one, a safe one, one both righteous and beautiful. May I meet many pilgrims on my my journey. I do not know where my path leads, but I know you are by my side guiding me.
Wednesday, April 10
Our Mother of Sorrows, with strength from above you stood by the cross, sharing in the sufferings of Jesus, and with tender care you bore him in your arms, mourning and weeping.
We praise you for your faith, which accepted the life God planned for you. We praise you for your hope, which trusted that God would do great things in you. We praise you for your love in bearing with Jesus the sorrows of his passion.
Holy Mary, may we follow your example, and stand by all your children who need comfort and love.
Mother of God, stand by us in our trials and care for us in our many needs. Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Tuesday, April 9
A Prayer to Saint Jude
Most holy Apostle, Saint Jude Thaddeus, friend of Jesus, I place myself in your care.
Help me know that I need not face my troubles alone.
Please join me in my need, asking God to send me consolation in my sorrow, courage in my fear, and healing in the midst of my suffering.
Ask our loving Lord to fill me with the grace to accept whatever may lie ahead for me and my loved ones, and to strengthen my faith in God’s healing powers.
Thank you, Blessed Apostle Saint Jude Thaddeus, for the promise of hope you hold out to all who believe, and inspire me to give this gift of hope to others as it has been given to me.
Monday, April 8
The Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
Sunday, April 7
Prayer for Peace of Mind and Heart
Slow me down, slow me down, O Most Blessed Lord!
Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Steady my harried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time.
Give me, amidst the confusions of my day, the calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tensions of my nerves with the soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory.
Help me to know the magical power of sleep.
Teach me the art of taking “minute vacations” of slowing down to look at a flower; to chat with an old friend or make a new one; to pet a dog; to watch a spider build a web; to smile at a child; or to read a few lines from a good book.
Remind me each day that the race is not always won by the swift; that there is more to life than increasing its speed.
Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak and know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well.
Slow me down, Lord Jesus, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life’s enduring values that I may grow toward the stars of our greater destiny.
Saturday, April 6
Prayer for the Sick of the World through the Intercession of St. Peregrine
Graciously hear the prayers which we present O God, to you in honor of St. Peregrine, your beloved servant and patron of those suffering from life-threatening diseases.
Grant that we may receive help in our needs through the intercession of him whose life was so pleasing to you. Hear us in the name of Christ, our Lord.
Friday, April 5
Our Lady of Lourdes Prayer
Oh ever immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Comfortess of the Afflicted, you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings.
Look upon me with mercy.
When you appeared in the grotto of Lourdes, you made it a privileged sanctuary where many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal.
I come, therefore, with unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession.
My loving Mother, obtain my request.
I will try to imitate your virtues so that I may one day share your company along with God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and bless you in eternity.
Thursday, April 4
Prayer to St. Philip Benizi
Loving God, we give you thanks for the life of Philip Benizi, the Servite saint who placed his gifts at the service of others.
Help us to live our lives with his spirit of generosity. Like Philip, may we be your instruments of reconciliation and unity wherever we encounter conflict and strife.
As the steadfast service of Mary inspired Saint Philip, so too may we follow her footsteps as faithful and loving disciples of Jesus.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday, April 3
Prayer to Our Mother of Sorrows “Lady of the Pietà”
O Holy Mother of Sorrows, with strength from above you stood by the cross of Jesus, sharing in his sufferings, and with tender care you bore him in your arms, mourning and weeping.
We praise you for your faith, which accepted the life God planned for you.
We praise you for your hope, which trusted that God would do great things in you. We praise you for your love in bearing with Jesus the sorrows of his passion.
Holy Mary, may we follow your example and stand by all your children who need comfort and love. O Most Blessed Mother of God, stand by us in our trials and care for us in our many needs.
We ask you to support us with your embrace of motherly love and protection.
Pray for us to you Son, Jesus, now and always.
Tuesday, April 2
O Mary, Blessed One of the Most High and Mother of Grace, through you the Church lifts up her prayer of praise.
Beloved daughter of the Father, by your acceptance of the word of the Angel Gabriel you cooperated in the salvation of the world, for in you the creature once again obeys its Creator.
Mother of Jesus, by pondering the word in your heart you showed us the way to Wisdom, and opened to all people this same word of glad tidings.
Spouse, beloved of the Spirit, by accepting the Word of God you gave life to the world through the gift of your Divine Son, and in you humanity has become the dwelling-place of the Divine.
Loving Mother, woman of prayer, we turn to you and ask: support our prayers for ourselves, for all your Servants, for our friends and our families, for those who share the Christian faith, and for every person on Earth , that all might know peace and salvation. Ask the Heavenly Father that we may truly know Christ, be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, remain protected in all adversity and freed from every evil.
Help us to build God’s Kingdom: an everlasting Kingdom of praise, justice, and peace. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.
Monday, April 1
A Prayer to St. Anne
O Glorious St. Anne, you are compassionate toward those in need who call to you for help.
I place myself before you, and ask that you assist me to unburden myself with these worries, concerns, and intentions: (Here mention your requests.)
I ask that you place my concerns before Our Lord Jesus Christ, and seek the loving aid of your daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Above all, obtain for me the gift of one day seeing Almighty God face to face, with you and Mary and all the saints, honoring and praising God through all eternity.
Pray for us, St. Anne. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Gracious God, mercifully grant to us who honor St. Anne, the grace of happiness in this life, and the joy of life with You for all eternity.
Easter Sunday, March 31
Almighty God, the resurrection of your Son has given us new life and renewed hope. Help us to live as a new people and give us the wisdom to know what you want us to do, the desire to do it, the courage that we need to do it, and the perseverance and strength to get it done. May we continue to be grateful for your love and sacrifice and salvation. Help us to walk in the Spirit of love, strengthen our hope and increase our faith in you, for you God, live and reign forever and ever.
Holy Saturday, March 30
Holy Mary, today creation echoes the silence of God. In the most intense silence the Word was made flesh. In the silence of the grave the love of the Father and the life of the Son came together and a new creation was born.
Holy Mother, virgin of silence and peaceful mystery, sorrowful, strong, faithful, you stand at the tomb where the Word is silent and the Holy One of God lies.
Today, we keep watch with you.
With you we believe that from darkness comes light and from the earth, life. We wait for the dawn of that endless day when a new humanity is born. We wait to see in your Risen Son the new face of humanity redeemed. We wait to hear the new greeting of peace and to sing the new song of glory.
Mary, Virgin of the Spirit, image of the Church, pray that we may have your faith in the Word your hope in the Kingdom, and your love for God and humanity which is stronger than death.
Good Friday, March 29
God, Our loving Father, today is the most Solemn Day of all days as we commemorate and make present the greatest expression of your love for us in Jesus, who offered his life to save and give us life. May we, too, be able to offer everything back to you in our loving service toward our brothers and sisters who are in need. Indeed, today is Good Friday. Is it for our good. To give us everything that is good is not enough for you. The word “enough” is not in your vocabulary. Thank you, Lord, for sacrificing your life for us.
Holy Thursday, March 28
Almighty God, in your greatness you humble yourself to show us what love really means. Help us learn from you in our humble service to one another. Do not let pride win over us but let your Spirit work with and in us that we become your witnesses in spreading and sharing your love in all our words and deeds. For you live and reign forever and ever.
Wednesday, March 27
Loving Father, today we pray for peace and harmony in the family all over the world. Grant each member a sense of loving and commitment, ever ready to sacrifice one’s right and freedom when necessary for the sake and greater good of the family. Grant each of us the courage and strength to value our family more than our own desire and happiness. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Tuesday, March 26
Today I will love and serve others with my whole heart, because you are my hope, O Lord. I will let go of the false hope that I seek from the belongings I have and my accomplishments, because you are my hope, O Lord. Today, O Lord, because you are my hope, I offer each minute of my day back to you in humble gratitude.
Monday, March 25
We ask ourselves, and we pray, Lord, to worship you with our entire heart. Let us learn, as we come to the end of Lent, a greater generosity of heart, to give ourselves entirely to you.
Sunday, March 24
Awaken my faith to recognize the power that Christ the Lord has, as he begins his final journey to Calvary on Palm Sunday to his own passion, death, and resurrection.
Give us the grace to follow Christ on his journey.
Saturday, March 23
Loving and forgiving Father,
I am aware of your love by reminders of your abiding companionship each day in my life. We are reminded in the Gospel that Jesus’ words often fell on deaf ears. He reminds us to look at his works as signs of who he is and what he wants for us. Let me never forget the price Jesus paid for our salvation by his passion, death, and resurrection, manifesting for us his infinite love.
Friday, March 22
Prayer to Mary at the Foot of the Cross
Holy Mary, woman of sorrow, and Mother of all the living, we greet you!
You are the new Eve, the virgin bride at the Cross where love is consummated
and life comes forth.
Mother of disciples, inspire us to serve. Teach us to stand with you at the foot of those countless crosses. Where the Son of Man is still being crucified; make us living witnesses of Christian love, welcoming everyone as brother and sister.
Help us to escape our blindness to follow Christ, the light of all peoples.
O Holy Virgin of Easter, and glory of the Spirit, receive the prayer of your Servants.
Thursday, March 21
A Spring Prayer
Father, the beauty of your creative power has burst forth in the colors and smells of spring, bringing joy to all.
May we expand this beauty in the way we lovingly care for each other.
Wednesday, March 20
God our Creator,
As summer draws to a close, I give thanks for a season of bright sun, long days, and the opportunity to spend time outdoors alone or with family and friends. Fruits and vegetables are ripe and ready to eat. Thank you for the bounty of the land, and for the gift of each day. Help us to be mindful of the gifts the earth provides us in every season, and may we share with one another the gifts you have given us.
Tuesday, March 19
St. Joseph Prayer
O Blessed Saint Joseph, who felt the worry and sorrow of a parent along with Blessed Mary, your spouse and the Mother of Jesus, when the child Jesus was lost in the Temple in Jerusalem: protect our dear children now and always.
May you, O Blessed Joseph, foster father of Jesus, be their special foster father with God and Mary in heaven. Let our children, like Jesus, grow healthily in age, wisdom, and grace before God and all creation! Preserve them from every harm, hurt, and danger.
We humbly ask this of you, Blessed Saint Joseph, foster father of Our Lord Himself.
Monday, March 18
Calm me, Blessed Lord … calm my heart, my mind, my soul. Slow me down, put your peace in my heart. No matter what problem I have, Lord, You are bigger, You are more powerful than it is.
So I bring all my problems to you in this moment. I know what I want. I know my own will. But I do not know yours, Lord, your holy will. I do not know how you will use the problems I have now for my salvation. I do not know what good you will work out from all that faces me.
But I trust you, Holy Lord and God, I trust your goodness and your wisdom.
So, without hesitation or reserve, I place myself in your hands.
Please fill my heart with peace. Amen.
Sunday, March 17
St. Patrick Prayer
I arise today through the strength of heaven;
Light of the sun, Splendor of fire, Speed of lightning, Swiftness of the wind, Depth of the sea, Stability of the earth, Firmness of the rock.
I arise today Through God’s strength to pilot me;
God’s might to uphold me, God’s wisdom to guide me, God’s eye to look before me, God’s ear to hear me, God’s word to speak for me, God’s hand to guard me, God’s way to lie before me, God’s shield to protect me, God’s hosts to save me, Afar and anear, Alone or in a multitude.
Christ shield me today Against wounding;
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in the eye that sees me, Christ in the ear that hears me.
I arise today through the mighty strength of the Lord of creation. Amen.
Saturday, March 16
Loving God,
As we marvel at the beauty of your creation as it passes through the different seasons, open our hearts and minds so that we may consider our own passage through time. Help us to always keep our focus on you so that we can face the coming seasons secure in your love.
Friday, March 15
Be close to all of us this day; remind us that you are beside us as we experience the good and the bad, the challenges and triumphs that come our way. As you comfort and encourage us in our joys and sorrows, help us to comfort and encourage those around us who are also in need of support.
Thursday, March 14
Lord, life brings unexpected changes – some wonderful, some challenging. Whatever comes my way this day, help me to remember that I do not have to face it alone, for you are with me. Help me to not fear the changes; help me find the good; help me to see the changes as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to become a better person.
Wednesday, March 13
Good morning God, our loving Father.
With renewed strength we express our thankfulness and gratitude to you for this beautiful day. Help us and guide us so that we may be able to do your holy will today. Make us joyful for all the countless blessings you have provided us, especially the gift of people who love and surround us. Keep away from us, we pray, all evil and danger. We ask this through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.
Tuesday, March 12
God of infinite mercy. Thank you for your patience and guidance as I fail and falter. Thank you for reconciling me to you. Help me to grow in my capacity to forgive. I know that the limits and boundaries on my love and forgiveness are constructed not by you, but by me. Let these constructs fall, that I may more closely reflect the image your Son Jesus.
Monday, March 11
Lord God and our loving Father, praise be to you.
Thank you once again for another day. As we begin this week, grant us courage and strength. Make us faithful and productive today. May everything we do today be for your glory and for the salvation of our souls. Protect us from every evil and every danger today. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Sunday, March 10
Please give me the grace today, Lord, to open my heart and mind to you to receive a deeper love and appreciation of all that I have yet to learn of you through Scripture, especially in the Scriptures I hear at Mass and through homilies. I ask this today through your Holy Spirit.
Friday, March 8
We pray today that as we have received much love from you, may we too love more. We pray that we care and respect all people. May we become the models of your love and grace. May the world become a better place for us to live through our way of life, through the love that we show to all people. We ask all this, in your Mighty Name, Lord Jesus, who lives and reigns, forever and ever.
Thursday, March 7
Loving God,
We praise your Holy and Glorious Name forever. We thank you for giving us the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. May her faithfulness and her obedience become the source of strength for us to confidently say ‘yes’ and faithfully do your will in our life. May the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for the Church and all her children that we may be strengthened to stand at the foot of the crosses of our suffering brothers and sisters.
Wednesday, March 6
Lord God,
We pray today for our brothers and sisters all over the world who are mentally and physically challenged. Protect and assist them in their struggles and difficulties. Keep them from every danger and harm. Grant those who are taking care of them perseverance and strength not to give up on them. Grant them the necessary grace they need each day, Lord God. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Tuesday, March 5
Lord God,
We pray today for all government officials all over the word. May they always seek and enact laws that are just for the good and benefit of all people. May they always seek counsel from you, who is the source of all knowledge, truth and wisdom. Unite them, Lord, as they pursue justice, harmony, peace and order. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Monday, March 4
Oh Lord, our merciful God, help us to be schooled in good works, that we may help others during this Lenten season and assist them in finding their way to You. Keep us on the right path that leads us to eternal life by following your powerful example. And, give us the grace each day to be aware of our task to live out the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord.
Sunday, March 3
Creator God,
Sometimes we lose our respect for one another. We tend to easily judge others negatively. Help us, Lord, to offer a smile or a kind word to each other. May we love and respect each other as you have loved and respected each one of us. May we treat those we meet today with love and kindness.
Saturday, March 2
Gracious God,
Your beloved Son showed his love for the sick by touching, healing, and forgiving them. Your servant St. Peregrine received your healing touch after he placed his life unreservedly in your hands. As we come to you seeking help for those who are sick, particularly those suffering from cancer and other life-threatening illnesses, we humbly ask that you hear the prayers we offer you in honor of St. Peregrine.
Friday, March 1
Eternal God of love and mercy, I humbly ask that you remove the barriers that I place around my heart. I wish to open my heart so that your extravagant love can pour into me and surround me with your Grace. I truly want to reflect your love and joy, not my own insecurities and limitations. Stretch my heart and expand my understanding of what it means to be faithful. I ask this through Christ Jesus, through the power of your Spirit.
Thursday, Feb. 29
Heavenly Father, as a child I mostly thought of you as a ‘granter of wishes’. As an adult I now understand that having a relationship with you is not about wishes. It is about Faith and Trust; Hope and Honesty.
Help me to be honest with myself and you. You know my heart and my deepest desires. Please answer my prayers according to your wishes – your will – so that your will may be done in me. May my prayers include the intentions and needs of others more than for myself.
Through your Son Jesus – with the intersession of Mary – may I continue to grow as a person of Faith, Hope and Love. Amen.
Wednesday, Feb. 28
Father, bless your servants who minister under the inspiration of Mary. Grant them strength as they bring your compassionate love to your people. Bless them with good health, increase their community, and let their faith be hope to all.
Tuesday, Feb. 27
Oh Lord, my merciful and loving God, today I come to you with humility and simplicity that You may change my heart, allowing it to be open and ready to receive your word and act on it. Transform my life as I welcome you. Let me set aside the complexities of my Lenten journey to give you my time to be with you. Let me follow you in this today.
Monday, Feb. 26
God, our Father and Creator, we pray for the constant protection and preservation of the beauty of your creation. Make us responsible and caring of the beauty of nature around us. May each of us, each day, little by little, take an initiative to get involved in the promotion of a clean and green environment. We ask all these prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Sunday, Feb. 25
God and our loving Father, we thank you for the gift of a new day. Help us to think the way Jesus thinks. Grant us the ability to see and focus our attention to what is good and right. Do not allow us to fall into temptation but deliver from all evil. Grant all these in Jesus Name. Amen
Saturday, Feb. 24
O God, you have a deep love for the brokenhearted. We pray today that you heal the brokenhearted with your loving kindness. We ask you also to console those who mourn the loss of their loved ones. May you journey with them in their sorrows and bring your comforting presence through the love of their families and friends. Strengthen their faith in the resurrection and may you welcome all those who have gone before us in faith with your love and peace.
Friday, Feb. 23
Gracious God,
You are the sower of seeds, and the keeper of the garden of my heart. I am grateful for the care and tenderness that you show to me. Grow the seeds of faith within me. Increase my capacity to listen, care, and tend to the needs of others. I ask this through Jesus, your Son.
Thursday, Feb. 22
Righteous God,
In a world where hatred, division, and war has separated people, let your love, reconciliation and peace reign. Soften the hearts of your children, we pray, that the love which you gave us through Your Beloved Son, in His life, ministry, through His Passion, death and Resurrection, may shine through and in all those who believe in His Holy Name.
Strengthened and encouraged by Your Holy Spirit, may Christ’s love help us to be peacemakers in the world, to bring peace and unity. May your loving kindness embrace us now and forever.
Tuesday, Feb. 20
Oh Lord, give me peace and enlightenment to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can change, and the wisdom to make a difference.
That I can live one time in a day, enjoy one moment in a time, accept the difficulties as a pathway to a peace of mind.
As Jesus, your Son, did, let me accept this world as it is, not as I want, believing that you will make everything right if I surrender everything to Your loving care. Thus, I will be happy in this world, and in life to come.
This prayer I make, through Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Monday, Feb. 19
Merciful Father, bless those who will visit the Grotto today. Listen to the prayers of those who seek peace and strength. Restore their strength as they spend time at the Grotto, a place of prayer and peace. May the Sorrowful Mother console those who are in sorrow and lead them to Jesus. Please grant our prayers, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Sunday, Feb. 18
Lord God, you have called each one of us to work in your vineyard. We thank you for this opportunity that you have given us, and may we be faithful to the work that you have entrusted to us, that we may produce abundant fruit. Help us with the grace of your love to never abandon your vineyard; we may work hard that your vineyard continues to produce much fruit at the proper times. May we always remember that you are the owner of the vineyard. May all that we do at your vineyard be done for your glory and for the good of our brothers and sisters. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Saturday, Feb 17
Gracious and Eternal God,
I loudly proclaim today that you are my God, my rock of refuge. I know that whatever pain or challenge comes my way today that you accompany me, never leaving me alone. Help me to extend that support and mercy to those I encounter today.
Friday, Feb. 16
Gracious and Blessed God,
I seek your help today, and every day to weave my relationship with you into my heart, and soul. May I use all my mind and strength to spread your loving presence into every corner of my life. May the way I speak to others reflect your compassion; may the way I treat others reflect your boundless love, and may my thinking be transformed into hopeful action. I ask this through Jesus who shows me the way.
Thursday, Feb. 15
Father of mercy, bless us today with your presence through the love and care of those around us. Constantly support us in all our undertakings. May we give you praise and glory in all that we say and do. Make us your credible witnesses of your mercy and compassion toward others. We ask this through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday, Feb. 14
God our loving and merciful Father, guide us as we begin the Season of Lent today. May the Ash put on our foreheads remind us of our mortality and the shortness of our life here on earth. May this season be a moment to deepen our faith, hope and love for you, as well as our brothers and sisters. May we spend more time in prayer, change for the better and do good deeds. Help us to be better Christians. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Tuesday, Feb. 13
Lord Jesus,
You teach us if we want to be first, we need to be the last and the servant of all. Help me to be less concerned about my status; help me to be less self-absorbed. Guide me today to find ways to help those around me without calling attention to myself.
Monday, Feb. 12
Our loving God, bless all our undertakings today. Grant all workers strength and good health so that they may carry out the best quality of their services so to give you glory. May they also spend time with you today to be nourished by you, partaking in the Eucharist. All this we ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Sunday, Feb. 11
Dear Lord, today I turn to you to give you thanks for my mother. She tenderly, patiently cared for me and taught me to walk and talk. She read to me and made me laugh. No one delighted in my successes more; no one could comfort me better in my failures. I am so grateful for how she mothered me and mentored me, and even disciplined me.
Please bless her, Lord, and comfort her. Help her loving heart to continue to love and give of herself to others. Strengthen her when she is down and give her hope when she is discouraged.
Most of all, Lord, give my mother the graces she most needs and desires today. I ask you this, in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior forever and ever. Amen.
Saturday, Feb. 10
Lord, life brings unexpected changes – some wonderful, some challenging. Whatever comes my way this day, help me to remember that I do not have to face it alone, for you are with me. Help me to not fear the changes; help me find the good; help me to see the changes as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to become a better person.
Friday, Feb. 9
Lord Jesus,
Throughout your ministry you reached out to help those around you, especially the people who were sick or hurting, or who had been ostracized or excluded. You called to task those who judged others; you rebuked those who offered their prayers only to be seen. Touch my heart this day, Lord; help me to follow your example and seek not to judge or exclude. Lead me instead to act with greater warmth and compassion, with more humility and generosity.
Thursday, Feb. 8
Loving God,
You created all humankind in your image and likeness. Open our eyes so that we can see your beloved Son reflected in the faces of the poor and the marginalized. Advance our understanding so that we can realize that through loving kindness, we can erase the margins that we have created separating “us” from “them”. Help us to always choose to do what is right, and to always seek to help those who cannot help themselves.
Wednesday, Feb. 7
Oh, Lord God, give me the grace today to not pass by someone who needs my help. Sometimes I can get so tied up with tunnel vision in my life that I block out the needs of others around me. With Your grace, I can examine my attitude about how I treat people who may be less fortunate than myself. I may not be able to care for everyone’s needs, but I ask you to help me see people through Jesus’ eyes.
Tuesday, Feb. 6
Almighty God,
We thank you for your love, peace, forgiveness and healing that we have received through your Holy Sacraments. Continue to strengthen our faith that we can be your signs in the world. Help us to courageously bring your love, peace, forgiveness and healing to others around us.
Monday, Feb. 5
Give me the grace today, Lord, of the practice of penance, leading me to a sincerity of heart to gain the holy things that lead me to eternal life. May I act uprightly with generosity of heart, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, and compassion. Amen.
Sunday, Feb. 4
Dear Lord, We thank you for the opportunity you have given us to serve you and each other. As we humble ourselves in serving you and one another. May you draw us closer to you so that we may grow in the freedom to serve more. May we continue to focus our attention in serving you as we serve one another. Help us to treat each other with respect and love. Amen.
Saturday, Feb. 3
Loving God, we ask you to please be the one to guide our plans and actions today. Bless those who may come to visit The Grotto, especially those who will participate to the healing Mass in honor of St. Peregrine. Grant integral healing to those who are still suffering from all kinds of illness or diseases. And we thank you for those who have been healed miraculously through the prayers of St. Peregrine. This we pray and ask, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Friday, Feb. 2
Ever-loving Father,
You have created a beautiful world and populated it with plants, animals and a treasure trove of race and cultures. Open my eyes to see the world as you do. Help me to become a better steward to this corner of the world where I live. May I honor and tend to this amazing earth so that future generations can discover and celebrate its wonder and beauty.
Thursday, Feb. 1
Oh, Lord God, give me the grace today to not pass by someone who needs my help. Sometimes I can get so tied up with tunnel vision in my life that I block out the needs of others around me. With Your grace, I can examine my attitude about how I treat people who may be less fortunate than myself. I may not be able to care for everyone’s needs, but I ask You to help me see people through Jesus’ eyes. Amen.
Wednesday, Jan. 31
God, our loving Father, we are grateful for the gift of a new day. Thank you also for sending to us good and generous people, ever ready to offer help, and for never getting tired of loving and understanding us. Make us always appreciative of all the good things you have given to us, beginning with the little and ordinary things around us. Rather than complaining and questioning you, make us always be grateful. We ask all these in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Tuesday, Jan. 30
God, our loving Father, we are grateful for the gift of a new day. Thank you also for sending to us good and generous people, ever ready to offer help, and for never getting tired of loving and understanding us. Make us always appreciative of all the good things you have given to us, beginning with the little and ordinary things around us. Rather than complaining and questioning you, make us always be grateful. We ask all these in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Monday, Jan. 29
In my prayer today, please give me the power to speak to you directly from my heart. To express my love for you, my thanksgiving for the life you have given me, and the desire I have to know your will for me amidst the trials and tribulations of my daily life. I believe I am trying to create the empty space to allow you to pour in whatever you desire to give me. Lord, you know what is in my heart, and as I speak it to you, hear and answer me. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sunday, Jan. 28
Lord Jesus, you taught the crowd and your disciples, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” There is much strife and conflict in the world and even in our own lives. Help us to find ways to make peace; help us to foster healing and forgiveness. May we reflect your teachings in our words and actions this day.
Saturday, Jan. 27
Lord Jesus, you taught the crowd and your disciples, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” There is much strife and conflict in the world and even in our own lives. Help us to find ways to make peace; help us to foster healing and forgiveness. May we reflect your teachings in our words and actions this day.
Friday, Jan. 26
Lord Jesus, you said to your disciples, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Grant me the courage and generosity of heart to follow your command; help me to remember that we are all a little bit broken, that we are all in need of forgiveness, understanding, and compassion.
Thursday, Jan. 25
Loving Father, as we begin this new day, fill us with your love. Let love reign and overflow in us. Let this same love motivate our thoughts, words and actions. Make our day rich in good works. Sustain us in all we do. Inspire us always. Make us always joyful givers and servers of your healing and reconciling love. Amen.
Wednesday, Jan. 24
God of all that is, I am seeking you: your presence, your ways, your direction. Clear a path in my mind and heart that I may focus myself on you above all else. I want to love and serve you, love my neighbor, and grow in faith, hope, and love.
Tuesday, Jan. 23
Ever-loving God, give us the grace of your Holy Spirit so that we can continue to be faithful to our commitment of service and to answer to our calling with a willingness to do everything for your Kingdom. Guide us so we may put our attention and focus on what you want us to do, and may your will be done in and through us, your humble servants. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Monday, Jan. 22
Lord and Giver of Life,
May I actively offer your love, mercy, opportunity, safety and protection to all the most vulnerable lives around me today, and every day.
Sunday, Jan. 21
A Prayer to St. Anne
O Glorious St. Anne, you are compassionate toward those in need who call to you for help. I place myself before you, and ask that you assist me to unburden myself with worries and concerns.
I ask that you place my concerns before Our Lord Jesus Christ, and seek the loving aid of your daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Above all, obtain for me the gift of one day seeing Almighty God face to face, with you and Mary and all the saints, honoring and praising God through all eternity.
Pray for us, St. Anne, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Saturday, Jan. 20
Lord, there is beauty in the starkness of winter. When I pause to look at a barren tree or ice-covered shrub, I am surprised to see buds on every branch, waiting for the proper time to open and bloom. You have given each of us gifts that have yet to awaken and bloom. Nurture us as you do the trees and shrubs, so that in time, our gifts may mature and be shared with others.
Friday, Jan. 19
A Prayer to Saint Jude
Most holy Apostle, Saint Jude Thaddeus, friend of Jesus, I place myself in your care at this difficult time.
Help me know that I need not face my troubles alone.
Please join me in my need, asking God to send me: consolation in my sorrow, courage in my fear, and healing in the midst of my suffering.
Ask our loving Lord to fill me with the grace to accept whatever may lie ahead for me and my loved ones, and to strengthen my faith in God’s healing powers.
Thank you, Blessed Apostle Saint Jude Thaddeus, for the promise of hope you hold out to all who believe, and inspire me to give this gift of hope to others as it has been given to me.
Thursday, Jan. 18
A Prayer in the Plaza
O Lord, as I pray quietly alone in this plaza, I know that I am not alone. I am surrounded by this cathedral of trees and beautiful artwork reflecting the life and death of your Son Jesus.
I also see images of Blessed Mary, St. Peregrine, St. Bernadette, and other saints. I am not alone. I am part of the company of believers, Saints who have gone before me.
I close my eyes and am reminded of the many times I have sat in this plaza when it was filled with my brothers and sisters as they attended Mass. We are united in Communion with Jesus.
Lord help me to be mindful of the needs of others even when I am seemingly alone. Give me courage to be loving and forgiving like the holy men and women who have gone before me.
I pray that in some small way my words and actions can lead others to a closer relationship with you. I ask this through your Son Jesus, Our Lord.
Wednesday, Jan. 17
Lord Jesus, As I walk the path of life today:
Let my eyes be Your eyes, sharing compassion, warmth and love.
Let my hands be Your hands, bringing healing with their touch.
Let my ears be Your ears, listening where there is need.
Let my words be Your words, bringing comfort joy and peace!
Tuesday, Jan. 16
Almighty and ever-living God, I know it is you who rule the day and the night.
I seek you here in the twilight, as the radiance of the sunset colors soften into grey tones along the skyline. As the day transitions into night I lift up my heart in gratitude for this day.
Thank you for the many ways you reminded me of your faithfulness and mercy. As I move toward my bedtime allow me to rest in the assurance of your guidance and inspiration.
Please bless and multiply my efforts to love, serve and care for those around me. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Monday, Jan. 15
A Twilight Prayer
Almighty and ever-living God, I know it is you who rule the day and the night. I seek you here in the twilight, as the radiance of the sunset colors soften into grey tones along the skyline.
As the day transitions into night I lift up my heart in gratitude for this day. Thank you for the many ways you reminded me of your faithfulness and mercy.
As I move toward my bedtime allow me to rest in the assurance of your guidance and inspiration. Please bless and multiply my efforts to love, serve and care for those around me.
I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sunday, Jan. 14
Gracious and ever-loving God, help me to seek you, to learn from you, to know you. I so often get caught up in my thoughts, my daily routine, and my circle of friends and family that I forget about everything else. Remind me of the Big Picture: others around me who I do not see.
Open my mind and heart to their needs and burdens.M ay I tend to others as sisters and brothers.
Broaden my view and understanding of the world around me. May I tend to the earth as a steward.
Help me to see others and the world with your eyes – your view becoming more loving and forgiving; patient and kind.
I pray that each day I grow to be ever more faithful to the teachings and life of your Son. I humbly ask all this through Jesus Christ your Son, in union with the Holy Spirit.
Saturday, Jan. 13
No Matter the Weather You Accompany Me
Gracious and Eternal God, you have created this beautiful world. Every minute of every day you nurture the earth and tend to the needs of your people.
The warmth of the sun, a gentle breeze, a sudden down pour – all are your gifts.
Help me be mindful that no matter the weather you accompany me.
When the storms of life sneak up, help me cherish the gift of faith and my friends and family.
Help me to be a better steward of the people and the world around me.
No matter the weather may my heart be honest, and open, ready to share your generous mercy and love. I ask this in union with Jesus and the Holy Spirit – One God forever and ever.
Friday, Jan. 12
Feast of St. Anthony Pucci, OSM
As pastor for 40 years in Viareggio, Italy, St. Anthony followed Our Lord’s example by caring for the spiritual and human basic needs of his parishioners. Give us the grace, Oh Lord, whatever our state in life, to follow St. Anthony’s example by caring for those in our responsibility – in our families, professions or those we see in need. Give us the heart of the Good Shepherd, as you did with St. Anthony. Give us his devotion to Mary, our Sorrowful Mother, as well, to provide care for those in need when we see it. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd.
Thursday, Jan. 11
Oh Lord, please give me the power to speak to you directly from my heart. To express my love for you, my thanksgiving for the life you have given me, and the desire I have to know your will for me amidst the trials and tribulations of my daily life. I believe I am trying to create the empty space to allow you to pour in whatever you desire to give me. Lord, you know what is in my heart, and as I speak it to you, please hear and answer me. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Wednesday, Jan. 10
Oh Lord our God, you come to us today with a promise and an invitation. The promise to be a part of the kingdom, and an invitation to follow you, to “repent and believe in the gospel.” We can be so wrapped up in our lives and issues that they distract us from what is really important. You call us in order to break through to us a higher priority, a higher purpose. Grant us the grace today to listen closer to your message in our hearts, our longings and our eternal future. Allow us to spend the time we need to listen to your voice in our prayer. We ask this of you in Christ’s name. Amen.
Tuesday, Jan. 9
“My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior.”
Lord God, let our knowledge and worship of you be free from superstation or pretention. Help us grow in authentic and mature faith and worship and not superficial. Help us make our faith more personal and intimate. Make us more dedicated to you, especially on Sunday as we worship as one people. Grant all these in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Basilissa, pray for us.
Monday, Jan. 8
“Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.”
Father, as we celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord Jesus to all the world, may all your people spend time with you in worship and praise due to you. May we who commemorate the birth of Jesus, like the Magi from the East, constantly bring you gifts of true faith and worship, not just today but always. May every person on earth recognize your presence in Jesus. May one day all of us be one. We ask this through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, Who Is Love. Amen.
St. Raymond of Penafort, pray for us.
Sunday, Jan. 7
“Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.”
Father, as we celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord Jesus to all the world, may all your people spend time with you in worship and praise due to you. May we who commemorate the birth of Jesus, like the Magi from the East, constantly bring you gifts of true faith and worship, not just today but always. May every person on earth recognize your presence in Jesus. May one day all of us be one. We ask this through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, Who Is Love. Amen.
St. Raymond of Penafort, pray for us.
Saturday, Jan. 6
“Praise the Lord, Jerusalem.”
Loving Father, we pray for enlightenment for our brothers and sisters who are undergoing confusion and doubt your presence in their lives. May your Holy Spirit touch their hearts and minds to awaken them from darkness of error. Through our help and prayers, may they soon be able to clear their minds and hearts from all the negative thoughts. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Andre Bessette, pray for us.
Friday, Jan. 5
“Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.”
Lord God, bless us today with your peace and joy. In a world that struggles for true peace, you are our enduring hope. Comfort those in trouble and persecuted for the sake of peace. Strengthen them in moments of great difficulties and be their defense and shelter. May they remain steadfast until the end. Please answer our prayer, in Jesus’s name. Amen.
St. John Neumann, pray for us.
Thursday, Jan. 4
God our Father, every day you invite us to come and remain in you. Help us to not get lost and turn our gaze from Jesus, your Son. Grant us clear vision of your truth and love in Jesus. May the lure of this passing world not distract us from our journey toward you. Help us in our human weakness and shortsightedness. We ask this through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us.
Wednesday, Jan. 3
“All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God.”
Lord God, thank you for this wonderful day. As we continue to realign our dispositions and plans to yours this new year, grant us a clear outlook centered on your love and truth. Like John the Baptist in the gospel today, help us to make Jesus a guide and teacher in this life. Grant us true wisdom and understanding. We ask this through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Tuesday, Jan. 2
Eternal Father,
I ask your grace and blessing today that my prayer, my service to others, and my words and actions cultivate a deep attachment to your Son Jesus.
I know that I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but as one of your children, I seek to remain with you and in you today and always.
Monday, Jan, 1
Walking with the Blessed Mother Mary
We begin this New Year by praising you Lord, our God and Loving Father. With so much gratitude, we express our thanks for this New Year. As we start to unfold another page of our faith journey together, we are grateful that you gave to us Mary to be our guide and companion on this journey. It is indeed so comforting and assuring to have not just someone with us, but the dearest Mother, as companion and guide to every step we will make this New Year.
As we celebrate today the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, may we be able to follow her every footstep toward your Son more closely this New Year. With so much faith, hope and charity, and You as our God, we are ready and excited to begin this New Year. We can surely make this new journey a meaningful and fruitful one. Please sustain us with your presence and grace.
Sunday, Dec. 31
Eternal God, as a new year approaches, we give you thanks for the blessings of this past year. As with every year, there have been moments of joy, good news, new life, and growth. There have also been times of sorrow, loss, hurt, and sadness. Help us to embrace the good, and help us to heal from our sorrows; grant us insight and wisdom from all we have lived through.
Saturday, Dec. 30
God our Father, today the church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family. The Gospel tells of the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt to ensure the safety of their newborn son. Help us remember that, like the Holy Family, countless people today flee for their safety. Help us – as individuals and as a country – find ways to welcome those who seek safety among us.
Friday, Dec. 29
Loving God, on this fifth day of Christmas the Gospel reading tells of the presentation of the child Jesus at the temple, according to the law of Moses. The devout man Simeon recognized the child as your anointed one, who would bring salvation to the world. Open my eyes and my heart this day, that I, too, may recognize the light of Jesus in others.
Thursday, Dec. 28
Almighty God, on this Feast of the Holy Innocents, we weep for all children who have died, and for mothers and fathers and family members and friends who grieve for their children. Comfort them all in their time of loss; reassure them that their loved ones are with you, and that one day we may all share in eternal life with you and all our dearly departed loved ones.
Wednesday, Dec. 27
Oh, Heavenly Father, in these days after Christmas I ask for Your grace to celebrate Jesus’ birth among us, along with St. John, his beloved disciple, remembering that Jesus was born to be our Savior and Redeemer. I am overwhelmed by Your generosity, compassion and mercy for all of us who rejoice at Jesus’ birth. Even as we see him in the manger, we read in today’s Gospel of Jesus’ resurrection, after His passion and death for our sins. Give me the courage to follow Him with my whole heart throughout the coming year.
Tuesday, Dec. 26
Loving God, on this second day of Christmas the church celebrates the feast of Saint Stephen, the first martyr. As Stephen proclaimed the faith, he paid the ultimate price. Grant us the integrity to live and love as you have taught us; grant us the courage to work for justice and peace.
Monday, Dec. 25
Christmas Day
Dear Lord Jesus, my Savior and my God,
Thank you for coming into our world. Thank you for becoming flesh and allowing yourself to experience our humanity. May your presence bring a true joy and a real peace and justice for our world. Oh dear King, please win over our hearts and lives with your love and mercy and allow us to serve you. Don’t let us get astray, but unite us under your love. May our hearts yearn for you always, for you live and reign, now and forever.
Sunday, Dec. 24
Christmas Eve
Almighty Father,
Praise be your name! You have shown to us the great joy of Christmas: the birth of your only Son, Jesus Christ, Our Savior. May the Savior’s Light illuminate each day and each heart. May our hearts be filled with gladness and may you make each one of us herald the Good News so many people will come to recognize you as their Savior and receive the gift of peace and love. We ask this through Jesus, Our Savior, who is born to save us, he who lives and reigns forever and ever.
Saturday, Dec. 23
Dear God,
As we quickly approach the celebration of the Birth of Jesus – Lord of Justice – help me to reconcile with individuals and groups of people with whom I have withheld your unconditional love and mercy.
Friday, Dec. 22
Mighty God,
I ask that you to enfold me with your strength and courage. I know that my time spent in fear and anxiety is counter-productive. I lift up to you all of my fears and anxieties, worries and burdens. Please gather them up and dissolve them that I may courageously love you and others today.
Thursday, Dec. 21
Lord God,
Today may I listen more attentively to your voice within my heart. Prepare me to celebrate your coming with an open mind, a clean heart, and a generous spirit.
Wednesday, Dec. 20
Gracious God,
You are the ultimate promise keeper. Guide me today that I may make meaningful preparations to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Help me not get caught up in superficial and commercial attempts to make the coming feast about me. Instead, may I celebrate you, and all that you are in these coming days.
Tuesday, Dec. 19
“My mouth shall be filled with your praise, and I will sing your glory!”
Lord God, help us today to declare your Name by doing the right thing. May we not be afraid or doubt your power as Zechariah did in the gospel today. Increase our faith, hope and love, especially in moments of difficulties and uncertainty. Grant us patience in waiting for what we ask for. While waiting, may you find us watchful by doing the things that please you. Grant all these in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Monday, Dec. 18
“Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.”
Father of all generosity we praise and love you, though weak and sinners, you make us instruments of your love and mercy to others. We cannot thank you enough. But it is more than enough proof that you love and trust us in our littleness. Constantly sustain us and fill us with the necessary grace we need each day to be able to help our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than ourselves. Make us instruments of your healing presence today. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Sunday, Dec. 17
“My soul rejoices in my God”
Father, source of faith and holiness, we thank and praise you. Today is the Third Sunday of Advent. We come to your Church together to adore and worship you with all our hearts and soul. Bless us today with the blessing of an active preparation for the coming of Jesus into our lives. May we hear his voice through the voice of our brothers and sisters crying out for help.
Make us fruitful in good works this coming week. Grant us the grace to discipline our cravings for power and worldly allurements. Make us rather productive in doing your holy will for our salvation and for your great glory.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, Who Is Love. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Saturday, Dec. 16
“Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.”
Father of all generosity we praise and love you, though weak and sinners, you make us instruments of your love and mercy to others. We cannot thank you enough. But it is more than enough proof that you love and trust us in our littleness. Constantly sustain us and fill us with the necessary grace we need each day to be able to help our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than ourselves. Make us instruments of your healing presence today. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Friday, Dec. 15
Those who follow you, Lord, will have the light of life”
God our loving Father, no one is lost in your sight. You know our thoughts and actions before we even conceive them. Though there comes a moment in our lives that we try to ignore or deny your presence or existence, you are just there waiting for us to recognize and love you back freely and completely. Thank you, Father, for sustaining us in your care. Forgive us, for sometimes we are so ungrateful. May we always decide to remain in you, our source of joy and peace. Help us in our shortsightedness and come to our rescue.
Mary, help of Christians, intercede and pray for us.
Thursday, Dec. 14
“The Lord is gracious and merciful; slow to anger, and of great kindness.”
God our Father, we praise and bless you today. Your Beloved Son Jesus was so busy to address the needs of your people. Grant us the grace to become channels of His saving words and deeds. Although you can surely do everything, you need our cooperation and participation in your works of salvation for all. In this Second Week of Advent, may we be able to prepare our very selves for Jesus coming again. He may find us watchful and vigilant in doing good works. We ask this through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. John of the Cross, pray for us.
Wednesday, Dec. 13
“O bless the Lord, my soul!”
Lord God, we pray today for our brothers and sisters who may be burdened by many problems and worries in life. Grant them companions to assist and console them. As we continue to prepare ourselves for the Coming of Jesus into flesh, may we as well recognize him in those whom we are about to meet today. Make our Advent preparation a fruitful and meaningful one. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Lucy, pray for us.
Tuesday, Dec. 12
Oh, ever faithful God, today on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I ask for the grace to be as humble as Mary and St. Juan Diego werei n responding to Your will. Like them, I desire to be as humble as they were and simply do Your will. Help me to overcome any obstacles, especially rejection or my fears, or out of pride, that would keep me from doing Your will in my life. Allow me, like Our Lady and San Diego, to not stop fulfilling Your plans. Keep me responding as they did with a heartfelt “yes.” Amen.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for me.
Monday, Dec. 11
Oh, God of surprises, in today’s Gospel the scribes and Pharisees are surprised at the crowd’s response to Jesus’ healing of the paralyzed man and forgiving his sins. I believe Jesus is the Son of God and gave his power to his apostles. Give me the grace this Advent to ask for the forgiveness of my sins through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I want the healing grace of Jesus in my life as well. Allow me the grace to prepare well for this sacrament and to hear Christ’s words to the paralyzed man in today’s Gospel. Amen.
St. Damascus, pray for me.
Sunday, Dec. 10
Oh, Almighty and Merciful God, today in the Gospel I hear the words of St. John the Baptist calling me to prepare the way of the Lord. To clear the way for Jesus to enter in and to remove any obstacles I put in the way and to confess my sins and focus on the preparation for the coming of our Savior. Give me the grace this Sunday to do just that – to go to the sacrament of reconciliation to remove what keeps me from a deeper relationship with God. Help me to make a good preparation to review my life, to see what keeps me from a closer relationship with Christ. Amen.
St. John the Baptist, pray for me.
Saturday, Dec. 9
Loving and gracious God, You sent Jesus to tell me how much You love us and want me to know You more. Give me the grace today to realize how much You desire that I spend time in prayer to know You better. In the Gospels Jesus goes off alone to spend more time in prayer with You. His desire is to be in touch with Your will. I, too, need Your grace to develop a deeper prayer life to be in communion with You, to share my life, trials, and tribulations and know Your will for me. Amen.
St. Juan Diego, pray for me.
Friday, Dec. 8
Oh, God, who gives me this day to celebrate Mary’s Immaculate Conception. You always give to Your creation what is needed to save us from sin. Give me the grace to be worthy of the promises of Christ. In Mary You found a sinless soul, someone who was worthy to carry Your Son, Jesus, in her womb, not scared by sin, to raise Him to become our Savior. Allow me to say with Mary, “Here I am Lord, I too come to do Your will.” Amen.
Mary, born without sin, prayer for me.
Thursday, Dec. 7
Oh, faithful God, You invite me today to build my life on a rock like the wise man in today’s Gospel. I realize to do that I have to be a person of prayer. To hear Your words and put them into practice. When I experience trials and tribulations in this life, I need to bring myself to prayer and share my goods to You and listen attentively to what I can bring from prayer. Give me me Your grace to persevere for You may call me to a word in scripture to show me how
I can manage in spite of my difficulties to cling to You in every storm that comes my way. Lord, Jesus, you are my rock and salvation. Amen.
St. Ambrose, pray for me.
Wednesday, Dec. 6
Oh, Heavenly Father, the Gospel today tells of the multiplication of bread and fish. The lesson is clear that You want us to help provide along with You. Give me the grace today to share what I have with the poor, especially in these times when so many are homeless and going hungry due to war, economic hardship or displacement. Open my eyes to the needs around me that I may fulfill, to the extent of my capability, and share with others out of the generosity You have shared with me. Let St. Nicklaus teach me to be generous as he was in providing out of his means. Amen.
St. Nicholas, pray for me.
Tuesday, Dec. 5
Ever-living God,
Enlighten me today with your loving presence. Save me from my bad habits, and my efforts to distract myself from the needs of others. May I shine your light today.
Monday, Dec. 4
Jesus our Shepherd,
You call us to you by name and you know what is our written in our hearts. Gather us to you as a shepherd gathers his sheep. Help us to recognize your voice so that we may come to know you and follow you faithfully. We pray that you seek out all of your lost sheep and bring them home so that they may be healed of their wounds. Finally Lord, we thank you for laying down your life for your sheep.
Sunday, Dec. 3
First Sunday in Advent
Loving God, today as we celebrate the first day of the season of Advent, I light the first candle of the Advent wreath. Let this candle be a reminder that this is a season of hope and a promise of salvation. As a single candle lights up the darkness around me, let my words and actions today reflect your light and your love. May my words be of kindness and compassion; may my actions be generous and selfless. Guide me as this journey through Advent begins.
Saturday, Dec. 2
Graciously hear the prayers which we present O God, to you in honor of St. Peregrine, your beloved servant and patron, of those suffering from life-threatening diseases.
Grant that we may receive help in our needs through the intercession of him whose life was so pleasing to you. Hear us in the name of Christ, our Lord.
Friday, Dec. 1
Slow me down, slow me down, O Most Blessed Lord! Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Steady my harried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time.
Give me, amidst the confusions of my day, the calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tensions of my nerves with the soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory. Help me to know the magical power of sleep.
Teach me the art of taking “minute vacations” of slowing down to look at a flower; to chat with an old friend or make a new one; to pet a dog; to watch a spider build a web; to smile at a child; or to read a few lines from a good book. Remind me each day that the race is not always won by the swift; that there is more to life than increasing its speed.
Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak and know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well.
Slow me down, Lord Jesus, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life’s enduring values that I may grow toward the stars of our greater destiny. Amen.
Thursday, Nov. 30
A Prayer for Peace
Ever living, Ever loving God,
Our world is in need of your Peace. Fill the hearts of all peoples with honor for every human life. May your loving touch heal those who dwell in anger, pain and sorrow. May your Holy Spirit reconcile and unify strangers and neighbors.
I, too, am in need of your Peace. Plant your words of healing and understanding within my heart. Give me strength to live peace, and speak peace, and be a peacemaker.
I humbly ask this through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Wednesday, Nov. 29
Gracious God, thank you for the gift of music.
The melodies are a language all their own.
When words are added we can sing your praises, or express our sorrow, embrace your forgiveness, or discover your faithfulness.
Thank you for the gift of songwriters, musicians, singers and choir directors; through their God given gifts they share – each in their own way – your hope, joy, peace and presence with the world.
Tuesday, Nov. 28
“Give glory and eternal praise to him.”
Lord God, help us to bear good fruits through our thoughts, words and actions today. Help us to be more concerned of what we can do today and anxious of what is tomorrow. May the message and challenge of the gospel for today remind and make us realize that. For it is true that what we do today defines our tomorrow. Help us realize the shortness of our life so that we may gain true knowledge and wisdom of heart. This we pray, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Seven Holy Founders of the Servants of Mary, pray for us.
Monday, Nov. 27
“Glory and praise for ever!”
Lord God, we pray today for our homeless brothers and sisters, especially in the city, Portland. As we prepare for this coming Christmas Season, may we share all the blessings you have given us. We may able to let go of the things we continue to keep in our closets or cabinets for a long time, yet we don’t really use them at all. During this coming season of Christmas, may we learn detachment and to live simply so that others may simply live. Please help us, Lord. This we ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Sunday, Nov.26
“The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.”
Our Lord and King, may all people on earth recognize you as their only Lord and King. As we celebrate today, Christ, King of the Universe, we pray for unity and peace in the whole world, in every country and city, in the Church and in every family. May Jesus, our Lord and King, help us imitate his example of service and love unselfishly. That true greatness and leadership are revealed and perfected in humble service out of love. Help us grow, Lord, in this way every day. May we serve in every person we meet, especially those in dire need, those victims of war, those deprived of their rights and dignity and economic injustice. These we pray, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, have mercy on us.
Saturday, Nov. 25
“I will rejoice in your salvation, O Lord.”
Lord God, console the hearts of those who mourn and suffer, especially those whose loved ones were killed from war and natural disasters. Send generous and caring people to support and assist their needs. Transform their sorrows into joy, Lord. May everyone turn to you for help. Finally, we commend to your loving mercy all the dead, especially members of our family and friends who have died. Please forgive all their sins and grant them eternal peace. Grant all these in Jesus’ Name.
Friday, Nov. 24
“We praise your glorious name, O mighty God.”
Praise to you, Lord our God. Once again, thank you for another day. Bless our Friday activities and plans. Send your holy angels to protect and keep safe all travelers today. May they reach their destinations in safety and joy. Bless all the drivers that they may always be patient and generous to each other on the road. Please answer our prayers, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Andrew Dug-Luc, Priest and Companions, Martyrs, pray for us.
Thursday, Nov. 23
“I will praise your name for ever, Lord.”
God our Father, praise and thanksgiving we offer unto you today, as we celebrate Thanksgiving Day with single hearted love and devotion. Our thanks to your countless blessings upon all of us are beyond compare. There is no word that could describe how gracious you are to all of us. May all people in America remember you and thank you for the past year of blessings from you. May we always be grateful, not just today, but every day. Bless all the families who gather today. May this day be a day of renewal of love and commitment among the members. Please keep everyone safe. This we ask, in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen.
Saint Clement I, pope and martyr, pray for us.
Wednesday, Nov. 22
“Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full.”
Lord our God, bless all our undertakings today. For without you we are incomplete and prone to failures. Help us in our efforts to do what is right and good today. May we carry out the best in us and so give you praise and glory. Grant our prayers, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us.
Tuesday, Nov. 21
Oh, ever living God, today the Church celebrates the presentation of Mary in the Temple, and the Gospel reading is the story of Jesus coming to the tax collector Zaccheaus. Jesus sees him in the tree and invites himself to his house. Zaccheaus is so overcome he has an immediate conversion and expresses remorse for his behavior.
Give me the grace today to see in the Presentation of Mary, how Jesus comes to dwell in her womb to bring us to salvation. May I work toward my conversion that Jesus dwells in me through Baptism and the other sacraments, and comes to me in the Holy Eucharist. Allow me the grace to ever seek the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady of the Presentation, pray for me.
Monday, Nov. 20
Oh, powerful God, in today’s Gospel a blind man cries out to Jesus for healing his blindness. Jesus asked him “what do you want me to do for you?” Jesus cured the man who then left praising God. And those around him did the same. Give me the grace today to hear that same question directed to me. You’ve given me the grace already to praise You for answering my prayers when it is for my good and the good of others. For that, I give You praise and thanksgiving, All glory and honor be Yours, Lord.
Sunday, Nov. 19
Oh, Generous God, today the Gospel reminds me that everything begins with Your grace, Your love and generosity. I hear the parable of the talents that a man gives to his servants. Not equally, but in proportion to their abilities, with expectation they would be multiplied and used. On his return, two servants have increased them while the third simply returns the talent. Give me the grace to realize how much You have given me and look to how well I am using my gifts for the good of others and the world around me. Let me not waste Your generous gift of Your grace, but rather use it for Your honor, glory, and good of others.
Saturday, Nov. 18
Oh, Almighty God, in today’s Gospel, St. Luke tells us the parable whose theme was to pray always without growing weary. I am aware of a classical spiritual reading book called “The Way of the Pilgrim,” whose theme is a man who hears these words and is moved to seek just how to do just that, as does the parable. Give me the grace today to learn the prayer of the heart, to learn just how I may put this into practice in my life to be in touch with the wisdom of God in each situation and circumstance of my life, and to be in touch with God’s will for me. Amen,
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne , pray for me.
Friday, Nov. 17
Oh, generous God, in today’s reading from the Book of Wisdom we are invited to hear how far more excellent You are than anything You have created. Give me the grace today to realize that the entire world, and all creation, is only a manifestation of Your glory that is always in Your hands, as we all are. The glory of created things is but a sign of Your glory, and You love me so much You sent Your Son, Jesus, to suffer and die for my sins. You have done this because of Your everlasting love. I am filled with awe at this realization. Amen.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, pray for me.
Thursday, Nov. 16
Oh God of eternal wisdom, in today’s first reading the Scripture is taken from the Book of Wisdom and holds me in awe. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, I was empowered with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The releasing of the Holy Spirit helps me to deepen my understanding of the Spirit’s gift. Give me the grace today to deepen my appreciation of its meaning. To see things as God sees them. Deepen in me an appreciation of this gift. It helps me to choose God’s ways. So often I can believe in what is best for me, not necessarily the choice God would have me to do. God gave this same gift to King Solomon in the Old Testament, who asked to have wisdom to lead his people in God’s ways. Allow me that grace to choose wisely in my life. Amen.
St. Margaret of Scotland, pray for me.
Wednesday, Nov. 15
Oh, Almighty and merciful God, give me the grace today to seek wisdom as God sees it, that is, the will of God for me, and to seek to have a grateful heart. Allow me to truly appreciate all that I have been given, my health, my education, the support of family and friends, as well as of those I encounter in my state of life. Let me not forget to the people, gifts, and things that I have never even requested or expected. A grateful heart is Your gift of wisdom too. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
St. Albert the Great, pray for me.
Tuesday, Nov. 14
Most Holy Mary, our glorious and blessed Lady, as mother of Jesus you cared for him, taught Him life lessons and modeled faith in God for him. Teach me to care well for the people I love, and those who depend upon me. Pray that I have patience to listen, energy to serve and hope to love. Mary, pray with me that those I love will be protected from all harm, find peace in their searching and faith in Jesus’ love. Mary, be my example of loving service.
Monday, Nov. 13
In my journeying with you, O Blessed Lord may I never lose my sense of direction on the Path, never lose sight of the landmark towards which I travel.
And should cloud or rain obscure my vision, may I draw closer to you, so that my feet may tread in your footsteps, your words be my encouragement, and your love be my protection against the storms that assail me.
Sunday, Nov. 12
Gracious God,
The beauty of your handiwork surrounds us. I know that each person is a reflection of your living presence. May all of my thoughts, words, and actions serve to reflect your love, mercy, and peace. May Mary our Blessed Mother continue to guide us as she reflects humility, discipleship, forgiveness and hope. May the light of your love shine just right so that I reflect the vibrant message of our salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Saturday, Nov. 11
Almighty God, we give thanks this day for all veterans who have served in the cause of peace and justice. For those who have endured conflict, many bear unseen wounds and trauma. Bring them comfort and healing in their hearts and bodies; give support to their families and loved ones who may be impacted by their suffering. Guide us, O God, as we strive to build a world of justice and peace.
Friday, Nov. 10
Father all-powerful and Lord of Love, let your radiant, eternal light dawn in our lives, that we may walk in the sureness of your law with your Wisdom to guide us always. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Thursday, Nov. 9
Lord, as daylight fills the sky, fill us with your holy light. May our lives mirror our love for you whose wisdom has brought us into being, and whose care guides us on our way.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Wednesday, Nov. 8
Heavenly Father, as a child I mostly thought of you as a ‘granter of wishes’. As an adult I now understand that having a relationship with you is not about wishes. It is about Faith and Trust; Hope and Honesty.
Help me to be honest with myself and you. You know my heart and my deepest desires. Please answer my prayers according to your wishes – your will – so that your will may be done in me. May my prayers include the intentions and needs of others more than for myself.
Through your Son Jesus – with the intersession of Mary – may I continue to grow as a person of Faith, Hope and Love.
Tuesday, Nov. 7
“In you, O Lord, I have found my peace.”
We pray today, Lord God, for our constant growth in your call to holiness. Constantly grant us the necessary grace we need so that we may be able to completely renounce our vices and evil desires. Grant also conversion to those who continue resist your love. May they eventually lower their pride and humbly accept Jesus, your Son, and be part of the Church, where all your graces and blessings overflow. These we pray, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Monday, Nov. 6
“Lord, in your great love, answer me.”
Lord God, listen to the prayers of your children who cry out to you today. Especially those who may come to the Grotto today, bringing with them their petitions and prayers before Our Lady of Sorrows. Grand peace to those
who are worried and distressed. Grant unity and reconciliation to every family experiencing problems. Finally, we constantly pray for peace, reconciliation and an end to war between Hamas and Israel. Please grant our prayers, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Leonard of Noblac, pray for us.
Sunday, Nov. 5
“In you, Lord, I have found my peace.”
Loving Father, we come to this Holy day, Sunday, in order to spend time with you as we worship at Mass and are nourished by you as we partake in the Eucharist. Thank you for such a gratuitous blessing. May all the faithful who will come to Mass today be once again renewed and strengthened in their spiritual life so that they will be able to carry out very well the task you have entrusted to them, as channels of your blessings flow toward those whom they are going to meet. Protect them from all evil and dangers throughout the week also Lord. These we pray, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Saturday, Nov. 4
“Choose to help anyone. Don’t be choosy”
Lord God, help us to choose to do the good and the right thing today. Most of all, help and grant us the grace to always choose you and only you. May we also to help each other regardless of status and not to be choosy. Grant us the strength and determination to choose to always offer a helping hand when opportunity comes. Grant all these in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Charles Borromeo, bishop, pray for us.
Friday, Nov. 3
“Praise the Lord, my soul.”
Father, we pray today for all those who are still suffering from all kinds of illnesses, especially, cancer. Through the prayer of St. Peregrine and our saint for today, St. Martin de Forres, grant us strength and healing. Grant perseverance and hope to those tormented by pain and sorrows right now. May Our Lady of Sorrows help to remain steadfast and never loss hope. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Martin de Porres, religious, pray for us.
Thursday, Nov. 2
“The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.”
Eternal Father, you are the God not of dead but of the living. You are calling each of us by each name to establish a loving relationship with you, not only in this earthly and temporal life, but to life eternal. And the only way to you is love. For to love is to live and to live is to love. And love never dies. There is nothing more dreadful than being separated from you who is Love. And to be separated from you is worse than death. And so, we pray for all our departed brothers and sisters who, due to human weakness while on earth, fall short in their love of you. Help us love you each day Lord God. Make us grow in love so that even when we die, we will surely live eternally with you. We ask this through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, Who Is Love. Amen.
All the Saints, pray for us and all our departed.
Wednesday, Nov. 1
“Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.”
Father of infinite love, we are indeed blessed because you love us unconditionally. As we celebrate today the Solemnity of All Saints, may all your children come to worship you in the Eucharist, the very source and fountain of all Holiness. While still on earth, the Saints were sustained by your love because of their great faith in Jesus, your Son. In response, they remained in your love, so they were able to endure all the hardships they had to face, in order not to be separated from Jesus. Now they enjoy being with you eternally. Like them, grant us also perseverance and endurance in every trial that comes along our way. Increase our faith, hope and charity, so that someday we may be one with them in your loving presence. Grant us the grace of humility and obedience. Make us your living saints today. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
All the Saints, Blessed and Martyrs, pray for us.
Tuesday, Oct. 31
Oh, God of my salvation, almighty and ever-loving Lord, I pray for You to increase my faith, hope and charity. I know that through Baptism I have received the Spirit of adoption through which I can cry to You, Father. Give me the grace to realize how much I am loved by You. Despite my sins and struggles to remain faithful, You are there to lift me up through the sacrament of reconciliation and forgive my sins and feed me with Christ’s body and blood. Like the woman You heal in the Gospel today, You constantly lift me up to remain a faithful son/daughter of Yours. To see my sins as You do, I need to be aware of Your everlasting love to pick myself up and move ahead, to grow ever more faithful in my love for You. Amen.
St. Angelo of Acri, pray for me.
Monday, Oct. 30
Oh, God of my salvation, almighty and ever-loving Lord, I pray for You to increase my faith, hope and charity. I know that through Baptism I have received the Spirit of adoption through which I can cry to You, Father. Give me the grace to realize how much I am loved by You. Despite my sins and struggles to remain faithful, You are there to lift me up through the sacrament of reconciliation and forgive my sins and feed me with Christ’s body and blood. Like the woman You heal in the Gospel today, You constantly lift me up to remain a faithful son/daughter of Yours. To see my sins as You do, I need to be aware of Your everlasting love to pick myself up and move ahead, to grow ever more faithful in my love for You. Amen.
St. Angelo of Acri, pray for me.
Sunday, Oct. 29
Oh, Loving God,
Today’s Gospel proclaims the two great commandments, love of God and love of neighbor. Give me Your grace today, Lord, to see how I may love You and my neighbor. Because Jesus told the Pharisees these were the two greatest
Help me, Jesus, to see how I can love You and my neighbor today. To love justly, not merely what I feel, but how I act toward them, treating everyone with kindness, compassion, and mercy. Allow me to do this when it is convenient and inconvenient to the best of my ability.
Saturday, Oct. 28
Oh, faithful God, on this Feast of Sts. Simon and Jude, brothers and apostles and cousins of Jesus; give me the grace today to be a proclaimer of Jesus as Lord and Son of God, as they were. They left all they knew to proclaim the Gospel in Persia, Nineveh, Syria, and Armenia. They lost their lives refusing to offer worship to false gods. Allow the Holy Spirit to give me the courage to share Christ’s message to everyone I meet today, knowing I am a fellow citizen with the holy one’s of God. Abolish any prejudices, I must encounter others with the message of Christ. Amen.
Saints Simon and Jude, pray for me.
Friday, Oct. 27
Oh, ever generous God, today’s Gospel urges people to open their eyes to the signs of the times. Jesus wishes for people to read the signs of the times, that he is with them as the Son of God. Give me the same grace, Lord, to hear your words, knowing who you are. Heal my mind’s eye to recognize you in the scriptures I hear or read, and take your words to heart to follow your words as your disciples; words that heal body, mind, and heart, especially in my times of Eucharist prayer and adoration. Give me your words of consolation, healing, and forgiveness for the times I have failed to live up to the Baptism promises.
Thursday, Oct. 26
Oh, Almighty and ever-living God, I hear your call today in the scriptures to turn away from sin, be faithful to the Gospel and choose the good over evil. Acting on the words of Scripture gives me the strength to resist temptation. Give me Your grace today, Lord, through Your powerful assistance, to choose wisely for the sake of salvation. Allow me to be patient with myself as You are with me. I know sometimes that it takes a lifetime. Amen.
St. Richard Gwyn, pray for me.
Wednesday, Oct. 25
Oh, Loving God, in today’s reading we are encouraged to present ourselves as a new creation. Give me the grace today to do my best with the help of Christ to transform myself to His new creation and to be free to live totally as Your new creation. I live with so many distractions that clamor for my attention. Allow me to focus more directly to see the disrepair in my life when I stray from Jesus. Sometimes I do not see the transformation Christ has done in my life and is still doing. Allow me to present myself as a new creation that You have worked in me. I praise and thank you for giving me access to Your grace so I may live a new life.
Tuesday, Oct. 24
A Prayer for Wisdom
I pray for wisdom that is peaceable, gentle, and approachable, with lots of mercy and fairness to be shared with all. You said an unlimited supply of wisdom is available to me if I simply ask, so I pray for wisdom to know how to deal with the many people and situations that will cross my path.
Monday, Oct. 23
A Prayer of Welcome
Gracious God, we are blessed to have this beautiful Sanctuary in the city.
May pilgrims and visitors feel welcomed as they are surrounded by the majesty of the tall cedars. May the birds’ songs, the rustling leaves, and the greeting of our staff allow all who visit to lay down their burdens here.
May they feel your loving mercy, and be inspired by the images of angels and saints to follow your Son Jesus more sincerely. And may Blessed Mary offer her humble encouragement as visitors pray, explore, seek and learn.
As our visitors leave this place may they be filled with the gift of compassion and hope. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sunday, Oct. 22
A Volunteer Prayer
Gracious God,
You call us to use our time, gifts, skills and experience for the betterment of our community and our world. Today I offer myself to you and your service.
Help me to discern where and how to serve. I ask that you grow my generosity, my faithfulness, and open my mind to new opportunities.
May others interactions with me draw them closer to you.
I humbly ask this through Jesus Our Lord. Amen.
Saturday, Oct. 21
A Prayer at the Peace Pole
Heavenly Father, I stand at this peace pole. “May Peace Prevail on Earth” is carved on it’s 4 sides. One language is my own; The other three are words of people and cultures unfamiliar to me. They represent all others that I may encounter.
Plant your peace in my heart. May your eternal peace enfold me like a blanket and infiltrate my thoughts, my words, and my actions. Help me to be a person of peace; a person of hope; a person of mercy and forgiveness.
I ask this in union with Blessed Mary Ever Virgin and all the Saints, through Christ Jesus – the Prince of Peace.
Friday, Oct. 20
A Blessing
Blessed are you, O God, creator of the universe, who has made all things good
and given the earth for us to cultivate.
Grant that we may always use created things gratefully and share your gift with those in need, out of love of Christ of Lord, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever.
Thursday, Oct. 19
A Prayer for Peace
Ever living, Ever loving God, our world is in need of your Peace. Fill the hearts of all peoples with honor for every human life. May your loving touch heal those who dwell in anger, pain and sorrow. May your Holy Spirit reconcile and unify strangers and neighbors.
I, too, am in need of your Peace. Plant your words of healing and understanding within my heart. Give me strength to live peace, and speak peace, and be a peacemaker.
I humbly ask this through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Wednesday, Oct. 18
Prayer taken from Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’
All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures. You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.
Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty.
Fill us with peace, that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one.
O God of the poor, help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this earth, so precious in your eyes. Bring healing to our lives, that we may protect the world and not prey on it, that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction.
Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the earth. Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light.
We thank you for being with us each day. Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace.
Tuesday, Oct. 17
“The heavens proclaim the glory of God.”
Glory to you, Lord God. We lift up our voices of praise and thank to you for this new day. Bless all our undertakings today. You are the only one who can make things great and sustainable. Sustain us in our convictions and desire to be responsible and accountable to each other as brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus. May we always seek what is good, right and holy in your sight. Grant all this through Christ, our brother and Lord. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Monday, Oct. 16
“The Lord has made known his salvation.”
Loving Lord, how loving and caring you are, indeed. Every day we witness and experience your salvation in varied ways. The fact that we are awake today is one of the proofs of your constant salvation and love. Thank you so much for everything, for this new day and life. Thank you for sending people to be our companions, helpers and guides. We thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sts. Hedwig and Margaret Mary Alacoque, pray for us.
Sunday, Oct. 15
“I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.”
Loving God, we thank you for keeping us safe throughout the week. Today is our date and moment with you. May all your people spend quality time with you as they come to be nourished in the Eucharist, our spiritual food that sustains and strengthens our spiritual life. As as we are about to face another week, may we be able to carry out your holy will each day for the good of others and for the good of our souls. All this we ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Teresa of Jesus, pray for us.
Saturday, Oct. 14
“Rejoice in the Lord, you just!”
The Lord is our joy and peace. Lord God, teach us to be joyful even in the simple things we have. Make grateful and thankful to all your blessings you having given unto us each day. help us avoid comparing ourselves with others. May we able to show appreciation to everything and everyone around us. This we pray and ask you, in Jesus Name. Amen.
St. Callistus, pope, pray for us.
Friday, Oct. 13
“The Lord will judge the world with justice.”
God of justice, we pray today for our brothers and sisters who are deprived of justice and their rights. May their oppressors repent and show mercy and justice to their victims. Continue to send caring and loving people to assist the needs of the poor and the marginalize in our society. May we always spread kindness to everyone we meet. We ask you this, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Theophilus, pray for us.
Thursday, Oct. 12
“Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.”
Lord God, our sure hope, strengthen those who are losing their hope in their lives. Strengthen those who are weighed down by many problems and troubles in their lives. We pray especially those who are sick and suffering from all kinds of illnesses. May St. Peregrine constantly intercede for all the sick, especially those who come to visit the Grotto today seeking for peace and healing. Please grant all our prayers today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Our Lady of the Pillar, pray for us.
Wednesday, Oct. 11
“Lord, you are merciful and gracious.”
Our gracious and merciful God, bless all our undertakings today. Guide our thoughts, words and actions so that we may carry out your holy will today. Protect us also from all dangers and evil, especially to all travelers today. We ask you this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Saint John XXIII, pray for us.
Tuesday, Oct. 10
Oh, merciful God, give me the grace today to come to You when I am feeling burdened as Matha was in today’s Gospel. Even in my annoyance and exhaustion, allow me to put my concerns in Your care rather than lashing out or getting angry at others. Give me assurance that You are there with me in my frustrations. Mary chose the better part, let me too do the same with my feelings of being put upon by others, to bring these feelings to You. Remind me that one thing is necessary, and that is to bring these things to You. Amen.
Sts. Martha and Mary, pray for me.
Monday, Oct. 9
Oh, faithful God, You never abandon me, even if I am foolish enough to abandon You. In today’s first reading, I see You care for Jonah even though he tries to not follow the message You want him to deliver. You even protect him from harm. Give me the grace today to hear Your voice and follow Your wishes, no matter how difficult it may seem at the time. I am sure that You will give me the courage to follow through with Your wishes. Open my heart to hear Your voice in every circumstance and follow the call You desire for me. Amen.
Sts. Denis and Companions, pray for me.
Sunday, Oct. 8
Oh, God, help me to bear fruit for You today. In St. Matthew’s Gospel I am reminded that Your Kingdom will be given to those who bear good fruit. Give me the grace today to follow the actions of Jesus to do the good works we have in the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. To be forgiving, to be merciful, to be loving , to be motivated by the actions of Jesus, to touch others as You did in your public life, because You touched others gently with compassion, uniquely to their situation and circumstances. Allow me the same concern for others as You had living among us. I want to count on the help of your grace. Amen.
Saturday, Oct. 7
Oh Lord, who listens to the voice of the poor, give me the grace today to rejoice with the disciples who returned from preaching with news of the impact their preaching of the Kingdom had on them and others. It is the greatest grace that each of us, as faithful Christian Catholics, have been given the ability to enter eternal life by the death and resurrection of Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, for you have loved me so much to suffer death and rise to allow me to enter the glory of heaven, to be with You forever. Amen.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for me.
Friday, Oct. 6
Oh, God of mercy, compassion, and forgiveness, I hear the need for forgiveness for my sins and the sins of the world. Give me the grace today to do penance and ask for Your forgiveness and mercy for those times when I have sinned by my words, actions, and thoughts. I hear the call today from the reading from the Prophet Baruch. I need to hear the voice of Your mercy to bring me back fully in your service. Know that I love you and want to do your will rather than my own. I ask this of Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.
St. Bruno, pray for me.
Thursday, Oct. 5
Oh, faithful understanding God, today we hear the Gospel of Jesus commissioning the seventy-two disciples. Jesus tells them to go out to preach His message when convenient and inconvenient. He instructs them how to treat those willing to listen and those who reject their message.
Give me the grace, Lord, to be a faithful messenger of Your message. Give me the grace to be a faithful disciple in whatever I say and whatever I do. Help me to be authentic in my teaching and preaching of Your message. Amen.
Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, pray for me.
Wednesday, Oct. 4
Oh, Gracious God, You have given the Church the example of St. Francis of Assisi today on his Memorial, to remind us of his dedication to You and the Church.
Give me the grace today to take his example of living a simple life. May I follow You with my whole heart, appreciating the simple things in life, taking time to appreciate my family, and my environment. Thank you for the gifts You have blessed me with. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
Tuesday, Oct. 3
No Matter the Weather You Accompany Me
Gracious and Eternal God, You have created this beautiful world.
Every minute of every day you nurture the earth and tend to the needs of your people. The warmth of the sun, a gentle breeze, a sudden down pour – all are your gifts.
Help me be mindful that no matter the weather you accompany me.
When the storms of life sneak up, help me cherish the gift of faith and my friends and family.
Help me to be a better steward of the people and the world around me.
No matter the weather may my heart be honest, and open, ready to share your generous mercy and love.
I ask this in union with Jesus and the Holy Spirit – One God forever and ever.
Monday, Oct. 2
Lord, today bless all who are caring for the world. Keep them safe and healthy.
Bless them with strength, knowledge, compassion and hope. Let them know that they are appreciated and loved. Lord, please bless them today with an extra dose of your love and protection.
Sunday, Oct. 1
Hail, Sacred Heart of Jesus, living and strengthening source of eternal life, infinite treasury of the divinity, burning furnace of divine love. You are my refuge and my sanctuary. My loving Savior, consume my heart in that burning fire with which Your own is inflamed. Pour into my soul those graces which flow from Your love. Let my heart be so united with Yours that our wills may be one, and that my will in all things be conformed with Yours. May Your Will be the guide and rule of my desires and of my actions.
Saturday, Sept. 30
Gracious God, Your love encircles me.
I sometimes feel like a child wrapped in a warm blanket; you surround me with the beauty of your creation.
You provide a circle of friends and family that support and challenge me. When I close my eyes I even see those beloved family members who have gone before me, as well as other holy men and women at my shoulders echoing your loving presence to the whole world.
May my words and actions reflect your never-ending love and mercy. Teach me your ways – the way of patience, mercy, generosity and unbounded love.
I ask this through Jesus, our Lord and Brother. Amen.
Friday, Sept. 29
A Prayer for the Chapel of Mary
Gracious and ever-loving God we ask your eternal blessing on the Chapel of Mary.
May those seekers and pilgrims that visit our humble Chapel find peace, consolation, and perseverance. May the images of the saints carved in marble serve as support, witness and role models for us. May the murals of the Seven Sorrows of Mary help us to focus our lives on humble service, compassion, and hope. May the Good News of our Salvation always be preached from the Ambo. May all be nourished at this Altar through the celebration of the Mass, and may Your praises always be sung as we gather.
Bless each of the Servite Priests and the Oblate Sisters of St. Martha who serve here.
Gathered, nourished and sent, may all who enter into this holy Chapel be prepared to love and serve you, O Lord, as well as our neighbors.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Thursday, Sept 28
A Guardian Angel Morning Prayer
Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love entrusts me here; Ever this day, be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide.
Wednesday, Sept. 27
Prayer to Our Lady of Lavang
Blessed Lady of Lavang, be my mother and comfort me, especially in times of trial and unhappiness.
Enter my heart and stay with me wherever I may go.
Grant that one day, through you, I may find rest and peace in my Father’s house.
Tuesday, Sept. 26
“Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.”
Loving Father, grant joy to all of us, especially to those who have lost hope and meaning in their lives. Strengthen each one of us today. May we seek you, and in finding you, hold on to you and remain in you. Fill the emptiness of the hearts of our brothers and sisters with your joy and peace today. Strengthen those who are weighed down by problems, health issues or the loss of a loved one. Send forth your holy angels to raise them up to move forward with hope. Grant all this through Christ, our brother and Lord. Amen.
St Peregrine, pray for us.
Monday, Sept. 25
“The Lord has done marvels for us.”
Lord God, this Monday is one of the proofs of your marvelous deeds. May all your children show gratitude and appreciation to all the blessings they constantly enjoy. Let all your creatures serve and praise you by taking care of our environment. Most of all, may each one of us respect and protect human life from conception to natural death. Grant all our prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Sunday, Sept. 24
“The Lord is near to all who call upon him.”
Loving Father, constantly let your children feel your presence in their lives, especially in the lives of those who are suffering. Make us instruments of your loving presence before all. Draw all your faithful closer to you as we worship at Holy Mass. Renew our spirit due to the many concerns and worries brought to us during the past week so we may face another week with so much energy to give our best and to excel in all we do. All this we ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Saturday, Sept. 23
“Come with joy into the presence of the Lord.”
Lord God, may all who come to you in worship experience peace and joy. May our worship of you at Mass not only be on the level of obligation or requirement, but of true worship of our faith and love of you. This we pray and ask you, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Padre Pio, pray for us.
Friday, Sept. 22
“Blessed the poor in spirit; the Kingdom of heaven is theirs!”
Continue to bless us with true humility, Lord God. For only through humility true blessedness flows. May our little kindness never swell our pride. Make us eager to do good to others without counting the cost. We ask you this, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Thursday, Sept. 21
“Their message goes out through all the earth!”
Lord God, as we celebrate today the feast day of St. Matthew, one of the apostles of your Son Jesus, you invite us to continue the mission of salvation you entrusted to St. Matthew, offered for all your children. May the message of truth constantly go out through all the earth in the very life we live each day. Please grant all our prayers today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Matthew, Apostle and evangelist, pray for us.
Wednesday, Sept. 20
“How great are the works of the Lord!”
You are indeed so Great O Lord in all your creations, like the beauty of The Grotto. As we celebrate the 100 years anniversary of the Grotto, we ask you to constantly listen and answer the petitions and prayers of all the people who come to visit here every day, especially those sick in mind, body, and spirit. Through the help and prayer of all the Servite Saints and Blessed, especially of St. Peregrine, grant them strength, perseverance in their daily sufferings, pain and hardships. Finally, grant them integral healing in mind, body and spirit. We ask you this in Jesus Name. Amen.
Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Priest, and Paul Chŏng Ha-sang and Companions, Martyrs, pray for us.
Tuesday, Sept. 19
Oh, Lord, who hears the prayer of the poor, in today’s Gospel Jesus is moved with pity seeing a mother with no husband and a deceased only son being carried to the burial grounds. Deepen my prayer of faith in Your power to do all the things to heal those who need. Your pity with illnesses of the mind, the body or of a broken heart. Raise them up with Your healing hand and bring them back to health of mind, and those with physical illness to full health, and those with emotional illness to a full recovery. In faith I ask this of You, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Saint Januarius, pray for me.
Monday, Sept. 18
Oh, most compassionate God, in today’s Gospel Christ cures the centurion’s faithful servant. Christ is amazed at his faith as a pagan. Yet he has faith in Jesus. Help my faith this day, oh, Lord, as I pray for myself and others who are sick, to have the faith that you can do all things if we have enough faith. Hear my faith filled prayer today for family, friends, and neighbors who need healing of body, mind, and heart. I ask this also through the intercession of St. Peregrine, OSM, who you healed of his cancer. With all my heart, I plead for their healing if it be your divine will. Amen.
Sunday, Sept. 17
Oh, God, today The Grotto celebrates the beginning of its centennial year. May the Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother be a place of prayer, refuge, and consolation for all people, not only the people of Portland, but all those who come far and wide to share this retreat from the world, with its natural beauty and serene places for prayer, silence, and contemplation. Give me the grace to appreciate not just these past 100 years but for the years to come. May the shrine continue to be a place of devotion to Our Sorrowful Mother. Amen.
Mary, Our Sorrowful Mother, pray for me.
Saturday, Sept. 16
Oh, ever loving God, both Scripture readings today highlight the majesty of God, who loves me even though I am a sinner. Both call me to awe and repentance for my sins. Give me the grace today, loving and generous God, to know how much You love me despite my unworthiness, by sending Your Son, Jesus, to save me. Only in knowing Your great love for me can I look deeply into myself. Thank you for the scriptures today. Amen.
Friday, Sept. 15
Oh, Gentle Savior, today we celebrate your mother under her title of Our Sorrowful Mother. You gave her to us as my mother at the cross. Her suffering shows me she understands what I experience when I say “yes” to God and experience suffering. When I suffer Mary understands. When my plans are interrupted Mary understands. Her plans were interrupted too. When my family and friends do no not understand my “yes” to God, Mary understands. Mary shows us that faith, courage and strength are possible even in deep sorrow. Mary is Jesus’ mother and our mother too.
Holy Mary, Mother of Sorrows, thank you for understanding and seeing me through my sorrows too. Amen.
Thursday, Sept. 14
Oh, Lord, my God, as a Catholic Christian a crucifix is everywhere on my rosary, in my home, and above the altar in my church. Perhaps that is why we need to celebrate the Exultation of the Holy Cross today, to focus on the great sacrifice Christ made for the love of us.
Give me the grace today, Lord, to reflect on the sacrifice He made for love of us sinners, to suffer torture, pain, and death. This day Lord, I praise and praise you for your sacrifice for me, one I do not deserve or could ever repay.
Jesus, may every cross I see remind me of your sacrifice and all you have done for me. For by your cross you have redeemed the world. Amen.
Wednesday, Sept. 13
Oh, Lord my God, hear my prayer that I might have the grace to act on St. Paul’s message to the Corinthians today, that having died with Christ in Baptism I might rise with him to new life. I can only do this with the help of your grace. And in today’s Gospel of St. Luke, I am given his list of the beatitudes. A pathway to living in and with Christ. I ask this in the powerful name of Jesus, Our Lord. Amen.
Tuesday, Sept. 12
Your light, O Holy One, is the only light I need as I travel on life’s pathway.
Your word the only voice I hear, that still small voice that leads me to the place where I should be.
Your presence is the only company I need, as I walk this narrow road.
Your fellowship the warmth I crave to help me on my journey.
Monday, Sept. 11
As we look toward the beginning of The Grotto’s 100th year, we give thanks for all the pilgrims who have traveled from near and far to experience the serenity of the sanctuary, and for being a part of making the shrine what it is today. May the Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother continue to touch lives, and be touched by the lives of our visitors, for another 100 years. Amen.
Sunday, Sept. 10
Father, bless your servants who minister under the inspiration of Mary.
Grant them strength as they bring your compassionate love to your people.
Bless them with good health, increase their community, and let their faith be hope to all.
Saturday, Sept. 9
O Holy Mother of Sorrows, with strength from above you stood by the cross of Jesus, sharing in His sufferings, and with tender care you bore Him in your arms, mourning and weeping.
We praise you for your faith, which accepted the life God planned for you.
We praise you for your hope, which trusted that God would do great things in you.
We praise you for your love in bearing with Jesus the sorrows of His passion.
Holy Mary, may we follow your example, and stand by all your children who need comfort and love. O Most Blessed Mother of God, stand by us in our trials and care for us in our many needs.
Embrace us with your motherly love and protection. Amen.
Friday, Sept. 8
Blessed are you, O God, Creator of the universe, who have made all things good and given the earth for us to cultivate.
Grant that we may always use created things gratefully and share your gift with those in need, out of love of Christ of Lord, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever. Amen.
Thursday, Sept. 7
Heavenly Father, I know that you have created me, the world around me, as well as the people and the relationships that enrich my life. Help me to be grateful for each moment – every moment. Amen.
Wednesday, Sept. 6
A Prayer for the Seasons
Gracious God of All Creation,
You have blessed us with the beautiful and amazing world around us.
Each season of the year shares the glory of your loving hand.
Spring bursts with scents, colors and the sounds of birds nesting.
Summer radiates the warmth of your tender mercy and boasts our growing season.
Autumn brings harvest and the vibrant colors of the leaves before they fall from the trees.
And winter provides the rain and snow needed for the upcoming spring. Although many plants look dead, your new life is below the surface – making its way to share the good news of new life – at the appointed time.
Thank you God for each and every season, for the lessons they teach and the challenges that they bring.
Help me to welcome change, challenge and growth, knowing that you are the Lord of all things.
I ask this through Jesus, in union with the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, Sept. 5
“I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.”
Loving Father, we give you praise and honor for all your goodness bestowed upon all of us, your children. Bless each one of us today with every good gift. Bless also our enemies. As we enjoy your creation, may we all the more enjoy and value the compony of our brothers and sisters with us. May we grow in friendship and brotherly and sisterly love. Grant all this through Christ our brother and Lord. Amen.
St Eleutherius, pray for us.
Monday, Sept. 4
“The Lord comes to judge the earth.”
Lord God, bless our Monday with so much hope. May we begin this week full of heavenly thoughts, words and actions. May we avoid having negative thoughts, words and actions towards our brothers and sisters whom we meet today. Grant all our prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Sunday, Sept. 3
“My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.”
God, source of all that is good, bless all your people who will gather today to worship you, especially those who will participate and worship with us at Mass at the Grotto. Fill them with an ever-renewed strength to be able to carry out your holy will throughout the week. Unite them always and keep them from all danger and harm. All this we ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Gregory the Great, pope and doctor, pray for us.
Saturday, Sept. 2
“The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.”
Loving God, we ask you to please be the one to guide our plans and actions today. Bless those who may come to visit the Grotto, especially those who will participate to the Healing Mass in honour of St. Peregrine. Grant integral healing to those who are still suffering from all kinds of illness or diseases. And we thank you for those who have been healed miraculously through the prayers of St. Peregrine. This we pray and ask, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Ingrid of Sweden, pray for us.
Friday, Sept. 1
“Rejoice in the Lord, you just!”
Loving Father, bless those who are sad or mourning today because of misfortune or loss of a loved one. Be their comfort and consolation. Accompany them in the moment of their sadness and loss. May they all hold on unto you even more at this moment of their struggles, suffering or lost. We ask you this, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Giles, pray for us.
Thursday, August 31
“Blessed the one who is gracious and lends to those in need.”
Merciful Father, bless those who will visit the Grotto today. Listen to the prayers of those who seek peace and strength. Restore their strength as they spend time at the Grotto, a place of prayer and peace. May the Sorrowful Mother console those who are in sorrow and lead them to Jesus. Please grant our prayers, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Lawrence, pray for us.
Wednesday, August 30
“You have searched me and you know me, Lord.”
Lord God, look kindly on all your children throughout the world, especially those who are in trouble, persecuted and marginalized. Come to console them and defend those who are belittled and persecuted by others because of their color, ethnic race or language. And, in special way, listen to the prayers of those who ask for your guidance, those who need enlightenment and peace in their hearts. We ask you this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Pammachius, pray for us.
Tuesday, August 29
“You have searched me and you know me, Lord.”
Lord God, look kindly on all your children throughout the world, especially those who are in trouble, persecuted and marginalized. Come to console them and defend those who are belittled and persecuted by others because of their color, ethnic race or language. And, in special way, listen to the prayers of those who ask for your guidance, those who need enlightenment and peace in their hearts. We ask you this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Pammachius, pray for us.
Monday, August 28
Oh, God of compassion and mercy, in today’s first reading of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, he praises them for thei faith and endurance. I too am called to love the people around me, even though at times this may be difficult. Give me the grace today to love the people around me. And to see them as You do. Help me to be as merciful as You are merciful. I remember the words of St. Augustine “ Oh Lord, our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” And “ to sing well is to pray twice.” I rely on the grace You give me. Amen.
St. Augustine, pray for me.
Sunday, August 27
Oh, ever faithful God, in today’s Gospel we hear St. Peter’s testimony of faith in response to Jesus’ question “Who do you say I am?” He responds, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”
Give me the grace, Lord, to echo St. Peter’s reply. I need to look deeply into my heart of hearts on hearing this Gospel which challenges me to be sincerely honest with myself in answering that question. Allow me to be carefully honest with myself and the Lord to respond wholeheartedly with St. Peter’s words of faith. Amen.
Saturday, August 26
Oh, God of consolation and strength, give me the grace today to practice faithfully what I preach. Give me Your assurance to be what I choose to be, a faithful follower of Your Son Jesus Christ. Sometimes I may be weak, give me the strength of Your grace not to falter or be dishonest in following You. I need Your grace to practice what I preach to others, both by word and example. Let me head Your words “he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Amen.
Holy Mother of God, pray for me.
Friday, August 25
Oh, ever faithful God, You are always there for Your people. The Book of Ruth shows us the faithfulness of Ruth to her mother-in-law after her husband’s death. She had the chance to return to her own people, but she was faithful to her Mother-in Law, opting to remain with her, saying ” your people will be my people, your God my God.”
Give me the grace to be faithful throughout my life to my Baptismal promises renewed every year. I ask for your grace for fidelity. Amen.
St. Louis the IX of France, Pray for me.
Thursday, August 24
Oh, loving and faithful God, in today’s Gospel we hear of Philip finding Nathaniel (later called Bartholomew) and telling him he has found Jesus, the Messiah. Nathaniel doubts but is intrigued. Encountering Jesus, he is taken aback that Jesus knows him. Nathaniel admits that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah.
Lord Jesus, give me your grace and open my eyes to the ways that I, too, can invite people to come and see you. When I meet people searching for Jesus, allow me to have the courage to direct them to you as Philip led Nathaniel. Amen.
St. Bartholomew, pray for us.
Wednesday, August 23
Oh, most generous God, hear my prayer today to give me the grace to be as understanding and generous as You are to me, and others who do not seem to merit it. In St. Matthew’s Gospel today, Jesus tells of the generosity of the landowner who pays each worker the same pay after a day of work. So often, even as children, we say: “that’s not fair.” It pushes me to be jealous.
God, you offer us everything despite our sinfulness with your forgiveness, mercy, compassion. Give me a generous heart, and the grace not to begrudge someone one else of Your grace. Let me put off jealousy or resentment and rejoice in your goodness. Amen.
St. Philip Benizi, OSM, pray for us.
Tuesday, August 22
A Prayer to our Blessed Mother
O Mary, Blessed One of the Most High and Mother of Grace, through you the Church lifts up her prayer of praise.
Beloved daughter of the Father, by your acceptance of the word of the Angel Gabriel you cooperated in the salvation of the world, for in you the creature once again obeys its Creator.
Mother of Jesus, by pondering the word in your heart you showed us the way to wisdom, and opened to all people this same word of glad tidings.
Spouse, beloved of the Spirit, by accepting the Word of God you gave life to the world through the gift of your Divine Son, and in you humanity has become the dwelling-place of the Divine.
Loving Mother, woman of prayer, we turn to you and ask: support our prayers for ourselves, for all your Servants, for our friends and our families, for those who share the Christian faith, and for every person on Earth, that all might know peace and salvation. Ask the Heavenly Father that we may truly know Christ, be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, remain protected in all adversity and freed from every evil.
Help us to build God’s Kingdom: an everlasting Kingdom of praise, justice, and peace. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Monday, August 21
A Twilight Prayer
Almighty and ever-living God,
I know it is you who rule the day and the night.
I seek you here in the twilight, as the radiance of the sunset colors soften into grey tones along the skyline.
As the day transitions into night I lift up my heart in gratitude for this day.
Thank you for the many ways you reminded me of your faithfulness and mercy.
As I move toward my bedtime allow me to rest in the assurance of your guidance and inspiration.
Please bless and multiply my efforts to love, serve and care for those around me.
I ask this through Christ our Lord,
Sunday, August 20
Holy Mary, Disciple of Jesus, pray that I may nurture a stronger relationship with your Son. Your life teaches me that faith is trust that God is always faithful.
Pray that I may see the signs of God’s presence in my life today. Pray that I will seek God’s counsel and blessing in all that happens.
Mother, pray that my faith in God may bring me peace and joy as your faith did.
Mother, be my guide and intercessor as I work to be a more perfect and faithful disciple of Jesus.
Saturday, August 19
Ever loving God, our world is in need of your Peace. Fill the hearts of all peoples with honor for every human life. May your loving touch heal those who dwell in anger, pain and sorrow. May your Holy Spirit reconcile and unify strangers and neighbors.
I, too, am in need of your Peace. Plant your words of healing and understanding within my heart. Give me strength to live peace, and speak peace, and be a peacemaker.
I humbly ask this through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Friday, August 18
Calm me, Blessed Lord … calm my heart, my mind, my soul. Slow me down, put your peace in my heart. No matter what problem I have, Lord, You are bigger, You are more powerful than it is.
Thursday, August 17
The Big Picture
Gracious and ever-loving God, help me to seek you, to learn from you, to know you.
I so often get caught up in my thoughts, my daily routine, and my circle of friends and family that I forget about everything else.
Remind me of the Big Picture: others around me who I do not see.
Open my mind and heart to their needs and burdens.
May I tend to others as sisters and brothers.
Broaden my view and understanding of the world around me.
May I tend to the earth as a steward.
Help me to see others and the world with your eyes – your view becoming more loving and forgiving; patient and kind.
I pray that each day I grow to be ever more faithful to the teachings and life of your Son.
I humbly ask all this through Jesus Christ your Son, in union with the Holy Spirit.
Wednesday, August 16
A Prayer of Welcome
Gracious God,
We are blessed to have this beautiful Sanctuary in the city.
May pilgrims and visitors feel welcomed as they are surrounded by the majesty of the tall cedars.
May the bird song, the rustling leaves, branches and the greeting of our staff allow all who visit to lay down their burdens here.
May they feel your loving mercy, and be inspired by the images of angels and saints to follow your Son Jesus more sincerely.
And may Blessed Mary offer her humble encouragement as visitors pray, explore, seek and learn.
As our visitors leave this place may they be filled with the gift of compassion and hope.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Tuesday, August 15
“The queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in gold.”
God our Father, as we celebrate today the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, call all your children to gather together to worship you today as our thanksgiving to you for this great feast of the Blessed among women. Her Assumption into your presence was your gift to her because of her perfect “Yes” to your will, as she freely and joyfully cooperated with your plan of salvation for all people when she accepted your offer to be the Mother of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. May we, too, say yes every day to your Holy Will, so as to be worthy of that Kingdom prepared by You for those worthy of your love and salvation. Grant all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mary Queen of your Servants, pray for us.
Monday, August 14
“Praise the Lord, my soul.”
Lord God, we pray today for the forgiveness of the sins and failings for those who have died; members of our family, friends and the poor souls in purgatory. We also pray for the souls of friends of the Grotto who have died. Grant them eternal rest together with the angels and saints. Grant all our prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, pray for us.
Sunday, August 13
“Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.”
Our loving God, bless all our undertakings today. Grant all workers strength and good health so that they may carry out the best quality of their services so to give you glory. May they also spend time with you today to be nourished by you, partaking in the Eucharist. All this we ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Pontian and Hippolytus, pray for us.
Saturday, August 12
“I love you, Lord, my strength.”
Lord God, protect all travellers today. Send your holy angels to guide them from all dangers and evil happenings today, especially those who may come to visit The Grotto today. Grant all the drivers clear mind and vision. Calm their mind and hearts too. This we pray and ask, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Jane Frances de Chantal, pray for us.
Friday, August 11
“I remember the deeds of the Lord.”
Lord God, listen to the prayers of those who are suffering with all kinds of illnesses, especially cancer. We unite our prayers with St. Peregrine’s. Grant them strength and perseverance in their daily hardships. Finally, grant them, Lord, integral healing according to your infinite love and goodness. We ask you this, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Clare, pray for us.
Thursday, August 10
“Blessed the one who is gracious and lends to those in need.”
Merciful Father, bless those who will visit the Grotto today. Listen to the prayers of those who seek peace and strength. Restore their strength as they spend time at the Grotto, a place of prayer and peace. May the Sorrowful Mother console those who are in sorrow and lead them to Jesus. Please grant our prayers, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Lawrence, pray for us.
Wednesday, August 9
“Remember us, O Lord, as you favor your people.”
Loving Father, we commend to your loving and caring hands those who are deprived of love and care. Constantly send loving and caring people to attend to their needs. Fill us with that same grace so that we may able to be your instruments of your love and care to those we meet today. We ask you this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, pray for us.
Tuesday, August 8
Oh, God of peace, the Gospel once again tells us Jesus went to pray on the mountain while his disciples were on the sea and a storm developed. The disciples were afraid without Jesus. He seemed far away. Does Jesus even know what they are experiencing? Sometimes I feel the same during a crisis in my life. Yet, Jesus is seen walking across the stormy sea. He tells them not to be afraid. Before calming the storm, he assures them he is there. Give me your grace, Lord to know you care and are aware of my situation and want to assure me you are there with me in my difficulties and fear. I wish to say: “Lord, I believe you are with me, and I trust in you.” Amen.
Monday, August 7
Oh, God of compassion and mercy, in today’s Gospel Jesus hears of the beheading of his cousin, St. John the Baptist. He retires to a deserted place by himself. Perhaps to mourn his cousin. But quickly people seek him out on foot. Jesus saw the vast crowd and his heart was moved with pity for them and he took to curing the sick. He quickly moved to his ministry to heal, and to preach, in the deserted place. He asked his disciples to help feed them and then feed five thousand men. Lord, give me the grace, despite my own desire to mourn my losses, to have the courage to continue with my ministries, my works of compassion and mercy. Amen.
Sunday, August 6
Oh, God of compassion, thank You for the promise of comfort in times of trial. The disciples of Jesus had him there to give them comfort, but You also give us comfort to work through our grief in times when we lose someone dear to us. Give me the grace to go to You in my times of grief and loss. Amen.
Saturday, August 5
Oh, Lord our God, You reveal Your Son to his disciples by showing us who He really is, God made man in the transfiguration. The disciples are given a special blessing, a special teaching and a mission, the revelation that Jesus is the Son of God with a glimpse of His glory. Jesus also wants to give me a glimpse of His glory. Jesus invites me, as well, to lift my eyes and heart to heaven and ask the Holy Spirit to give me the eyes to see him. As I see the host and Precious Blood at Mass today may I too proclaim, as Peter does. “Lord, it is good that I am here with you today” Amen.
Friday, August 4
Thank You Heavenly Father for giving Your people five festivals in today’s first reading to remind your people that you care and protect. You do the same for us as the faithful following Jesus during the Liturgical year, Advent, Christmas , Lent, and Easter, as well as Ordinary Time. And other feasts to remember your holy Saints, those who have gone before us in following You with total commitment, to encourage us along our way to holiness. Give me the grace today to thank You for these times of special grace to grow ever closer to You, to keep reminding me of Your presence in my life when I may grow weak. Amen.
Thursday, August 3
Oh, generous Father, give me this day the gift of discernment. Like the disciples in the Gospel who hear Jesus’ parable of the net thrown into the sea and collecting many things, to discern what needs to be thrown away and what is of value. Even so, in my life, to have the discernment to judge what is for my good and what needs to be left behind, so I remain faithfully steadfast in Your Kingdom. I count each day In Your divine grace to assist me to stay close to You. Amen.
Wednesday, August 2
Oh, Merciful God,
Thank you for making me part of Your Kingdom, knowing I have found the “pearl of great price”. I have received the Sacrament of Baptism and with it the Gift of the Holy Spirit, through faith in Jesus Christ, Your Son. I thank You for my parents and the others sent into my life, and all who played a part in helping me find my way to faith in Christ. Today’s Gospel helps me to realize that I have been given a share in finding the greatest treasure of my life in faith. Guide me always, never to lose that treasure I have been given. Help me let go of lesser things so I can hold on to that “pearl” that You have given me. Praise and thanksgiving to You.
Tuesday, August 1
Almighty and ever-loving God,
I so often lose sight of you amid the hectic rhythm of my daily life. Help me see you at every turn – your love and mercy in the eyes of my family and friends, and your power in the robust greenery and flowers springing forth outdoors.
Help me to seek you in the many unique people, situations, and perspectives that I encounter today and every day.
Monday, July 31
Heavenly Father, as a child I mostly thought of you as a ‘granter of wishes’.
As an adult I now understand that having a relationship with you is not about wishes.
It is about Faith and Trust; Hope and Honesty.
Help me to be honest with myself and you.
You know my heart and my deepest desires.
Please answer my prayers according to your wishes – your will – so that your will may be done in me.
May my prayers include the intentions and needs of others more than for myself.
Through your Son Jesus – with the intersession of Mary – may I continue to grow as a person of Faith, Hope and Love.
Sunday, July 30
Dambana Prayer
Lord God, bless this Filipino Shrine at The Grotto, and bless all who come here in search of peace, prayer, and the beauty of nature.
Give us insight as we walk the garden paths and as we pray and reflect at this Dambana. May your loving presence inspire our minds and hearts, so that we may go forth from here renewed and refreshed in mind, body, and soul.
Loving God, bless this image of Mary, represented as Our Lady of Dambana. May we see Mary as a model of faith that we are called to imitate, and may the Mother of Jesus be a source of comfort to each one of us.
Loving Creator, you sent your only son to be savior of all. Jesus came into the world as a helpless child; may this image of the Santo Niño remind us that God became fully human to share his love and bring us salvation.
Lord God, we honor your faithful servant San Lorenzo Ruiz and his companion martyrs. As the first canonized Filipino Saint, San Lorenzo inspires us with his unwavering faith and tremendous courage, even to his death. May the example of his life and death lead us to live lives of faithful service.
Gracious God, you call us to love, you call us to help one another. We thank you for this Dambana at The Grotto. May it be a light of faith and a symbol of the universality of your Church.
Saturday, July 29
Most Holy Mary, our glorious and blessed Lady, as mother of Jesus you cared for him, taught him life lessons and modeled faith in God for him.
Teach me to care well for the people I love, and those who depend upon me.
Pray that I have patience to listen, energy to serve and hope to love.
Mary, pray with me that those I love will be protected from all harm, find peace in their searching and faith in Jesus’ love.
Mary, be my example of loving service.
Friday, July 28
A Prayer at the Peace Pole
Heavenly Father,
I stand at this peace pole. “May Peace Prevail on Earth” is carved on its four sides. One language is my own, the other three are words of people and cultures unfamiliar to me. They represent all others that I may encounter.
Plant your peace in my heart. May your eternal peace enfold me like a blanket and infiltrate my thoughts, my words, and my actions.
Help me to be a person of peace; a person of hope; a person of mercy and forgiveness.
I ask this in union with Blessed Mary and all the Saints, through Christ Jesus – the Prince of Peace.
Thursday, July 27
A Guardian Angel Morning Prayer
Angel of God,
my Guardian dear,
To whom God’s love
entrusts me here;
Ever this day,
be at my side,
To light and guard,
to rule and guide.
Wednesday, July 26
A Prayer to St. Anne
O Glorious St. Anne, you are compassionate toward those in need who call to you for help.
I place myself before you, and ask that you assist me to unburden myself with these worries, concerns, and intentions: (Here mention your requests.)
I ask that you place my concerns before Our Lord Jesus Christ, and seek the loving aid of your daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Above all, obtain for me the gift of one day seeing Almighty God face to face, with you and Mary and all the saints, honoring and praising God through all eternity.
Pray for us, St. Anne. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Gracious God, mercifully grant to us who honor St. Anne, the grace of happiness in this life, and the joy of life with You for all eternity.
Tuesday, July 25
“Those who sow in tears shall reap rejoicing.”
God our Father, we praise and thank you for the feast of St. James, one of the first disciples of your Son Jesus. May we, like him. will also persevere in our yeses to follow Jesus each day, with condition. Purify all our motives and intentions. Make all of them unselfish. May we selflessly love and follow you in our loving service toward everyone, especially those we meet today. Grant all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. James, pray for us.
Monday, July 24
“Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.”
Lord God, please forgive us if sometimes some of us still doubt your love. Some still continue to ask for a sign after you have proven you perfect love for us. even when you laid down your life on the Cross for our sake. Help the disbelief of our brothers and sisters. May they lower their pride and humbly return to you with faith and trust. Grant all our prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen.
St. Sharbel Makhluf, pray for us.
Sunday, July 23
“Lord, you are good and forgiving.”
Our loving God, thank you for this 16th Sunday. Grant that all your children today may spend quality time in worship. May the good seed of faith planted in our hearts constantly grow, mature and bear many good fruits of love, generosity and mercy, to mention a few. Please help us that the seed of evil from Satan, such as envy, pride, arrogance, unbelief, to mention ta few, may be uprooted from our hearts, so that only goodness may come out from our lips and our hands. All this we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
St. Bridget, pray for us.
Saturday, July 22
“My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.”
Loving Father, we thank you today for giving us St. Martha, as our sister and model in the faith. Like her, we may grow in both charity works and prayer. May we spend quality time with you each day so that the work we do may always be pleasing in your eyes. May we therefore balance our Christian life with both worship/prayer and good works. This we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
St. Mary Magdalene, pray for us.
Friday, July 21
“I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord.”
Lord God, we pray today for our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than ourselves, starving or hungry. Continue to touch the hearts of affluent people to share their wealth with the poor and homeless. May they always be generous toward those who come to them. May they not turn their backs from those who seek assistance and help. We ask you this, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
St. Lawrence of Brindisi, pray for us.
Thursday, July 20
“The Lord remembers his covenant forever.”
Loving Father, we come to you through Jesus for strength for us to carry out your holy will today. We entrust to you all our worries and anxieties in this life. Lighten all the heavy burdens and loads that your people are carrying right now, especially those who still suffer from all kinds of terminal illnesses in both mind, body and spirit. Through the prayers of St. Peregrine, grant them integral healing, so that they can serve you more and others full of strength and energy. Please grant our prayers, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
St. Apollinaris, pray for us.
Wednesday, July 19
“The Lord is kind and merciful.”
Loving Father, we praise you for this new day. As we begin this new day, make our hearts grateful and thankful for all the blessings we enjoy each day. We pray that, like Jesus in the gospel today, we may also give glory to you today in thoughts, words and actions. We ask you this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
St. Justa, pray for us.
Tuesday, July 18
Oh, loving God, in our first reading today from the Book of Exodus, I am shown how God prepares me for my mission in life, as he prepared Moses and so many others in scripture. Even as an infant the Lord prepares me, as He did Moses, to lead His people out of Egypt. I believe He does this for each of us for the mission so that each of us can be prepared to serve the plan of salvation.
Give me the grace today to recognize my mission that is in keeping with the choices I have made. I turn to You today, Lord, in my need that I may live Your plan for me.
Monday, July 17
Oh, loving and merciful God, I hear Jesus in today’s Gospel challenge me to constantly choose Him over all other things. Jesus wants me to always be aware of my choices so that I may always choose Him over other things and to do His will.
So, I ask today for God’s grace to support me in the choices that I am called to make in the situations and circumstances of my life. Sometimes w e proclaim the Gospel by the good choices we make and in how we treat others. May we have a heart of compassion, mercy and forgiveness in the day-to-day living that arises in life.
Sunday, July 16
Oh, Gracious and loving God, in today’s scripture we are given a powerful reason that the Word of God will be effective depending on those who receive His Word. May I be waiting with an open heart and be a person who is one who not only who hears, but understands it. Give me the grace this Sunday to be that rich soil who can not only hear but understand and bear good fruit. Give me the ears to hear and the generous heart to understand. I wait for many things in this life. Waiting can be hard. Give me the patience I need to wait for the gift of Your grace to assist me in having a waiting heart of expectation of hearing Your word in my life and that it be understood. Amen.
Saturday, July 15
Oh, loving God, You assure us in today’s Gospel that those who acknowledge You before others will be acknowledged by You. And those who deny You before others will not be recognized by You.
Give me the grace today to be faithful to my baptismal commitment and be faithful to You throughout my life, in good times and in rough times. We are reminded not to be afraid and that I am worth more than sparrows, He has chosen me to go and bear fruit, it is not I who have chosen the Lord who has chosen and sustains me. Amen.
Sr. Bonaventure Bishop , pray for me.
Friday, July 14
Oh, Encouraging Father, today our scripture readings encourage us not to be afraid but to trust in Divine Mercy. Joseph was betrayed by his brothers who sold him to caravan drivers. Later in life when he encountered his brothers, he met them with tears of forgiveness and mercy, in his joy to see them again. Sometimes forgiveness can be hard and to believe we can be forgiven. It takes a generous heart. Give me the gift of a generous heart to be forgiving and merciful, no matter how I have been harmed. Only with Your grace is this possible. Amen.
St. Katerina Tekakwitha, Virgin, pray for me.
Thursday, July 13
Oh, Generous God, you have blessed me from the beginning of my life with many gifts and talents through my family and their example, but also others unique to me. Give me the grace today to rely on Your generous gifts to use them for my good and the good of others. May whatever I do be to Your honor and glory, to proclaim my faith in You and to the benefit of others. Allow me, through Your grace, to know the gifts that I have and to make use of them for the spread of Your Kingdom. Even in my challenges and limitations, let me be an instrument of Your glory, rather than to bring shame or discord. Make me an instrument of the coming of Your Kingdom. Amen.
Wednesday, July 12
Oh, Lord my God, hear my prayer this day as I read the Gospel of the day from St. Matthew. You have called me as Your disciple to “come follow me.” As He sends his disciples out to proclaim His word, You ask the same of me. I feel ill-equipped and anxious about being rejected. I bring these feelings to You today. Let me hear Your voice in my heart, not to be worried but to know that the Spirit is in me, and the Spirit will allow me to speak Your words. Allow me to proclaim Your Kingdom. Be with me. Amen.
Tuesday, July 11
A Prayer for Peace
Ever living, Ever loving God,
Our world is in need of your Peace. Fill the hearts of all peoples with honor for every human life.
May your loving touch heal those who dwell in anger, pain and sorrow. May your Holy Spirit reconcile and unify strangers and neighbors.
I, too, am in need of your Peace. Plant your words of healing and understanding within my heart. Give me strength to live peace, and speak peace, and be a peacemaker.
I humbly ask this through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Monday, July 10
Lord Jesus!
As I walk the path of life today:
Let my eyes be Your eyes, sharing compassion, warmth and love.
Let my hands be Your hands, bringing healing with their touch.
Let my ears be Your ears, listening where there is need.
Let my words be Your words, bringing comfort joy and peace!
Sunday, July 9
The Gift of Music
Gracious God, thank you for the gift of music.
The melodies are a language all their own.
When words are added we can sing your praises, or express our sorrow, embrace your forgiveness, or discover your faithfulness.
Thank you for the gift of song writers, musicians, singers and choir directors; through their God given gifts they share – each in their own way – your hope, joy, peace and presence with the world.
Saturday, July 8
Gracious God,
You create every person and call each one into life.
We seek you, and celebrate you, and learn about you in a community of believers.
Help me to find meaningful ways to connect with my communities … my faith community, my family, my neighborhood.
Help me make time to unite with my communities in prayer, in my conversations, in my simple acts of kindness, so that I bear witness to the fact that it is you who unite and bind us all together in faith, hope and charity.
Friday, July 7
Heavenly Father, as a child I mostly thought of you as a ‘granter of wishes’.
As an adult I now understand that having a relationship with you is not about wishes. It is about Faith and Trust; Hope and Honesty. Help me to be honest with myself and you.
You know my heart and my deepest desires. Please answer my prayers according to your wishes – your will – so that your will may be done in me.
May my prayers include the intentions and needs of others more than for myself.
Through your Son Jesus – with the intersession of Mary – may I continue to grow as a person of Faith, Hope and Love.
Thursday, July 6
The Big Picture
Gracious and ever-loving God,
Help me to seek you, to learn from you, to know you.
I so often get caught up in my thoughts, my daily routine, and my circle of friends and family that I forget about everything else.
Remind me of the Big Picture: others around me who I do not see. Open my mind and heart to their needs and burdens.
May I tend to others as sisters and brothers.
Broaden my view and understanding of the world around me.
May I tend to the earth as a steward.
Help me to see others and the world with your eyes – your view becoming more loving and forgiving; patient and kind.
I pray that each day I grow to be ever more faithful to the teachings and life of your Son.
I humbly ask all this through Jesus Christ your Son, in union with the Holy Spirit.
Wednesday, July 5
A Prayer of Welcome
Gracious God,
We are blessed to have this beautiful sanctuary in the city.
May pilgrims and visitors feel welcomed as they are surrounded by the majesty of the tall evergreens.
May the bird songs, the rustling leaves, and the greeting of our staff allow all who visit to lay down their burdens here.
May they feel your loving mercy, and be inspired by the images of angels and saints to follow your Son Jesus more sincerely.
And may Blessed Mary offer her humble encouragement as visitors pray, explore, seek and learn.
As our visitors leave this place, may they be filled with the gift of compassion and hope.
Tuesday, July 4
“O Lord, your mercy is before my eyes.”
Lord God, we pray to you to help us grow in holiness each day. Protect the Church of your Son from all the storms and waves of pride and arrogance by the evil one and his minions. For we are indeed like the bout on the sea, constantly tossed about by waves and winds trying to prevent the Church to reach to where she’s supposed to arrive on the other side of the shore, that is, to you. Our journey is from earth to heaven. But the evil one makes use of the weaknesses and frailty of her members to put her down to the abyss of sin and death. Yet, Jesus is there to save us. May we your children call on to Him constantly and remain with Him in His Church, our Way, Truth and Life. Amen.
Seven Holy Founders, pray for us.
Monday, July 3
“Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.”
Lord God, we praise and thank you for this new day. Today we remember and celebrate the feast of one of the twelve disciples of your Son, Thomas. He was known as “the doubter Thomas.” But we know that he overcame his doubt after you showed yourself to him. May we too put an end to our doubts or disbelief and so believe and trust in you. Life is too short to waste to all this nonsense. Help us put to end the pride and arrogance of some of our brothers and sisters. Grant all this in Jesus Name. Amen.
St. Thomas, apostle, pray for us.
Sunday, July 2
“For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.”
God our Father, help us to put into order our priorities in life. As we celebrate the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, may we first come to Holy Mass today to worship you before anything else. For we are the only thing that matters to you. So much so you provided everything we need in this world only for that single and same purpose, that is, for our own good. But sometimes we are forgetful of that. So, we are so sorry about that Loving Father. Thank you for sending to us Jesus to remind us and to show to us who you really are. Thank you loving Father in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Peregrine, help and pray for us.
Saturday, July 1
“The Lord has remembered his mercy.”
Father, like the centurion in the gospel today, we recognize too our unworthiness to welcome Jesus into our hearts due to our sinfulness. Grant us the grace to accept and admit out sinfulness and so return to you. May we persevere to constantly undergo conversion and be back to you through the Church founded by Jesus your Son. For it is indeed our surest vehicle going back to you. This we pray, in Jesus Name. Amen.
St. Junipero Serra, pray for us.
Friday, June 30
“See how the Lord blesses those who fear Him.”
Lord Jesus, like the leper in the gospel today, we ask and beg you to heal and cleanse us from our infirmities and illnesses. We know that your only will is to heal us and bring us back to your Father. Help us remove our disbelief and doubts of your power which makes us unclean and inauthentic. May we imitate the example of the first martyrs of the Holy Roman Church.This we ask in your Name. Amen.
First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church, pray for us.
Thursday, June 29
“The angel of the Lord will rescue those who fear Him.”
Providential Father, as we celebrate today the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, we thank and praise you for this great celebration in your Church. May all of us be able to come to Mass to partake Jesus in the Eucharist, as our spiritual nourishment and strength against evil and sin. May we too, like Paul and Peter, profess our faith boldly and with firmness. Like Peter in the gospel today, may we be able to answer your personal question, “Who do you say that I am?”, with a personal answer not just what we’ve heard from others. Help us to know more of Jesus in His Church and in our daily lives. Please grant our prayers, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Sts. Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Wednesday, June 28
“The Lord remembers his covenant forever.”
Lord God, bestow your love and mercy upon all of us so that we may be able to please you in our thoughts, words and actions today. May nothing evil come out from our mounths and deeds, for we are created by you in your image and likeness, the perfection of all Goodness, Holy and True. Like Abraham in the first reading today, may we, too, be faithful to the New Covenant with your Son Jesus Christ. We ask this in His Name. Amen.
St. Irenaeus, pray for us.
Tuesday, June 27
Lord Jesus, you give me a summary of the Law and the prophets in today’s Gospel when you say, “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.” You counsel me to enter through the narrow gate that leads to life, for the gate that leads to destruction is wide and broad. Give me the grace today to choose the narrow gate in the circumstances of my relationships with others. You have given me the way, truth, and life by which I can be saved. Amen.
Monday, June 26
Oh Lord, my God, today in the Gospel, Jesus knows us so well. The human heart
so often notices the faults of others before their own. It’s the same with me. It is so easy to notice another’s faults before recognizing my own. Give me your grace today to notice my own faults before accusing another of the same thing. Jesus, you offer us hope and help by telling us to notice our own blindness first before judging another’s. And to soften my heart to love rather than change them before I change myself. Help me to see myself and the people around me the way You do. Amen.
Sunday, June 25
Oh Lord, the strength of Your people, You are the foundation of my faith in You. In times of trouble, I put my trust in you to deliver me from harm and protect me from those who harm me. In preaching the “good news” I trust in your support, for You see those who would cause me harm. You see every joy and difficulty and You love me through all of them. You value me even when I may be confined to my bed and all I can do is offer You my pain. You see all, You love me for who I am. I trust in you, Lord Jesus, because You care for me. Amen.
Saturday, June 24
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the birth of St. John the Baptist, the last of the Old Testament prophets. He prepared the way of the Lord. Give me the grace today to show me how I can bring about Your plan of salvation in my limited part of the world. Each of us who call ourselves Christian has an important role to bring about God’s plan of salvation. Like St. John the Baptist, I am called by my baptism to point others toward Jesus. Baptism freed me from the power of sin, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. With Your blessing, may my life reveal the love, mercy, and compassion of the Lord. Amen.
Friday, June 23
Loving God, in today’s Gospel I am reminded of the words of St. Matthew,
“Where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” Give me the grace today not to store up things for myself where moth and decay can destroy or theives break in and steal. But rather treasures in heaven where neither moth nor decay destroys or theives break in and steal. Allow me the grace today to desire my relationship with You and the Heavenly Father above all earthly “things.” Allow me to develop poverty of spirit because I realize that the Kingdom of God is ours. I wish for the Kingdom of God above all the rest. Amen.
Thursday, June 22
The “Our Father”
Oh, Jesus, in today’s Gospel of St. Matthew, you teach Your disciples and us how to pray to the Heavenly Father. Just as you can inspire us to be more like you. You are not just our model, You are also the one that can give us the grace to make our hearts more forgiving. Give me the grace today to bear insults or ridicule without resentment. Give me the grace to face annoyance or frustration even when it feels too heavy. Move my heart to be open to forgiveness. I thank you today for loving me completely with Your whole heart. Amen.
Wednesday, June 21
God is Our Father
Matthew teaches us in today’s Gospel that God is “Our Father”, and we are His sons and daughters. I thank God today that He is my Father. He does not intend me to pray, fast, or give alms to impress Him. Instead, He intends me to do it out of gratitude for His love of me. The Father does not just see what we do but understands my fears, my struggles, and the deepest desires of my heart. He sees all my efforts to please Him and is pleased when my efforts are hidden and that they are done just for Him. Jesus reminds the disciples that the Father will repay them, and me, for my acts of faith, love, forgiveness, and compassion. The Father assures us that nothing can separate me from His love. Today I thank you, my Father, for inviting me into a relationship with you. Thank you, Jesus, for revealing that God is my Father. Amen.
Tuesday, June 20
“So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
Dear Jesus, Thank you for this new day and all the blessings we have received. We pray today that you give us wisdom, not to know all the things of the world, but to love perfectly. Let your love be with us always. With your love dwelling in us, we are able to “be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect.” Strengthen us, Lord, to love all people with the love we have received from you. May your love be our strength and your peace fill our hearts. In your name, Lord Jesus, we ask. Amen.
Monday, June 19
Loving Savior, thank you for this new day, this new week. Thank you for blessing us with you life; for everything that we are and we have, we thank you. Thank you for the salvation that you have won for us. Bless us today, Lord, bless our families, our friends and relatives with everything that we need in our life and our spiritual journey. We pray, especially for your protection: keep us safe in your love and mercy. May your face shine upon us and be gracious to us, may you turn your face towards us and give us peace. Amen.
Sunday, June 18
“So ask the master of the harvest to send out the laborers for his harvest.”
Lord Jesus, thank you for loving us and calling us your followers and disciples to share in your mission. Help us all to be connected to you all the time, the master of the harvest, so that we may be successful in our mission to love and care for your creation. We also ask you, Lord, to call and send more laborers into your vineyard and open the hearts of many others to listen to your calling and to do your will in their lives. We ask you this, for you live and reign, forever and ever. Amen.
Saturday, June 17
The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Oh Immaculate Virgin Mary, you trust in God’s plan in your life totally. You were so close to God and were able to say ‘YES’ to the will of God. Intercede for us, OH Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that we too trust in God’s mighty plans in our life. Help us with your prayers that we commit ourselves to God’s Divine Will that our lives become broad and light, filled with infinite possibilities and surprises. May you become a light that help us to be lights to our world. Amen.
Friday, June 16
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, you called us today to trust in you and to follow your example, to make for ourselves a gift of love without reserve. May our lives, with all that we are, our shortcomings, our limitations and our weaknesses, lead us back to your Most Sacred Heart. Your love is strong, O Jesus, because it comes from your Most Sacred Heart. Make our hearts, we humbly pray, strong like yours, that we may be able to love all people. May your love dwell in us, work in and through us, all the days of life. You who live and reign with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.
Thursday, June 15
Loving God,
Thank you for calling each one of us to share the Good News. As we proclaim your salvation, may we continue to be involved in the lives of our brothers and sisters and help each other to bring each other closer to you. May we continue to be faithful to our commitment to serve one another in your name. May your “light shine in our hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God on the face of Jesus Christ,” he who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.
Wednesday, June 14
Almighty God, thank you for the beauty of nature that surrounds me. Help me pause to appreciate the gift of your creation this day: for the stately trees that dance in the light breeze, the squirrels that scramble across my path, the dogs that stop to inspect wherever their noses lead them, the crows that do not flit away as I walk by. As I reflect on these simple joys, help each one of us to do our part to protect your gift of this irreplaceable environment in which we live.
Tuesday, June 13
“Lord, let your face shine on me.”
Lord God, as we begin this day, bless us with your protection and guide our thoughts, words and actions so they may please you in every way. May our actions be like salts that flavor the life of the people we meet today. Make our words also be a light to guide and strengthen them. Grant all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Monday, June 12
“Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”
Lord God, teach us today to recognize, appreciate and be grateful for all the blessings we have received from your providence. As Jesus taught his first followers about blessedness (the Beatitudes), may we, too, claim to be ours what he taught them on the mount. That blessedness is not just about receiving all the goodness from you, but more so about being good toward others. Being merciful and forgiving. To desire not for revenge, but constantly praying for those who hate or reject us. Keep us always blessed on these aspects of our Christian commitments. Grant all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sunday, June 11
God our Father, as we celebrate today the Solemnity of the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus, your Son, we thank and praise you. Make us realize that our physical hunger and thirst could only be quenched and tamed by the Eucharist, our spiritual food. As we gather as your people and partake in the Eucharist, may we receive the Lord with reverence. May we also spend quality time with Jesus at the adoration as often as possible, so as to be strengthened, protected, inspired and guided by the Lord in our daily undertakings. All this we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Saturday, June 10
“Blessed be God, who lives for ever.”
Generous Father, sustain us in your grace today. Purify our every intention today that we may not appear hypocrites. Make our service and work not mere obligatory or performative but out of loving commitment. Like the widow in the gospel today, may we share your blessings with others not out of surplus only, but out of our valuable budget. Forgive for our uncharitable attitudes sometimes, Lord. This we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Friday, June 9
Lord God, we pray today for our brothers and sisters who still continue rejecting Jesus as the only savior and Lord. May they lower their pride, arrogance and self-reliance. At the same time, strengthen the faith of those who believe in Jesus, your Son, as savior and the only way back to you. May we grow in our faith each day. We pray to you, in Jesus’ name.
Thursday, June 8
Loving Father, to love you and our brothers and sisters is the greatest of all the commandments, indeed. Help us to do your holy will today. Make us instruments of your greatest love, too. May all that we do today please you. Make us attentive to the prompting of your Holy Spirit speaking through our conscience. Help us desire to do the greater good, not just for ourselves but for the good of the many. Please grant our prayers, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Wednesday, June 7
“To you, O Lord, I lift my soul.”
Father, source of all love, we pray today for faithfulness in their commitment for all married couples all over the world. Let their love for each other and for their children grow each day. grant a forgiving heart to those who were hurt by their partners because of infidelity due to human weakness. Reconcile them, Lord, we pray. Help them heal the wounds cause by sins. We ask this in Jesus Name.
Tuesday, June 6
Oh, Generous God,
Again we hear a Gospel that reminds us to give to God what he deserves for giving us life and a share in his grace. Oh Lord, I give you honor, praise and thanksgiving for giving me life and a share in divine life through the sacrifice of Jesus. May the manner of living my life show you my appreciation by following the initiatives of the graces you generously give me each day. I give you honor, glory, praise, and I give you thanks for all you give me to sustain my life in your grace.
Monday, June 5
The parable of the tenet farmers
Oh, merciful God, today we hear the Gospel of the tenet farmers who failed to give a return to the owner of the vineyard told to the scribes, chief priests, and elders. Jesus tries to open their eyes to who he is. Give me the grace today to listen, and respond in my life by returning to God in gratitude for all He has given me though his divine grace. To be generous in my response to His mercy, forgiveness, love and the support of His grace by living his commandments and precepts and gratitude for all He has given me. Amen.
Sunday, June 4
The Mystery of the Holy Trinity
Oh, Holy Trinity, You are a mystery, Help me to say “yes” to your work in my life.
In Corinthians 2:13 St. Paul writes ” The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.”
Give me the grace today to contemplate the mystery of the three in one God revealed by Jesus. He speaks of His Father (and our Father) and sending his Holy Spirit to remain with us after His ascension. Help me to say yes to the Eternal Triune God in my life. Amen.
Saturday, June 3
Seeking Wisdom
Oh Lord, today I read from the Book of Wisdom which speaks of the desire I have to seek Your wisdom in my prayer. You are the source of all wisdom. Give me a share of Your wisdom today that I may see things as You do rather as my limited vision of things. Because they can be far from Yours.
Help me understand that life is short, and things of this world are passing away. Give me the desire to long for the things of heaven rather than the things of this world. Lord make me wise so that I can glorify you. Amen.
Friday, June 2
In today’s Gospel, Jesus shows his desire that the House of God is a house of prayer and people have made it a house of business. His desire is that it be a house of prayer for all people. Lord, give me the grace to come into your presence ready to hear your word and to know your love for me, and how I can give you thanks, ask you for my needs, and give you praise. Amen.
Thursday, June 1
In the Gospel, Jesus heals the blind but only St. Mark identifies one by name, Bartimaeus. He is begging on the way to Jericho. He cries out to Jesus to be able to see.
In a sense, we all need help to see. The healing by Jesus gives me hope. Hope to trust in the Divine mercy of God. Our Lord is always seeking us, looking for any indication for us to ask for what we need.
Give me the grace today to seek your mercy, Lord, for my needs, even those I am not aware of. I ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday, May 31
Visitation of Mary
In the Annunciation, the Angel tells Mary that her cousin Elizabeth is expecting a child. Mary, having just said “yes” to the Angel, goes in haste to be of help to her older cousin.
Give me the grace, today, Oh Lord, that The Virgin Mary also comes to us. She appears at Guadalupe, Lourdes and Fatima, assuring the visionaries that she is our Mother and asks for conversion of heart, prayer, and a sacrifice. Give me to grace, oh Lord, to respond with my whole heart. I ask you this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Tuesday, May 30
Lord, we thank you for this new week. Thank you for this new day and new life that you have given us. Help us to start this bright embarking with You. Help us to share your blessings with others around us today. May your blessing and peace be with all of us today.
Bestow your special blessing especially for our family and friends, Lord. Grant them good health, peace, healing in body, soul and spirit; may they grow closer to you all the days of their life. And may your love surround them now and forever. We ask this, through Christ our Lord.
Monday, May 29
Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
“Behold, your mother”
Loving God, we praise your Holy and Glorious Name forever. We thank you for giving us the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. May her faithfulness and her obedience become the source of strength for us to confidently say ‘yes’ and faithfully do your will in our life. May the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for the Church and all her children that we may be strengthened to stand at the foot of the crosses of our suffering brothers and sisters.
Holy Mary, Mother of the Church. Pray for us.
Sunday, May 28
Pentecost Sunday
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Loving God,
We pray today that you send your Holy Spirit to all believers that we may grow closer to you and your will. May the Holy Spirit guide us in all truth. With the help of the Holy Spirit, may we become witnesses of your love everywhere we go. May the Holy Spirit shape us into who you want us to be: a pure reflection of your love in the world, where peace may abide forever.
We welcome you today, O Holy Spirit, into our hearts. We pray that you dwell in our hearts forever to guide our steps, our thoughts, minds, and our attitudes to the will of God. Enable us to do His will all the days of our life. With your presence in our life, may we please God in all we say and do.
Saturday, May 27
“You follow me.”
Dear Jesus,
We thank you for the new weekend. We pray that we experience a blessed weekend. May joy and peace fill our hearts this weekend. May we continue to grow closer to you this weekend and every day of our life.
We pray today that as we have received much love from You, may we too love more. We pray that we care and respect all people. May we become the models of your love and grace. May the world become a better place for us to live through our way of life, through the love that we show to all people. We ask all this, in your Mighty Name, Lord Jesus, who live and reign, forever and ever.
Friday, May 26
“Father, they are your gift to me.”
Loving Savior,
We are grateful that you called each one of us ‘a gift’ from Your Heavenly Father. With all the brokenness, no matter how sinful we feel we have been, no matter how many problems we have to face, you still receive us as we are. And for that we thank you.
Help us to remember that we are a gift to each other as well; may we receive each other as we truly are. May none of us be judged because of the color of our skin, by the success of our career, or by our position in society; rather, let us be judged by our love for each other. May we be a source of love, hope, comfort and encouragement to others. May your joy and peace fill our hearts and minds and may we honor you in all we say and do. We make this prayer, through Christ, our Lord.
Thursday, May 25
“… the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in them.”
Righteous God,
In a world where hatred, division, and war has separated people, let your love, reconciliation and peace reign. Soften the hearts of your children, we pray, that the love which you gave us through Your Beloved Son, in His life, ministry, through His Passion, death and Resurrection, may shine through and in all those who believe in His Holy Name.
Strengthened and encouraged by Your Holy Spirit, may Christ’s love help us to be peacemakers in the world, to bring peace and unity. May your loving kindness embrace us now and forever.
Wednesday, May 24
“Consecrate them in the truth.”
Christ Jesus,
We come to you today with a grateful heart because of your unconditional love and mercy. Thank you for keeping each one of us, your followers, whom you call ‘your friends,’ in your loving embrace.
We thank you for your prayer for us and for wishing that we be consecrated in you, for you are the way, the life and the truth. As we are being consecrated in the truth, may we grow each day closer to you and your will. May we experience in this life your joy completely, for you are our way, our life and our truth, and you live and reign with God the Father, in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.
Tuesday, May 23
God our Loving Father, as the Lord Jesus lifted up his prayers as we listen to him in today’s gospel, we too join and unite our voices to His. May we, like Jesus, also glorify you today in our thoughts, words and actions. May your will be done, not ours. This we ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
Monday, May 22
Lord Jesus Christ, we commend to you today all those who continue to search for true meaning and value of their life, especially those who may come to visit The Grotto today. Let them feel your presence in nature and the natural beauty of the Grotto, though indirect. Finally, may they find you in our Catholic faith, in the way we live, and share this faith with them. Like the people in the first reading today, may they eventually decide to accept the faith freely and willingly and be baptized, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (Mt 28:19). Amen.
St. Rita of Cascia, pray for us.
Sunday, May 21
Lord Jesus, as we celebrate today your Ascension into Heaven, help us make this Sunday fruitful with spiritual nourishment and strength. May we spend quality time with you today as we gather as your people at Mass. Now is our time to probe that we are capable to continue what you have started. Thank you for trusting us, though we are very weak. Yet, that’s exactly the reason why you called us so that we depend on you. May we abide/remain in you so as to bear much fruit of kindness, humility, meekness, gentleness and love. Amen.
St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions, martyrs, pray for us.
Saturday, May 20
Lord God, help us discern what to ask from you. You know we have so many needs and countless wants. As the Lord Jesus told his first followers to ask for whatever they need, so we too, ask you, first and foremost, to keep us in your presence and protect us today from all danger and evil. May we never ask anything that eventually leads us astray from the way you lead us. Grant us, as well, good health and integral healing in mind, body and spirit. Through the prayer of St. Peregrine, grant healing to all those who suffer from terminal illnesses. Amen.
St. Bernardine of Siena, pray for us.
Friday, May 19
Lord Jesus, as you showed yourself to St. Paul in a vision to encourage and strengthen him during the difficult moment of his mission. Help us too, revive our drooping spirit due to discouraging results or negative reactions. Grant us perseverance and constancy in our faith in this hostile and changing world. Amen.
St. Dunstan, pray for us.
Thursday, May 18
Lord God, help us imitate St. Paul is his commitment and dedication in spreading the faith he received from the risen Lord. May rejection from others not discourage or stop us from spreading and sharing the good news brought about the Lord Jesus in His Resurrection. May we all the more draw closer to the Lord Jesus every day, He Who is the perfecter of our faith. Amen.
St. John I, pope and martyr, pray for us.
Wednesday, May 17
Lord Jesus, guide our thoughts, words and actions today. May your Holy Spirit be the one we listen to and follow His lead today. Purify our beliefs, for until now, there are a lot of things that constantly confuse and disturb our confidence and trust in your presence into our lives. Help us remain in you as you do in us. Amen.
St. Pascual Baylon, pray for us.
Tuesday, May 16
Lord, teach me how to praise you in good times and in bad, may I never lose sight of your love and glory like Sts. Paul and Titus, who suffered persecution, were beaten by a mob, and stripped as we read in today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles, yet they sang your praises despite it all. It may be hard to praise you in my illness, or financial difficulties or social rejection, but you have sent me your spirit to bolster me up to continue to offer you praise, thanksgiving, and honor. Give me the grace of your Holy Spirit in good and difficult times in my life. Amen.
Monday, May 15
Oh, compassionate God, in today’s Gospel Jesus continues to assure his disciples that he will send the Holy Spirit of truth to testify to Jesus’ divinity and that the disciples will also testify to the truth about Jesus. Give me the grace today, Lord, to also testify to the truth of your divinity in my time and in my place as a follower of you, both in what I say and what I do. We see an example of this in our first reading. St. Paul preaches to Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. She responds in faith. Allow me to proclaim you as Lord in my day. Amen.
Sunday, May 14
Oh, Lord, my merciful God, we continue to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, as he prepares his disciples for his ascension. Give me your grace to rejoice with the scripture readings of today for the coming of the Spirit that Jesus will send us after his ascension. I need the power of the Holy Spirt to live fully as a Christian and to be assured of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, giving me the grace I need to say no to temptations and keep my faith alive in hard times, and to fill my heart and keep me connected to Jesus. On this day, Lord, bless all mothers, as nationally we celebrate our mothers. Support them and keep them healthy and safe from harm. Amen.
Saturday, May 13
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Our Lady’s message given to the three children of Fatima was to: reform your lives, do penance for your sins. She also recommended we pray the rosary daily, that is, reflecting on the life, death, and resurrection of her son, Jesus. This happened during the first world war and warned that, if we do not change our lives, that a worse war would come, the Second World War.
Give me the grace, Lord, this day to follow her message in my life. There is enough strife in our world today. Help me, Lord, be better each day, and to follow the way of salvation. Amen.
Friday, May 12
“Holy Spirit, help me to bear fruit that remains.”
Come Holy Spirit and fill the hearts of your faithful. St. Paul tells is in his letter to the Gelation’s that the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Give me the grace today to remember that confirmation brought me the gifts of the Spirit. I only need to co-operate with God’s grace to make use of them as the Spirit is dwelling in me. Perhaps the Spirit is asking me to let go of some worry to trust that His grace will be there for me. Amen.
Thursday, May 11
If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love.” John 15:10
Jesus be my teacher of how to love as you love so I can know your love. Give me the grace to show my love for you by my love of others and by my actions, especially to those in need of compassion, forgiveness, care and support. Allow my actions to know my love of you by my concern for others, as you tell us in today’s Gospel. Instead of looking at my actions as chores, allow me to see them as your pathways to joy. Let me know that by my actions I am building your Kingdom. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Wednesday, May 10
Oh, Loving God, you invite me today to remain in you as you remain in me. That is a powerful invitation. I praise and thank for your invitation and am overwhelmed by it. Grant me your grace today to be worthy of that invitation. I am grateful for my Baptism, that brought you into my life, sustained by the Eucharist and my confirmation. Never allow me never to lose your presence in my life by the regular participation in Reconciliation when I fail to live up to your commandments. Allow me to always continue in your love. Amen.
Tuesday, May 9
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.”
Oh Lord, give me peace and enlightenment to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can change, and the wisdom to make a difference.
That I can live one time in a day, enjoy one moment in a time, accept the difficulties as a pathway to a peace of mind.
As Jesus, your Son, did, let me accept this world as it is, not as I want, believing that you will make everything right if I surrender everything to Your loving care.
Thus, I will be happy in this world, and in life to come.
This prayer I make, through Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Monday, May 8
” … not to us, O Lord, but to your name give the glory.”
Oh God, you are my God! I want to praise and sing your glorious name forever.
For with your fidelity, you have made all things new and you have fulfilled all your great plans since of old.
We thank you for all your blessings.
We humbly pray today that you receive our humble praise.
Let all that we do today, not for our own glory, but for the glory of your Holy Name. For you are worthy of our praise, now and forever. Amen.
Sunday, May 7
” … whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these … “
O God, your will is my desire. Grant to me the knowledge of Your Divine Will.
Incline my heart to your love that I may rejoice in doing your will. I know that you will use everyday of my life to show everyone around me your love and grace. I believe in you, Lord God, with all my heart. Even if I have had plans, I know that Your plan will prevail. Help me to follow your plan and not mine.
For you are God who knows and understands me better than myself, and you live and reign, forever and ever. Amen.
Saturday, May 6
“If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it.”
Dear Jesus,
All we ask at this time is to glorify God’s name and to seek his will in our lives.
May all that we say and do in this life reflect that desire to fulfill God’s will in our lives.
We also humbly ask of your Holy Spirit, Lord, that we may be strengthened to seek and do your will in our lives and to be the witnesses of the Good News in the world.
May your name be glorified throughout all the earth now and forever. We ask this in through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Friday, May 5
“You have faith in God; have faith also in me.”
We are so grateful, O Lord, for all that you have done for us, especially that you want to prepare a place for each of us in your Father’s house.
May our following you, and doing your will in our lives, helps us to receive this reward worthily. May nothing hinder us in this earthly life to reach that place that you have prepared for us.
We ask you this, Lord Jesus, for you live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Thursday, May 4
Feast of St. Peregrine Laziosi, OSM
Loving God,
As we celebrate today the Feast of St. Peregrine Laziosi, the Patron Saint for those who suffer from Cancer and other life-threatening illnesses,
we pray that you come with your healing power and restore the health of our brothers and sisters who are still sick and trust in your healing hand. Restore their health, we pray, as you did to St. Peregrine.
May you strengthen them and help them to persevere in their pain and suffering knowing that “everything is possible for those who have faith” (Mk. 9:23).
We ask this through Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Wednesday, May 3
Feast of Sts. Philip and James
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for guiding us in your WAY that we may arrive in our true destination, our heavenly home, safely.
Thank you for telling us all the TRUTH that you heard from Our Heavenly Father.
May we be set free and live in the freedom of that TRUTH.
Thank you for giving us LIFE. Through the Paschal Mystery, you purchased for us Eternal Life.
By doing your will, we may experience LIFE abundantly here and now.
Saints Philip and James, Pray for us. Amen.
Tuesday, May 2
God our Father, thank you for this new day. We thank you for sustaining and keeping us in your loving care. Indeed, no one can take us away from your loving hands, as Jesus said in today’s reading. May we not leave you for you are the only one who can satisfy our infinite longing for true happiness and lasting joy. May your people not replace you with something ephemeral and fleeting. As adult Christians, may we stand firm and remain loyal to you until the end of our pilgrim journey here on earth. We ask this in Jesus Name. Amen.
Monday, May 1
Father and God of all that is good, we praise you for all your handiwork. As we celebrate today, St. Joseph, the worker, may we, like him, become faithful co-workers of your handiwork in creation. May we become more responsible in protecting and caring for all your creatures for we, too, were made by your holy and loving hands. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Joseph the worker, pray for us.
Sunday, April 30
God our loving Father, we thank you for calling us today to gather together as your beloved children in Christ. As we celebrate the fourth Sunday of Easter, we constantly ask you to bless and strengthen us, our family and friends, and even our enemies. May Jesus our bread of life constantly nourish us as we partake in the Eucharist. May we become Eucharistic persons before others, ready to be broken and share to others our time, talents and resources. We ask this through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Saturday, April 29
Heavenly Father, today we pray for peace in the world. In particular, we pray for peace in the family. We pray also for peace in the countries that constantly in conflict. May the peace of the risen Christ, remain in those who believe in Him and be instruments of His Peace before others. Finally, may the members of his Church be the living instruments of the peace he has given to his first disciples after he has risen from the dead. Let your peace triumph over hatred and war, Lord. We ask this through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. Amen.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
Friday, April 28
Father of forgiveness and mercy, we praise and bless your name for this new day. We ask your forgiveness for constantly persecuting the Lord Jesus in our brothers and sisters whenever we think, say and do bad things toward them. For we know that until now, like Saul, many people continue to deny and don’t recognize you and your church. Therefore, we ask your patience and forgiveness. May we, your servants, be an instrument of love and patience toward those who remain in the darkness of unbelief. May the risen Christ constantly help strengthen our faith, hope and love. Grant all these through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Seven Holy Founders, pray for us.
Thursday, April 27
Loving God and our Father, thank you for this new day. As we begin this day, bless and protect us with your holy arm. May we be able to bless you in our thoughts, words and actions this day. As you bless us, may we become blessings to all we meet today. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
St. Paschasius Radbertus, pray for us.
Wednesday, April 26
The Garden of my Heart
Gracious God, you are the sower of seeds, and the keeper of the garden of my heart. I am grateful for the care and tenderness that you show to me. Grow the seeds of faith within me. Increase my capacity to listen, care, and tend to the needs of others. I ask this through Jesus, your Son.
Tuesday, April 25
Today is the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, and follower of Christ. He wrote the shortest of the Gospels and shows us how Christ’s whole life leads him to the Cross on Calvary. Give me the grace Lord, to better appreciate the challenges in the Gospel of Mark.
His Gospel urges me to proclaim the Gospel message to every everyone despite any hard times and personal struggles. St. Mark calls me to walk with him through his Gospel to the hill of Calvary with Jesus and to be sober and vigilant to reach out today to others who choose to live the Gospel in their life. Amen.
Monday, April 24
Oh, Lord, our God of salvation, allow me to listen more deeply to today’s Scripture readings. Jesus leads the crowd in today’s Gospel to look deeper into the mystery of the bread of life and eternal life. Allow me to know what I am really looking for. Not just to see another miracle, but to be invited into the mystery Jesus speaks about. His Eucharistic presence requires us to follow him and feed our hunger for more of life, that rests in following him. As I approach the Bread of Life, let me recognize that, no matter what the cost, following him is worth the cost. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sunday, April 23
In today’s Gospel we read of the disciple’s journey to Emmaus, discouraged they meet Jesus along the way. They don’t recognize him but speak of their loss of Jesus by crucifixion. Jesus breaks open the Scriptures referring to himself. Their eyes and minds were opened when he stays with them in the way.
Give me the grace this Sunday, Lord, to open my heart and mind to you to receive a deeper love and appreciation of all that I have yet to learn of you through Scripture, especially in the Scriptures I hear at Mass and through homilies. I ask this today through your Holy Spirt, Amen.
Saturday, April 22
Oh God of mercy and hope,
Today’s readings speak to us of your mercy and hope in choosing Stephen and others as one of your helpers to assist the apostles, in service to the young Christian community. This same message of hope is from Jesus coming across the water with strong winds blowing in today’s Gospel to bring the apostles to shire, calm their fears, and bring their boat to the shore safely.
Give me your grace to trust in hope of the guidance of the Holy Spirit when feeling challenged in this life. You give me hope and assurance in times of trouble. Give me your grace today, Lord, to trust in your mercy and presence in my life.
Friday, April 21
Oh generous God,
Today we hear of the multiplication of the barley loaves and fishes by Jesus to all who came to hear his words of life-giving health to the sick. Give me the grace today to recognize his healing power and to receive his healing words for health of body and spirit. Allow me to receive what Jesus offers, so my joy may be full. Allow me to know and feel that I do not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Son of God.
Thursday, April 20
In these days following Jesus’ resurrection, I hear the testimony of so many witnesses of those who experienced the risen Christ. Our Gospel today affirms that Jesus – the one from above who testifies to what he has seen and heard – speaks the words of God. And through him, we are given the gift of the Spirit. Jesus does not ration the gift of the Spirit; he shares the gift abundantly.
Give me the grace, Lord, to share in the gift of eternal life. Let me be a co-witness of the resurrection just as the Apostles have done. Amen.
Wednesday, April 19
Oh Loving God,
St. John reminds us today in his Gospel that you so loved us that you gave your only begotten Son so that whoever believes in him might not perish, but have eternal life. And you sent your Son, not to condemn this world, but that the world might be saved through him. Give me the grace today to believe in him, live the truth and come to the light each day, knowing that Jesus is the Son of God, who came to set me free from sin and bring me to eternal life.
Tuesday, April 18
… so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
King of Eternal Life,
At times we are like Nicodemus, we do not understand many earthly things. Grant us your Holy Spirit, we humbly ask you, to give us wisdom that we may understand and be wise stewards of your Kingdom. In this life, may we continue to lift up the Son of Man through our words and actions, and may we experience and understand the heavenly things. We ask you this, Lord, who lives and reigns with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.
Monday, April 17
Blessed are all who take refuge in the Lord.
Lord, Jesus Christ,
Thank you for all the blessings that you have bestowed upon all those who take refuge in you. All we know that you are working behind the scenes and unfolding your plan in our lives at just the right time. Help us to be patient and know that you are always on time. Thank you for watching over those who ask your love and mercy. Help us to see clearly your plans for us. Help us to stay close to you for we know that your Kingdom live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
Sunday, April 16
Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.
Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer,
Teach us to believe in you each and every day that you are the Risen Lord who conquered sin and death. Help us, Lord, to understand this core of our faith. May we never fail to recognize you in our suffering brothers and sisters who need our helping hands, but let us “bring our hands and put them to action,” that we too may experience that life you promised us through believing in your name, for you live and reign, with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Saturday, April 15
“Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.”
Lord Jesus, you called each one of us today to be the witnesses of your Resurrection. As you called us to do this mission, may you also strengthen each one of us with the power of the Holy Spirit, so that we too may be fruitful in our mission. Please rebuke our unbelief and hardness of heart, but help us to believe lue sky and be faithful to the mission that you have entrusted to us. May your Kingdom reign throughout the whole world. Amen.
Friday, April 14
“The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone.” Psalm 118:22
O Risen Lord, we come to you today and humbly ask for your forgiveness and mercy for the times when we rejected you, and instead followed our own plans and desires. As you asked your disciples to “cast the net over the right side of the boat, and you will find something,” may you also continue to remind us to listen to you and to do as you ask us to do. We know, Lord, that you are the most important stone in the structure of our lives. May God open our eyes to see You, Jesus, as you really are – the cornerstone of eternal salvation, for you live and reign, forever and ever. Amen.
Thursday, April 13
“…by faith in his name,… has given him this perfect health, in the presence of all of you” (Acts 3:16)
Loving Savior,
We want to pray for our brothers and sisters who suffer from any kind of illnesses: bodily, mental, and spiritual. May the power of your Holy Name and their faith in your name be the source for them to gain strength, and may you restore their health. May you open their mind to help them understand your love for them through all those who care and love them. May you also bless the effort of their families, friends and caregivers who take care of the sick. We ask you this, Lord Jesus, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.
Wednesday, April 12
O Risen Lord, many times we travel alone in our Emmaus journey with doubts and questions about whether you are around or somewhere far away. However, through today’s Gospel Reading, you remind us that you are always there, accompanying us and helping us to recognize your presence in our daily life. Thank you, Lord, for surrounding us with your glory of resurrection. Empower us, we pray, to be witnesses of your resurrection, for you are Lord, who lives and reigns with God, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
Tuesday, April 11
Father of life and resurrection, we praise and honor you today. As we follow the readings every day, send forth your Holy Spirit to guide us and make us understand the mystery of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Like the women who wept at the tomb, come to visit our brothers and sisters suffering from the loss of a loved one. Help us learn to let go of the things beyond our power, and surrender everything to you. Help us also learn to move on from the past. Do not allow us to stay long in the tomb of our loneliness, isolation, attachment or obsession. Let your resurrection remind us that there is a much better life you offer to each of us. All we need to do is move forward and leave behind what keeps us going back to the tomb of our past. We ask this through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. Amen.
St. Anthony Pucci, pray for us.
Monday, April 10
“Easter Faith, Easter Joy”
Father of the Resurrection and the Life, we adore and we love you. As we celebrate the second day of our Lord Jesus’ Resurrection to New Life, fill us with new hope. Revive the dropping spirit of some of us who are constantly encountering many hardships, problems and difficulties in their personal, community and family life. May the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus inspire them and grant them strength and renewed hope, that if they persevere in faith, hope and love, surely, they will also rise to new life with the Lord. May we, as your representatives, inspire them as we pray for them and show to them our constant support. Grant all these through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Seven Holy Founders, pray for us.
Easter Sunday, April 9
“Love triumphed over death”
Father of salvation and eternal life, we praise and thank you for the gift of a new life. As we celebrate today the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ from death, grant us a renewed strength in our faith so we may be vibrant in our witnessing every day. Raise the dead faith of our brothers and sisters to new life again. As members, free and responsible, may we grow more and more every day in our loving service and commitment with a joyful and grateful heart. May we also become more and more personal as well as communitarian based in the manner that we live our faith. With the help of your grace, we may be more and more active and alive in our faith by being more and more involve in all the activities of our respective parishes. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Holy Saturday, April 8
“God Visited the Dead”
Lord God and loving Father, your enemies rejoice today. For they thought they won by killing Jesus. Yet, another mystery of your deepest love is revealed unto us today. That today you actually visited the dead in hell to continuously offer to them your love and life. Your love reaches even hell. How great you are, Lord. You don’t give us offering life even to those in hell. Indeed, “What god is great like our God?” Please forgive the sins of all the dead. May they also accept you love and salvation. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on all the dead especially our loved ones, friends and enemies. Amen.
Good Friday, April 7
“God Friday”
God, Our loving Father, today is the most Solemn Day of all days. As we commemorate and make present the greatest expression of your love for us in Jesus, who offered His life to save and give us life. May we, too, be able to offer everything back to you in our loving service toward our brothers and sisters who are in need. Indeed, today is Good Friday. Is it for our good. To give us everything that is good is not enough for you. The word “enough” is not in your vocabulary. Thank you, Lord, for sacrificing your life for us. Your Love indeed, is believable. Amen.
Thursday, April 6
Lord God, thank you for this new day and the gift of love and friendship. We pray today for the safety of everyone. In particular, we pray for the safe travel of all, whether by air, sea or land. Send you holy angels to guide and protect them on their journey. May they reach their destination in safety and joy. May they always remember you and thank you for constantly guiding and protecting them from all dangers. We ask all these prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Wednesday, April 5
Loving Father, today we pray for peace and harmony in the family all over the world. Grant each member a sense of loving and commitment, ever ready to sacrifice one’s right and freedom when necessary for the sake and greater good of the family. Grant each of us the courage and strength to value our family more than our own desire and happiness. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Tuesday, April 4
Oh, Lord our God, as we come to the sacred Pascal Triduum, we meet Judas and St. Peter in our Gospel reading. Each has a different response to Jesus. Give us the grace to deepen our conversion, that seeing our sinfulness, as St. Peter, we may rely solely on the gift of redemption that Christ won for us by his death and resurrection. May we, as St. Peter did when Jesus asked him if he would lay down his life for him, say “yes.” Peter did give his life by his martyrdom. Will we? Give your grace Lord to be as courageous. Amen.
Monday, April 3
This Monday we step back six days before Christ’s passion. Jesus was invited to dine with his friends, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Mary anointed Jesus’s feet with expensive oil. How much do we value Jesus? Can we be like Mary? “Can we give our all to follow Jesus?” We ask ourselves, and we pray, Lord, to worship you with our entire heart. Let us learn, as we come to the end of Lent, a greater generosity of heart, to give ourselves entirely to you. Amen.
Sunday, April 2
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Oh, God of wonder and surprises, in today’s Gospel Jesus raises his dear friend Lazarus from the tomb, after four days. Give me the eyes of faith to recognize the complete wonder of this event as we prepare to enter Holy Week.
Awaken my faith to recognize the power that Christ the Lord has, as he begins his final journey to Calvary on Palm Sunday to his own passion, death, and resurrection. Give us the grace to follow Christ on his passion, death, and resurrection journey.
Saturday, April 1
Loving and forgiving Father, I am aware of your love by reminders of your abiding companionship each day in my life. We are reminded in today’s Gospel that Jesus’ words often fell on deaf ears. He reminds us today to look at his works as signs of who he is and what he wants for us. Let me never forget the price Jesus paid for our salvation by his passion, death, and resurrection, manifesting for us his infinite love.
Friday, March 31
Loving and forgiving Father, I am aware of your love by reminders of your abiding companionship each day in my life. We are reminded in today’s Gospel that Jesus’ words often fell on deaf ears. He reminds us today to look at his works as signs of who he is and what he wants for us. Let me never forget the price Jesus paid for our salvation by his passion, death, and resurrection, manifesting for us his infinite love.
Thursday, March 30
Loving Father, allow my sorrow at the Passion of Christ to never grow cold in my heart. May the sadness when I hear in today’s Gospel of the cruelty of the people who wanted to crucify Jesus never depart from me. Send me the grace I need that I may ever grow warmer in my burning love of Jesus, and may it help me to remain ever faithful and steadfast in His grace.
Wednesday, March 29
Oh, Lord of mercy and compassion, free us from the bonds of sin as we prepare for the coming feast of the resurrection. You are the Lord of light and liberty, by remaining in your Word, we may continually be reformed to be able to live in the light of your divine love and be able to serve you as true and faithful disciples. Today’s Gospel shows us Jesus continually offering us the grace of freedom from the slavery of sin. I believe my freedom is in penance and prayer. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Tuesday, March 28
“I always do what is pleasing to (God).”
Loving God, your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, has given us the example to follow: His whole life was nothing but to do what is pleasing to You.
May times, what we do in our lives is not what is pleasing to You; sometimes, we do things to satisfy our own desires. May Jesus, our Savior, help us to do what is pleasing to You and so experience Your intense desire for our redemption. May we live in You and thus live differently.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.
Monday, March 27
Lord Jesus, today you showed mercy to a woman who was accused of adultery. Many times, we stand over others in condemnation and judgment;
may your challenge penetrate our hearts so that we drop our stones and walk away knowing that we, too, are sinners. May we talk and act with compassion with our brothers and sisters; help us to see each others’ mistakes and failures with compassio and nnot with condemnation and an uncharitable way.
As we stand condemned for our sin, may your mercy enable us to go forward and sin no more.
Sunday, March 26
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Lord Jesus, today you show us that you understand and share in our human grief at the death of our loved ones. You also show us that through the power God the Father has given you, you have the power over death. Help us, Lord, to deepen our faith in the resurrection and so be transformed and given new life.
With the prayers of our brothers and sisters, may we move forward into the freedom of God’s loving and compassionate care. We ask you this, who lives and reigns forever and ever.
Saturday, March 25
The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
Gracious God, today we celebrate with joy Mary’s “YES” to the plan of salvation. Mary listens and believes in what she hears and acts upon what she belief in her daily life.
As we celebrate her ‘fiat,’ may we also listen to God’s Word and allow ourselves to be overshadowed by God’s power and enter deeper into our relationship with God and more fully into the Kingdom of God.
May we have Mary’s courage to say ‘yes’ to God’s will in our lives so we become part of God’s ongoing transformation of the world.
Friday, March 24
O God, you have a deep love for the brokenhearted. We pray today that you heal the brokenhearted with your loving kindness. We ask you also to console those who mourn the loss of their loved ones. May you journey with them in their sorrows and bring your comforting presence through the love of their families and friends. Strengthen their faith in the resurrection and may you welcome all those who have gone before us in faith with your love and peace.
Thursday, March 23
Almighty God, we ask your help and guidance in our lives, to recommit ourselves so that we may remain faithful to you and to enter into new life that you have given us. Lead us everyday to the way of humility and openness to your will. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Wednesday, March 22
“Can a mother forget her infant? Even should she forget, I will never forget you!”
Loving God, as we are getting closer the Easter celebration, you remind us that you will never forget us. We are grateful, O Lord, for your love for us, sinners. Forgive us when at times we forget your love and your promise because of our own blindness. May the rest of this Season of Lent help us to recognize your presence in our daily life.
Tuesday, March 21
Heavenly Father, your Son Jesus came into the world not just to heal us from all infirmities, but to save us from sin and death and to bring us back to you. Help and increase our little faith. May this faith, though little, be trusting not doubting. Defend our brothers and sisters from the power of the evil one. Heal those who suffer with life-threatening diseases. Through the intercession of St. Peregrine, grant them healing in body and spirit. This we ask through Jesus Christ, the Healer. Amen.
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
Monday, March 20
Lord our God, grant us today the courage and strength to bear our sufferings and carry our own cross. Grant us the eyes to see redemptive fruits in bearing the hardships and struggles for the sake in pursuing the good and true. For indeed, there will be no Resurrection if there is no Crucifixion. Make us then realize and appreciate the importance and value of hardship and suffering in our daily life and Christians. Grant all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Cuthbert, pray for us.
Sunday, March 19
God our Father, we pray for those who have died. Especially to those not remembered, and those who were killed or died unjustly. Bestow upon them your justice, O Lord. We beg you, forgive all their sins due to human weakness. Finally, grant them, Lord, eternal peace in your presence. We ask this through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen.
St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us.
Saturday, March 18
Lord God, we pray today for all government officials all over the word. May they always seek and enact laws that are just for the good and benefit of all people. May they always seek counsel from you, who is the source of all knowledge, truth and wisdom. Unite them, Lord, as they pursue justice, harmony, peace and order. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Cyril of Jerusalem, pray for us.
Friday, March 17
Almighty Father, today we pray reconciliation and forgiveness of sins. We know that we hurt and offend you whenever we offend and hurt others. As we gather today as you children, help us with our weaknesses and restore us in your love. Help us to reconcile with one another. We know that you are always there waiting for us to come home. Grant us humility to recognize our shortcomings. Make us worthy of the feast you have prepared for each one of us in your Church today. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Patrick, pray for us.
Thursday, March 16
God, our Father and Creator, we pray for the constant protection and preservation of the beauty of your creation. Make us responsible and caring of the beauty of nature around us. May each of us, each day, little by little, take an initiative to get involved in the promotion of a clean and green environment. We ask all these prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Hilary, pray for us.
Wednesday, March 15
Lord God, we pray today for our brothers and sisters all over the world who are mentally and physically challenged. Protect and assist them in their struggles and difficulties. Keep them from every danger and harm. Grant those who are taking care of them perseverance and strength not to give up on them. Grant them the necessary grace they need each day, Lord God. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Louise de Marillac, pray for us.
Tuesday, March 14
The Church’s liturgy gives us the theme of forgiveness today. How often am I to forgive my brother? Jesus’ answer: 7×77. Heavenly Father, I ask you in Lent, to give me a heart that forgives. A heart that allows me to truly be free. It’s so hard to forgive when I have been hurt by others. I want to be merciful, as you are merciful. Give me a forgiving heart like yours.
Monday, March 13
Oh Lord, my merciful and loving God, today I come to you with humility and simplicity that You may change my heart, allowing it to be open and ready to receive your word and act on it. Transform my life as I welcome you. Let me set aside the complexities of my Lenten journey to give you my time to be with you. Let me follow you in this today.
Sunday, March 12
Today the divine liturgy gives us the story of the woman at the well with Jesus. He knows her better thanshe knows herself. Give us a perfect heart to receive your word, oh Lord, and to understand the great love of Jesus for us and for our eternal salvation. He desires to share with us the water that gives life as well. Give us, Oh Lord the waters of eternal life that last forever.
Saturday, March 11
Give me the grace today, Lord, of the practice of penance, leading me to a sincerity of heart to gain the holy things that lead me to eternal life. May I act uprightly with generosity of heart, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and all things that lead me to life eternal. Through Jesus’ name. Amen.
Friday, March 10
Give me the grace today, Lord, of the practice of penance, leading me to a sincerity of heart to gain the holy things that lead me to eternal life. May I act uprightly with generosity of heart, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and all things that lead me to life eternal. Through Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thursday, March 9
Oh, understanding God, today we read in scripture of the rich man and a poor man named Lazarus The rich man never saw Lazarus at his doorstep and failed to assist him. Both died. The rich man went to hell and Lazarus went to heaven. May we learn the lesson of giving alms with the resources we have to help those of lesser means and who are less fortunate. Give us a generous heart that leads us to eternal life. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
St. Frances of Rome, Pray for us.
Wednesday, March 8
Oh Lord, our merciful God, help us to be schooled in good works, that we may help others during this Lenten season and assist them in finding their way to You. Keep us on the right path that leads us to eternal life by following your powerful example. And, give us the grace each day to be aware of our task to live out the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord.
Tuesday, March 7
We thank you for the opportunity you have given us to ‘serve’ you and each other. As we humble ourselves in serving you and one another, may you draw us closer to you, so that we may grow in the freedom to serve more. May we continue to focus our attention in serving you as we serve one another. Help us to treat each other with respect and love.
Monday, March 6
Lord Jesus,
As we come to the second week of Lent, you called us to be merciful. Help us to humble ourselves and take away our pride that we may be reconciled to you and to one another. May this Lenten Season be a season for us to be merciful as your heavenly Father, in loving and forgiving each other as we turn to you in repentance. May your love accompany us throughout these Lenten days.
Sunday, March 5
Lord Jesus,
As Peter, James and John were in awe at the Transfiguration, we, also, want to say, “Lord, it is good that we are here!” It is good to be in your presence, in our prayers, reflection, meditation and to celebrate the Eucharist. Now help us to go out in the world and be your witness to proclaim your love and kindness to all people. May we be transfigured so as to spread the Good News everyday of our life.
Saturday, March 4
Lord Jesus,
If, in this life, I have become an enemy to someone else or if somebody has become my enemy, I pray that our hearts will soften with your help.
I pray that we be reconciled with your Spirit of Love so that we may be able to love and pray for those we call enemy.
Turn our words and actions, Lord, to become your words and actions, so that in everything that we say and do, may we reflect your presence in our lives.
Friday, March 3
Creator God,
In this world which has lost its way in following you, sometimes we lose our respect toward one another. We tend to be easily judging others negatively.
Help us Lord to offer a smile or a kind word to each other. May we love and respect each other as you have loved and respected each one of us. May we treat those we meet today with love and kindness.
Thursday, March 2
Lord Jesus, in today’s gospel you say to your disciples, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Thank you for the promise to hear our prayers; help each one of us, in turn, to be attentive to those in need around us. Let us be instruments of your love today.
Wednesday, March 1
Loving God, today marks the beginning of a new month, with the arrival of spring in a few weeks. As cold winter days gradually recede and the daylight hours continue to grow longer, let my heart reawaken with a renewed sense of kindness and warmth, patience and generosity.
Tuesday, Feb. 28
God and our loving Father, we thank you for the gift of a new day. Bless all of us including our enemies. Help us to think the way Jesus thinks. Grant us the ability to see and focus our attention to what is good and right. Do not allow us to fall into temptation but deliver from all evil. Grant all these in Jesus Name. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Monday, Feb. 27
Father, fountain and source of all strength and courage, bless all of us today, especially those who are weighed down and burdened too much by mental, emotional, physical and financial problems. Comfort us in our sorrows and be our joy. Be our hope in moments when some of us feel hopeless. Be our strength when we feel so tired. Most especially, grant us the strength to do always your holy will. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Leander, pray for us.
Sunday, Feb. 26
Eternal Father, today we pray for our brothers and sisters who have gone astray due to human weaking and pride. Constantly bless them and protect them from every danger and harm. For indeed, nothing is out of your sight. For you grace is like raindrops that pour out all over the earth. Like sun light that lights up the world. Through our constant prayers for them, may they someday be able to return to you out of humility and total trust. We ask this through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, Who Is Love. Amen.
St. Victor of Plancy, pray for us.
Saturday, Feb. 25
Father of holiness, we pray today for the safety and protection of all missionaries all over the world. Fill them always with zeal as they preach Jesus to others by the way they live their lives and the words they preach. Strengthen them when they fill discouraged. Send forth your holy angels to protect and defend them from the evil one and his minions. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Montanus, pray for us.
Friday, Feb. 24
Father of holiness, we pray today for the safety and protection of all missionaries all over the world. Fill them always with zeal as they preach Jesus to others by the way they live their lives and the words they preach. Strengthen them when they fill discouraged. Send forth your holy angels to protect and defend them from the evil one and his minions. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Montanus, pray for us.
Thursday, Feb. 23
Father of mercy, bless us today with your presence through the love and care of those around us. Constantly support us in all our undertakings. May we give you praise and glory in all that we say and do. Make us your credible witnesses of your mercy and compassion toward others. We ask this through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.
St. Polycarp, pray for us.
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22
God our loving and merciful Father, guide us as we begin the Season of Lent today. May the Ash put on our foreheads remind us of our mortality and the shortness of our life here on earth. May this season be a moment to deepen our faith, hope and love for you, as well as our brothers and sisters. May we spend more time in prayer, change for the better and do good deeds. Help us to be better Christians. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Peter, the apostle, pray for us
Tuesday, Feb. 21
Lord Jesus, you teach us if we want to be first, we need to be the last and the servant of all. Help me to be less concerned about my status; help me to be less self-absorbed. Guide me today to find ways to help those around me without calling attention to myself.
Monday, Feb. 20
God of mercy, as we celebrate Presidents’ Day in the United States today, we give you thanks for all those who have faithfully carried out their presidential duties during their time in office. May all of our leaders seek to bring to reality the noble ideals we proclaim. Help us to choose leaders who will be good stewards of our environment and who will strive to make our country and our world more just and compassionate.
Sunday, Feb. 19
Lord Jesus, you said to your disciples, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Grant me the courage and generosity of heart to follow your command; help me to remember that we are all a little bit broken, that we are all in need of forgiveness, understanding, and compassion.
elming: there are too many tasks, too many errands, too many demands or expectations. At moments like these, please help me to pause and take a deep breath. Let me step back and put things in perspective; remind me that I can prioritize what I can do in the time I have, and that I can reach out to others for help.
Wednesday, Jan. 11
Lord, when I was younger I didn’t concern myself too much about the future; I acted as if I were invincible. As the years wore on, I learned that I was far from being invincible or invulnerable. Where I stand now, I am past the halfway point of my life. I’ve learned much over the years, perhaps most importantly, that life is precious, that every day is a gift from you. Help me embrace this day with gratitude, generosity, and hope.
Tuesday, Jan. 10
Almighty God, winter in this corner of the Pacific Northwest can be a series of cold and gray days filled with seemingly endless rain. I understand the rain is what renews our fertile farmlands and gives bountiful crops, as well as the beautiful verdant landscape throughout the spring and summer; nevertheless, there are times the dreariness of this season takes its toll on my attitude and spirit. Please help me see and experience the warmth and light of your love this day; help me recognize the beauty all around me that I often take for granted.
Monday, Jan. 9
Loving God, today the Church marks the day that John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. St. Matthew writes that a voice came from the heavens and said, “This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased.” Help each one of us to be faithful sons and daughters, mindful of the teachings of Jesus as we go through this day. May we, too, be well pleasing to you.
Sunday, Jan. 8
Lord God, today the Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated in churches and homes around the world, when the magi from the east brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to honor the newborn child Jesus. In many cultures, this is the day of giving gifts to one another. Let me offer gifts to Jesus that are shown in what I say and do in all my interactions with others today.
Saturday, Jan. 7
Lord Jesus, today’s Gospel reading tells of the beginning of your ministry with your first miracle at Cana. What I love about this event is that it was Mary, your mother, who called your attention to the awkward situation of running out of wine at the wedding celebration. It was not a matter of life or death, but Mary saw that you could help prevent an embarrassing situation for the hosts. Your generous response shows me that I, too, am called to respond generously in both great and small matters. Through Mary’s example and through her intercession on our behalf, may each of us follow your example and strive to make a positive difference for those around us.
Friday, Jan. 6
Lord, these early days of January call to mind not only the beginning of a new year, but also the possibility of new beginnings in other aspects of life. Please help me discover (or rediscover) how I can be a faithful disciple and a daily witness to the love and grace you offer each one of us.
Thursday, Jan. 5
Lord Jesus, in today’s reading from the First Letter of John, he reflects on your teaching that we are called to love one another: If we have the resources and we see others in need and refuse to show them compassion, how can God’s love remain in us? Let us love not in word or speech, but through our actions. Lord, move our hearts to truly find ways to show compassion and love in what we do, not merely in what we say.
Wednesday, Jan. 4
Loving God, on this feast day of Saint Ann Seton, we give thanks for the inspirational example she gave in her life, especially the education and care for the children of the poor; she also founded the Sisters of Charity, the first American congregation of religious sisters. Not all of us can accomplish such achievements, but I know that I can support the good works of those who do. Through my prayers or through what I am able to give, help me find a way to support the good works of others this day.
Tuesday, Jan. 3
Lord Jesus, as we continue to celebrate the Christmas season, I thank you for your enduring presence among us. Open my eyes today to show me the opportunities where I can show my love for others, where I can help someone in need, where I can be more forgiving, and where I can work to make my corner of the world a better place.
Monday, Jan. 2
Almighty God, thank you for the gift of a new year. While there are countless challenges that we will face in the days and weeks ahead, we know that you are with us each step of the way. Help us to not be overwhelmed, no matter what comes our way. Help us also to see the joys and blessings that await us each day; let us see the goodness that surrounds us.
Sunday, Jan. 1
Loving God, on this first day of the new year, we celebrate Mary, the Holy Mother of God. The Gospel reading tells of the shepherds being the first to honor Jesus in the manger. The humble birth of your son, and the humble shepherds, show us that our Savior has come for each and every one of us. As this new year begins, open our hearts and our eyes to recognize your divine presence in all those around us.
Saturday, Dec. 31
Eternal God, as a new year approaches, we give you thanks for the blessings of this past year. As with every year, there have been moments of joy, good news, new life, and growth. There have also been times of sorrow, loss, hurt, and sadness. Help us to embrace the good, and help us to heal from our sorrows; grant us insight and wisdom from all we have lived through.
Friday, Dec. 30
God our Father, today the church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family. The Gospel tells of the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt to ensure the safety of their newborn son. Help us remember that, like the Holy Family, countless people today flee for their safety. Help us–as individuals and as a country–find ways to welcome those who seek safety among us.
Thursday, Dec. 29
Loving God, on this fifth day of Christmas the Gospel reading tells of the presentation of the child Jesus at the temple, according to the law of Moses. The devout man Simeon recognized the child as your anointed one, who would bring salvation to the world. Open my eyes and my heart this day, that I, too, may recognize the light of Jesus in others.
Wednesday, Dec. 28
Almighty God, on this feast of the Holy Innocents, we weep for all children who have died, and for mothers and fathers and family members and friends who grieve for their children. Comfort them all in their time of loss; reassure them that their loved ones are with you, and that one day we may all share in eternal life with you and all our dearly departed loved ones.
Tuesday, Dec. 27
Lord Jesus, today is the feast day Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, the disciple you loved and to whom you entrusted the care of your mother as you were dying on the cross. Your beloved disciple wrote at length about your command that we should love one another. Help us, Lord, to live up to your command. Help us to reach out with love and compassion, especially when we would prefer to walk away. Help us to say and do what is right and good in every situation we encounter this day.
Monday, Dec. 26
Loving God, on this second day of Christmas the church celebrates the feast of Saint Stephen, the first martyr. As Stephen proclaimed the faith, he paid the ultimate price when he was stoned to death. Grant us the integrity to live and love as you have taught us; grant us the courage to work for justice and peace.
Sunday, Dec. 25
Lord Jesus, you were born in the humblest of circumstances: instead of in a palace, Mary gave birth in an innkeeper’s stable. And yet, people of faith around the world celebrate your birth. Thank you for choosing to come among us; thank you for living as we live, for understanding our joys and struggles as one of us. Thank you for the good news you brought us, the example you set for each one of us to live honestly and generously. Thank you for the gift of forgiveness and reconciliation. This day, help us to recommit ourselves to your commandment to love one another as you have loved us.
Saturday, Dec. 24
Christmas Eve Prayer
“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Upon those who lived in the land of gloom a light has shone. You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing.” Isaiah 9:1-2a
Almighty God, there is much gloom throughout our world–almost all of which is of the result of the failings of humanity. We are faced with wars and injustice, the destruction of the environment, and more. It is no wonder that we sometimes feel that we are walking in the land of darkness. And yet, as we approach the celebration of the birth of Jesus tomorrow, we can see a great light, a promise of a better tomorrow. Help us embrace the challenge to make our world a better place by living as faithful disciples of Jesus; help us reflect the light of his compassion, his generosity, and his love and care for those in need.
Friday, Dec. 23
“O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law: come save us, Lord our God!”
Lord God, I love your title “Emmanuel;” in Hebrew it means “God is with us.” In the ups and downs of my day, in the moments of joy and sorrow, you are always with us. When I feel overwhelmed, remind me that you are Emmanuel. Amen.
The “O” antiphons have been used in the Roman Catholic Church since at least the eighth century, drawing on passages from the Old Testament that express hope for the long-awaited Messiah. These antiphons are traditionally used with the recitation of the Magnificat Canticle (Luke 1:46–55) each evening from December 17 to December 23.
Thursday, Dec. 22
“O King of all nations and keystone of the Church: come and save humanity, whom you formed from the dust!”
Loving Creator, you have given humanity stewardship of the world. We have often–and continue to–fail at living up to our responsibilities. Guide our leaders to work tirelessly to save your creation. Guide my heart to do what I can do with the resources I have. Help all of us to make the world a better place in the small and great actions we do each day. Amen.
The “O” antiphons have been used in the Roman Catholic Church since at least the eighth century, drawing on passages from the Old Testament that express hope for the long-awaited Messiah. These antiphons are traditionally used with the recitation of the Magnificat Canticle (Luke 1:46–55) each evening from December 17 to December 23.
Wednesday, Dec. 21
“O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come and shine on those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death.”
Lord God, as winter begins, the sun will set a little later, day by day. As we anticipate the celebration of the birth of our savior, grant us the gift of bringing light to those around us, through our words, our compassion, our generosity, and our love. Amen.
The “O” antiphons have been used in the Roman Catholic Church since at least the eighth century, drawing on passages from the Old Testament that express hope for the long-awaited Messiah. These antiphons are traditionally used with the recitation of the Magnificat Canticle (Luke 1:46–55) each evening from December 17 to December 23.
Tuesday, Dec. 20
“O Key of David, opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom: come and free the prisoners of darkness!”
Loving God, December days are short and the nights are long; at times the darkness affects our outlook and our relationships with one another. When we are faced with a darkness that overwhelms us, fill our hearts and our minds with the light of hope and the promise of joy. Amen.
The “O” antiphons have been used in the Roman Catholic Church since at least the eighth century, drawing on passages from the Old Testament that express hope for the long-awaited Messiah. These antiphons are traditionally used with the recitation of the Magnificat Canticle (Luke 1:46–55) each evening from December 17 to December 23.
Monday, Dec. 19
“O Root of Jesse’s stem, sign of God’s love for all people: come save us without delay!”
Lord Jesus, as Saint Matthew traced your lineage from Abraham to Jesse (the father of King David) and all the way down to Joseph, we too have saints and sinners in our families. We are grateful for the unseen ways that our ancestors sacrificed to give their children a good life. Help us also to be grateful for the good traits and gifts that we have inherited from those who have come before us. Lead us to make the right choices in life to create a good and positive legacy to those who will come after us. Amen.
The “O” antiphons have been used in the Roman Catholic Church since at least the eighth century, drawing on passages from the Old Testament that express hope for the long-awaited Messiah. These antiphons are traditionally used with the recitation of the Magnificat Canticle (Luke 1:46–55) each evening from December 17 to December 23.
Sunday, Dec. 18
“O Leader of the House of Israel, giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai: come rescue us with your mighty power!”
All-powerful God, hear our prayer when we call to you, especially when we are troubled by the world around us. Help us to not fear the unknown or the uncertainty in our lives, and reassure us that you are with us always. Amen.
The “O” antiphons have been used in the Roman Catholic Church since at least the eighth century, drawing on passages from the Old Testament that express hope for the long-awaited Messiah. These antiphons are traditionally used with the recitation of the Magnificat Canticle (Luke 1:46–55) each evening from December 17 to December 23.
Saturday, Dec. 17
“O Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love: come teach us the path of knowledge!”
God of wisdom, give us the desire to always learn more, to gain insight and perspective. Help each one of us to grow into the person you have created us to be. Amen.
The “O” antiphons have been used in the Roman Catholic Church since at least the eighth century, drawing on passages from the Old Testament that express hope for the long-awaited Messiah. These antiphons are traditionally used with the recitation of the Magnificat Canticle (Luke 1:46–55) each evening from December 17 to December 23.
Friday, Dec. 16
Loving Creator, in today’s reading from the prophet Isaiah, you call each of us to observe what is right and to do what is just. Help me make better choices today; help me to reconcile with those I may have offended. Lead me to recognize the innate goodness in the people I encounter this day. Amen.
Thursday, Dec. 15
Lord Jesus, as we celebrate this season of Advent, we are reminded that you came into the world to bring us salvation. You are the light we seek when we encounter darkness; you are our hope when uncertainty overwhelms us; you are the love that touches our heart that helps us reach out to those around us. May we live this day with your light, your hope, and your love surrounding us. Amen.
Wednesday, Dec. 14
Almighty God, in the book of Isaiah it is written: “Let justice descend, O heavens, like dew from above, like gentle rain let it drop down.” Help each one of us to make these words a reality. In our less-than-perfect lives, help us to always seek what is right and good; help us work to stand up for those who are mistreated and oppressed; help us, through big and small acts of kindness and generosity, make the world a better place for everyone. Amen.
Tuesday, Dec. 13
Lord Jesus, you gave us a parable of the man who had two sons. He asked the older son to work in the vineyard; the son said he would, but he never went. The man made the same request to his younger son, who said he would not go, but later regretted it and went to work in the vineyard. Guide us, O Lord, to be true to what you ask of us by both our words and actions. Amen.
Monday, Dec. 12
Loving God, on this feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we give you thanks for the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus. We are inspired by her unwavering faith and trust in you. We are deeply moved by her courage and commitment to stand by Jesus as he approached his crucifixion and death. Teach us to follow her example of compassion and faithfulness; help us to have greater trust in you when difficulties come our way. Amen.
Sunday, Dec. 11
As we start this Third Week of Advent, we thank you, God, for the message of the Prophet Isiah, a message filled with great joy and gladness. God, may we rejoice and bloom; may we all sing a joyful song, for we shall soon witness the birth of our Lord, Jesus. Father, thank you for the happiness Advent brings. As with so much we are given, Lord, we delight in the anticipation of the gift of your Son. We pray that everyone will share in that delight throughout this holy season. In your Holy Name we pray, Amen.
Saturday, Dec. 10
We thank you, God, for the beautiful Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother, our beloved Grotto. We rejoice that Mary’s Sanctuary brings together people from many different communities to worship You, many of whom migrated to America from countries torn with poverty and conflict. Open our hearts and minds, Lord, that we may embrace those new to our country, and welcome them to our parishes and communities, and especially those who seek You at The Grotto, where we welcome everyone, from everywhere, in the name of your most holy mother, Mary. As always, we pray in Jesus name, Amen.
Friday, Dec. 9
Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, who was visited by the Virgin Mary 491 years ago, we ask your intersession, that the Lord will give us the confidence and strength to proudly share our faith with others. Help us to set an example for others, that through our words and actions, others, too, will share the Good News of God’s love for all of us. And let us, like you, dear Saint, trust in the Blessed Mother, and encourage others to seek her intersession of time of sorrow and concern, for she is the loving Mother of us all. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thursday, Dec. 8
Gracious God,
Guide me today that I may make meaningful preparations to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Help me not get caught up in superficial and commercial attempts to make the coming feast about me. Instead, may I celebrate you, and all that you are in these coming days.
Wednesday, Dec. 7
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11: 28-29
Lord, there are times in our lives when our burdens feel like they are more than we can bear. We all too often fail to recall the words of your Beloved Son who invited us to find true rest in him. We pray O Lord that through your endless mercy and love we may cast off the yoke of sin and indifference, and instead assume the yoke that is the gentle mastery of Christ.
Tuesday, Dec. 6
Jesus our Shepherd,
You call us to you by name and you know what is our written in our hearts. Gather us to you as a shepherd gathers his sheep. Help us to recognize your voice so that we may come to know you and follow you faithfully. We pray that you seek out all of your lost sheep and bring them home so that they may be healed of their wounds. Finally Lord, we thank you for laying down your life for your sheep.
Monday, Dec. 5
Several times Jesus healed those who were sick and paralyzed while assuring them that their faith had aided in their healing. Too often we are paralyzed and made sick by fear, sin, and lack of compassion. You know the secrets that we hold in our hearts. Jesus showed that he could heal by the power of his word. We humbly ask that you strengthen our faith, and that in our moments of greatest need, you allow us to feel your healing touch and to respond to your word.
Sunday, Dec. 4
Merciful God,
In today’s gospel, John the Baptist calls us to repentance. To repent requires a radical change of one’s spirit, mind, thought, and most importantly heart. Our faith is accompanied by repentance, and requires us to re-orient our entire life toward you. We humbly pray that you will give us the grace to understand the importance of repentance and to also realize that your endless mercy is an expression of your love for us.
Saturday, Dec. 3
Lord, when you looked to the crowds of people following you, eager to listen to your words, you turned to your disciples and said, “The harvest is ready, but the laborers are scarce. Ask the harvest master to send laborers to gather his harvest.” You call each one of us, according to our abilities, to work in your harvest. Plant the seeds of good will, kindness, faith, and grace within each one of us. Throughout this day and every day, may we bring these gifts to harvest in our lives. Amen.
Friday, Dec. 2
God our creator, today’s reading from Isaiah speaks of a day when the blind shall see; in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus heals two who approached him with faith. Physical blindness may be a difficult burden, but contrary to ancient thinking, it implies no sinfulness. Spiritual blindness, on the other hand, is the inability to see the injustices around us, the unwillingness to see those in need around us, or even the inability to recognize our own shortcomings. Open our eyes, O Lord, that we may see the countless ways that we can help one another; open our hearts to respond as generously as we are able. Amen.
Thursday, Dec. 1
Lord Jesus, in today’s gospel you challenge us to put your words into action. Help me to be mindful today of your words about forgiveness, compassion, and generosity. Guide me throughout this day to act and speak with a forgiving, compassionate, and generous heart. Amen.
ic that touches our lives, for words and actions that encourage and inspire us to make the world around us a little better. Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us this day.
Saturday, Oct. 29
Lord, life brings unexpected changes – some wonderful, some challenging. Whatever comes my way this day, help sUme to remember that I do not have to face it alone, for you are with me. Help me to not fear the changes; help me find the good; help me to see the changes as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to become a better person.
Friday, Oct. 28
Lord Jesus, thank you for my family. Not one of us is perfect; each one us has good qualities and not-so-good characteristics as well. And yet: when one of us in need, when one of us is facing hard times such as illness or a challenging relationship, family members respond with support, kind words, and prayer for the one in need. Bless each one of us this day; remind us how our simple gestures can help support or heal a family member, a friend, or someone with whom we work.
Thursday, Oct. 27
The Grace of Perseverance
Oh, my gracious God, allow me the grace to stand firm in opposition to the temptations in my life. To stand guard against the wickedness of the devil who tells us we have all the time in the world to be converted, and to have a change of heart and to realize my time is now. You have given me the tools to persevere in holiness through the sacraments of baptism, reconciliation, Eucharist, and my desire to love, honor and obey You. As St. Augustine has said, “our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” I ask this in the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Wednesday, Oct. 26
Do the Will of the Lord from the Heart
Oh, generous God, You have made us out of love and given us a free will to love you in return. Give me the grace today as Your loving son to be loving with my whole heart, by forgiving others as You have forgiven me. I only ask to be able to behave as Your true creation. Give me the strength of character to act accordingly in my everyday interactions with respect, compassion, forgiveness, and mercy as Your faithful follower. And to forgive others as You have forgiven me, and show the mercy You have shown to me. I need to think twice before responding to others without thinking. I want to act and be Your messenger in a world that can be harsh hearted. I ask this of you and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, Oct. 25
Taking on Humility
All powerful God, today the Scripture invites me to behave like His faithful child. Oh, Lord my God, give me the grace today to love You as You love me, and as You wish me to love You. I know full well that I do not love You as I ought but desire that day will come when I shall love You as I ought to. Inflame me with Your grace to make this a real possibility. Give me the humility necessary to love You and others as You love them despite situations and circumstances that are difficult to endure in my relationships that grate against the grain. Let Jesus’ all-encompassing and unconditional love overcome my selfishness that I can show the same to the people around me.
Monday, Oct. 24
Oh God, hear my plea for Your Divine mercy and compassion as I recognize my sinfulness. Give me the grace today to come to You, aware of my unworthiness and dependence on You. May I come to the table for Communion with honesty about my relationship with You and have the humility of the tax collector to admit I have a long way to go to walk the way of the cross with Jesus. I ask this through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Sunday, Oct. 23
Be An Imitator of God
Oh, Lord my God, today’s reading from Ephesians challenges me to be an imitator of You as a dear child; to be kind to one another, compassionate and forgiving, as God is forgiving. Give me the grace today to have that courage to follow Your example by following Your commandments faithfully, and to observe the corporal and spiritual works of mercy that I was taught as a child: to be kind, compassionate, self-sacrificing and forgiving. These are the qualities I desire to imitate. I wish to be as compassionate and forgiving as Jesus is in the Gospels. I desire to do as God does. May the Holy Spirit empower me to follow through with this desire. I ask this through Christ, my Lord.
Saturday, Oct. 22
Oh, merciful and generous God, I have an invitation in today’s Gospel to
open my heart to the saving grace of Christ, the sole Redeemer of humankind. Give me the grace today to recognize the merciful heart of Jesus to return to Him, knowing He is the Good Shepherd looking to offer forgiveness and mercy to all who come to Him to repent for their sins committed. He gives me the time I need to show my sincere desire to return to Him with all my heart, contrite and desiring His mercy and grace, and to be welcomed into His open arms to accept me back through His compassionate forgiveness. I ask this through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Friday, Oct. 21
Called to be one in Christ
Oh God, most generous, You call us to be one in You. Give me the grace today to have a whole heart in following Jesus. The hypocrite is someone is one who is obsessed with self-made holiness who can become so desensitized to sincerity, tenderness, and self-sacrifice. Unity in the Spirit is a gift You have given to each person when You made us part of the body of Christ. I share with others the same Heavenly Father and the same Spirit. I thank You Lord, for bringing me into Your family. Assist me in preserving that unity as I join my brothers and sisters in Your divine Kingdom.
Thursday, Oct. 20
Loving God, the psalmist says you heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. Each one of us has experienced a broken heart at some point in our lives, and every one of us has known a loved one, friend, neighbor, or coworker who has been brokenhearted. Today I ask that I may be aware of those who may be brokenhearted. Help me to always be a good listener for those who share their burdens with me.
Wednesday, Oct. 19
Lord Jesus, the Gospel of St. John shows your mother Mary learning that the wine had run out at a wedding celebration in Cana. This was not a major crisis, other than the potential embarrassment of the wedding hosts. Yet your mother, in her compassion, turned to you for help. You responded by miraculously turning water into wine, and generously providing more than what was needed for the celebration.
Help me, Lord, to be compassionate like Mary, and be aware of the needs of those I encounter today. Like Mary, may I also turn to you for help and guidance on how to generously respond to those in need according to my abilities.
Tuesday, Oct. 18
Lord, this day I give you thanks for the gift and power of music. The hymns at church, the songs of birds, the music that accompanies me on my phone, the classical or pop music on the radio in the car, the songs in animated movies or from Broadway musicals–all these have the power to touch my soul, give me new insights, bring back forgotten moments of my youth, and inspire me to be a better person. In my heart today, I sing a song of praise and gratitude for this wondrous gift.
Monday, Oct. 17
Lord Jesus, there are times when I feel uncertain about the future, afraid of so many things. Please help me to remember that you are always at my side; remind me that I can do more than I think I can. Grant me the courage to look beyond my fears and insecurities; grant me the confidence to know that when I stumble, you will lift me up and restore my hope and trust in you.
Sunday, Oct. 16
Almighty God, thank you for the gift of today. Thank you for the countless things around me that I often take for granted, from the crisp morning air and the autumnal colors of the trees, to the skipping child on his way to school with his mom, or the playful dog stopping to check out every interesting bush or flower she comes upon. These simple gifts remind me of your love; may my words and actions this day remind others of your love for them, too.
Saturday, Oct. 15
Lord, life can be overwhelming at times: so many demands are made on our time, so many people or tasks vying for our attention. For this moment right now, help me to be still; help me to breathe more deeply; help me to listen to what you are saying to my heart. For just this moment, let me savor the silence and peacefulness you give me.
Friday, Oct. 14
Loving God, there are joys and sorrows surrounding us each day: someone gives birth to a child, another learns of the death of a loved one. There is someone enduring sickness or disease, and another experiencing recovery and healing. Some people are falling in love, and others are facing broken relationships.
Be close to all of us this day; remind us that you are beside us as we experience the good and the bad, the challenges and triumphs that come our way. As you comfort and encourage us in our joys and sorrows, help us to comfort and encourage those around us who are also in need of support.
Thursday, Oct. 13
God our Father, make us grateful today. First, for sustaining us in your daily grace. Allow us to praise and adore you Lord in all we do today. Thank you for my family. Thank for sending to me true friends who are there for me in times of trouble and pain. Thank for sending good people to remind me of your presence, accompaniment and assistance. Thank you as well for our enemies and those difficult people to relate or work with. They are but challenges and opportunities to witness your love, patience and understanding. You send them to us to remind us of you, how you face and treated such persons with patience and love. Grant us strength and courage to imitate you in your kindness and patience. All this we ask in Jesus Name. Amen.
St. Theophilus, pray for us.
Wednesday, Oct. 12
Lord our God, listen to the prayers of your children today and answer them according to your holy will. We pray in particular for strength and perseverance in their lives, especially those who suffer physical and mental challenges. Through the prayers and help of St. Peregrine, may you also grant healing to all of us. Strengthen us in our weakness and increate our faith to you. Grant us an enduring patience. In you, we trust. Grant all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Lady of the Pillar, pray for us.
Tuesday, Oct. 11
God our Father, today we offer to you all our concerns and worries in life. Purify our minds and hearts so that we may be able to entrust all our plans and actions. Make us attentive to the prompting of your Holy Spirit in our lives and listen to His guidance and advice on what to think, say and do today. Please help strengthen us in our weakness. Make us as channels of your many graces today. We ask this through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen.
St. John XXIII, pope, pray for us.
Monday, Oct. 10
Lord God and loving Father, today, we pray for our constant conversion and forgiveness of our sins. In particular, we pray for our brothers and sisters who are in most need of our prayers. For those whose hearts are burdened with hatred or anger; those hearts burdened by selfishness and pride. Touch and soften their hearts and minds. Grant us your humility and true sense of loving concern. Free us from all forms of sins and self-centeredness that enslave us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Sunday, Oct. 9
Lord God, as we begin this new day, we thank and praise you. Today we pray for those who seek the truth and those seeking for the true meaning in their lives. Transform their sadness into joy. Grant them clarity in mind and heart. Transform their confused mind and troubled spirit with your consoling and healing embrace. Free them from the power of the evil one that inflicts and confuse them. All these we ask of you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Denis, bishop, and Companions, martyrs, and St. John Leonardi, priest, pray for us.
Saturday, Oct. 8
Lord God, thank you for this new day and the gift of love and friendship. We pray today for the safety of everyone. In particular, we pray for the safe travel of all, whether by air, sea or land. Send you holy angels to guide and protect them and their journey. May they reach their destination in safety and joy. May they always remember you and thank you for constantly guiding and protecting them from all dangers. We ask all these prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen.
St. Demetrius, pray for us.
Friday, Oct. 7
Loving Father, today, we pray for the peace and harmony in the family all over the world. Grant each member a sense of loving and commitment, ever ready to sacrifice one’s right and freedom when necessary for the sake and greater good of the family. Grant each of us the courage and strength to value our family more than our own desire and happiness. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Thursday, Oct. 6
“Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Father in heaven,
Your children come to you with trust that you will help them and answer all their prayers with your love and kindness. It might not be the things they want or what they’ve asked for, but with confidence, we know that you have prepared something great for all those who put their trust in you. You have prepared them Lord, even before they ask of you. Let their prayers then, come to your presence and we beseech you to listen to them. May you never abandon those who come to you, may you hasten to their help in times of trials. We also pray that you continue to increase their faith with the help of your Holy Spirit. We ask you, through Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever.
Wednesday, Oct. 5
“Lord, teach us to pray….”
Lord Jesus, I thank you for teaching your disciples and me to pray the Our Father. Sometimes, this is the only prayer that I could say when I could not find anything else to say and ask you. But I know Lord, you know it all and so this prayer is all You want me to say. I pray that God, the Father will be listening every time I say this prayer, and any other prayers that I say. May God, the Father, answer them according to His love and infinite goodness. This I ask you, Lord Jesus, who live and reign, with God, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever.
Tuesday, Oct. 4
St. Francis of Assisi
God, through Saint Francis of Assisi we have learned to be grateful for your creation because they are our ‘brothers and sisters.’ With all these wonderful creations, our brothers and sisters, may we never stop praising you, for you alone are God who wonderfully created us with different purposes and missions. Through the intercession of Saint Francis, may we be kind to each other, respect the dignity of every created thing, take good care of all your creation and not use them merely for our own benefit.
And with St. Francis we pray:
Make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love with all my soul. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Saint Francis of Assisi, Pray for us.
Monday, Oct. 3
“Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
Lord Jesus,
You taught me today to remember the main course of your teaching, TO LOVE, God and my neighbor. Have I been carrying this teaching wholeheartedly? Or have I been doing one and abandoning the other? I ask you today, Lord Jesus, to give me the grace that I need to “love God, with all my heart, with all my being, with all my strength, and with all my mind, and to love my neighbors as myself.” The world I live in right now needs many good Samaritans; with your grace, let me be one of them. Allow me to treat my neighbors with mercy. Let me bring your healing power to them that their pain (spiritually, mentally, psychologically, and emotionally) may be healed. Allow me Lord, to be your instrument of healing to many of my neighbors who fall ill to different situations in their lives. This I ask you, for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.
Sunday, Oct. 2
“God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord…” (2 Tim. 1:7-8)
Oh faithful God,
We thank you for sending us Your Spirit to strengthen us in our faith journey. We know that the Holy Spirit is always there for us to help us in our struggles and challenges of life. Oftentimes, we are prideful and we walk astray from our mission of spreading the Good News to many people. We are too shameful to proclaim all about you and all that you have done in our lives. We ask for your mercy, Lord, and beseech you to continue to grant us your Spirit that we have the courage to be the witnesses of your love and kindness. May we be able to trust in the help of your Spirit and be able to complete the mission that you have called us to do. We ask this, through Christ, our Lord.
Saturday, Oct. 1
God and His Beautiful Nature
We “give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God, for you laid the foundations of the world and have arranged the changing of times and seasons” (Preface V of the Sunday of the Ordinary Time).
As we begin this new season, may we always find you in the beautiful nature that you created. May your presence through all this fascinating creation and through the changing of the season bring hope to us and strengthen our faith and deepen our understanding about you and your love for us. Forgive us if we fail to recognize the beauty of your creation and the uniqueness of each season; forgive us if we forget to be grateful for everything that we experience, see, and feel through all that you have provided for us. Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord, to see you in all your creation. We ask now for your blessing and protection upon all your creation. We ask all this, through Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever.
Friday, September 30
Lord Jesus,
Throughout your ministry you reached out to help those around you, especially the people who were sick or hurting, or who had been ostracized or excluded. You called to task those who judged others; you rebuked those who offered their prayers only to be seen. Touch my heart this day, Lord; help me to follow your example and seek not to judge or exclude. Lead me instead to act with greater warmth and compassion, with more humility and generosity.
Thursday, September 29
Feast of the Archangels
Oh Lord, my God, we celebrate your Archangels today as your messengers to us in times of trouble. St. Michael, to defend us in battle against Lucifer for our souls, St. Gabriel, as Your messenger to The Virgin Mary to announce to her and her willingness to be the Mother of God, and St. Raphael, a messenger to Tibas, as a guardian and healer. They were always ready to hear God’s message and to do His will. Give me the grace today, Lord, to help me follow their example to be of service to You in all do, and to be Your messenger of the Gospel to those around me by what I say and what I do.
Wednesday, September 28
The Demands of Discipleship
Oh Lord, pour out Your Spirit upon me this day to be faithful a generous disciple in spite of the difficulties I encounter. Make me fit for the Kingdom of God by not being distracted by other choices laid before me. As you mention in today’s Gospel, “no one who sets his hands to the plow and looks to what he has left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.” Give me the grace this day to be “fit for the Kingdom of God” and not look back once I have set my path. Let me say that I will follow You wherever you go.
Tuesday, September 27
The Demands of Discipleship
Oh Lord, pour out Your Spirit upon me this day to be faithful a generous disciple in spite of the difficulties I encounter. Make me fit for the Kingdom of God by not being distracted by other choices laid before me. As you mention in today’s Gospel, “no one who sets his hands to the plow and looks to what he has left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.” Give me the grace this day to be “fit for the Kingdom of God” and not look back once I have set my path. Let me say that I will follow You wherever you go.
Monday, September 26
The Lord gave, and the Lord has Taken Away
Oh, Lord my God, You are generous and forgiving. The Scripture of the Book of Job begins with the faithfulness of Job. Yet God allows evil to befall him. How often Lord you are generous, loving and forgiving. Yet, when misfortune, illness and pain happen in my life, I do not always accept it willingly as penance for my sins. Give me the grace this day, Lord, to try and accept the trials and tribulations of life with grace and the awareness, and bear them patiently. It is hard to understand why bad things happen to good people, allow my faithfulness that I have cultivated to support me. That is what sustained Job. May it also sustain me in the difficulties I experience in my life.
Sunday, September 25
Help Me to See Other’s Needs
Oh, Lord God, give me the grace today to not pass by someone who needs my help. Sometimes I can get so tied up with tunnel vision in my life that I block out the needs of others around me. With Your grace, I can examine my attitude about how I treat people who may be less fortunate than myself. I may not be able to care for everyone’s needs, but I ask You to help me see people through Jesus’ eyes.
Saturday, September 24
“A Reminder: God Is Our Refuge”
O God our creator, in every age you are our refuge. We are reminded today that our life is like a passing shadow. Lord Jesus, grant us the eyes of faith to see you as the Light of the World in every age, and to know you as our refuge and our strength. Jesus, you came among us to show us the promise of eternal life. Show us this day how to live so that eternal life will be ours.
Friday, September 23
“There is a Time for Everything”
O Lord my God, in today’s scripture I am reminded that there is a time for everything. I need to place my life in God’s hands, and I need not be afraid. Give me the grace today to be like St. Peter, who proclaims that Jesus is the Christ; lift up my mind and fill me with faith. Let all my yearnings and aspirations be directed to our heavenly home with you, for all else is passing.
Thursday, September 22
Lord, the beginning of each new season reminds me of the passage of time. Autumn, in particular, reminds me of my mortality and that one day you will call me – and those I love – home to you. As autumn days grow shorter, I ask you to help me to avoid procrastination; instead, guide my heart to respond more quickly, help me to help others with less hesitation or doubt. Thank you for the gift of this season.
Wednesday, September 21
God our Creator,
As summer draws to a close, I give thanks for a season of bright sun, long days, and the opportunity to spend time outdoors alone or with family and friends. Fruits and vegetables are ripe and ready to eat. Thank you for the bounty of the land, and for the gift of each day. Help us to be mindful of the gifts the earth provides us in every season, and may we share with one another the gifts you have given us.
Tuesday, September 20
O Loving God,
You have created a world of wondrous diversity. Today I give you thanks for the animals that are a part of our daily lives. Our pets draw us out of our tendency to think only of ourselves; they bring us joy, comfort, laughter, and unconditional love; they are quick to forgive; they will protect us even at the risk of endangering themselves; in all this they remind us of you. Thank you for these amazing creatures; watch over them as you watch over us. Help us to follow the example they–and you–have shown us how to live and how to love one another.
Monday, September 19
Luke 8:16
“No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a vessel, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, that those who enter may see the light.”
Father in heaven, thank you for being our light. You help us to find the right path, even when life is at its darkest. Let us be a light to others, through our words and deeds. Let others know that our good works are inspired by our love for you, and let us, through our example, lead others to you. We pray, as always, in the name of your son, Jesus
Sunday, September 18
A Prayer for Week of Service, Day 7: Supporting Education
Saint Clelia,
As a child you lived in poverty; as you grew, you and three companions chose to care for and provide education to abandoned girls like you.
Pray for us, that God may touch our hearts to support the work and generosity of those who support children in need of basic school supplies.
May the good work you began continue through the good works of each one of us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Saturday, September 17
A Prayer for Week of Service, Day 6: Caring for Mothers and Babies
O Blessed Mary,
You gave birth to your child Jesus in the humblest of circumstances.
The Gospel tells of nearby shepherds and wise men from afar who all came to adore him.
May we be especially mindful of mothers and their infants who are lacking basic necessities.
Help us to be generous with our own resources and support organizations
who help them meet their needs.
Mary, Mother of Jesus, hear the prayers of these mothers and our prayers, too.
Friday, September 16
A Prayer for Week of Service, Day 5: Saving Lives
Christ Jesus,
You gave your life and shed your lifs’s blood for us. I want to give my life for others too.
I pray in thanksgiving for all who donate blood for others. I pray too for those who offer their life in service of those who are scik and injured.
Help me today to be more generous with my life, my time, my words and my gifts.
I offer my very self to you today, Lord Jesus; use me for the glory of your name.
Thursday, September 15
A Prayer for Week of Service, Day 4: Caring for those who are ill or homebound
Gracious God,
Sickness and injury remind us that we are finite beings. Help me to be an instrument of healing and service like Servite Saint Peregrine.
Help me to reach out beyond myself to include those recovering from surgery, or pursuing treatments and therapies, that they may return to their lives.
May my phone call, note or visit shine your healing light on them and surround them with your loving care.
Wednesday, September 14
A Prayer for Week of Service, Day 3: Caring for our Common Home
Ever loving Father,
You have created a beautiful world and populated it with plants, animals and a treasure trove of race and cultures.
Open my eyes to see the world as you do. Help me to become a better steward to this corner of the world where I live.
May I honor and tend to this amazing earth so that future generations can discover and celebrate its wonder and beauty.
Tuesday, September 13
A Prayer for Week of Service, Day 2: Care and Love for All Creation
Gracious God,
Our holy brother, Saint Francis, called all creatures your brothers and sisters. Help me to tend to all living things around.
I ask a special prayer for all those animals that become family members as pets. Thank you for the comfort your share with us through them.
Monday, September 12
A Prayer for Week of Service, Day 1: Helping those in need
Heavenly Father,
Inspired by St. Philip Benizi, may I too take concrete steps to help the hungry around me. Open my heart and my cupboards to generously offer to others from what I have.
Lord, bless and multiply my simple service to nourish the body and spirit of those in desperate need around me.
Sunday, September 11
Remember, Lord, those who lost their lives twenty-one years ago today. We pray that you embrace in your love the families and friends of those who died that horrible day. Console them with the knowledge that those they lost have found a new and perfect home with you. Be with those who bravely risked they lives to save others, especially those who lost their lives to save complete strangers, in selfless acts of love. We ask that you comfort and heal the many who continue to suffer from the physical and emotional wounds of that day. We ask for your blessings on all of these, and on all of us, in the name of Jesus, you Son.
Saturday, September 10
We thank you, God, for the light of this new day. We pray that your light will guide us back to the right path when we stray off course, that it will remove any and all dark thoughts we might have this day. We pray that your light be reflected in our professional decisions and the many choices we will make throughout the day. Let your light illuminate the words we say, keeping us from hurting others, but always praising you. As the day comes to a close, we thank you, because we know, even in the absence of the sun’s light, you will be with us, to protect us until the morning comes. We pray these things in your holy name. Amen.
Friday, September 9
Loving God, there are times I feel overwhelmed by the world around me. Near and far there are wars, violence, suffering, and injustice. On nearby streets in my neighborhood there are people who are struggling with drug use, mental health issues, abuse, and more. Show me ways to move forward; give me insight to find steps to make a difference, no matter how small. Grant all of us the gifts of hope, perseverance, generosity, and kindness.
Thursday, September 8
Every time I walk the pathways of this shrine, Lord, I am surrounded by trees that are nearly a hundred years old or more. The trees tower above me, and I feel protected by the cool shade they provide, refreshed by the soft breeze blowing through their branches. These trees have weathered countless winter storms and burning summer heat. And still they continue to grow bit by bit, reaching toward the heavens. May my faith in you be like these trees, able to weather the challenges that come my way; help me – in good and bad times – to grow closer to you day by day.
Wednesday, September 7
It is early September, Lord, and summer has begun to wane. Colors of red, gold, and yellow have begun to appear alongside the green leaves on the maple trees. A new season is around the corner. The beautiful yet fleeting colors remind me to cherish the gift of each season, and to embrace the wonder of each moment. Thank you for the beauty of creation, thank you for the ever-changing world around me. Help me to share the beauty and wonder that you have shown me with those I encounter this day. Amen.
Tuesday, September 6
Mary, Mother of Jesus, as the first disciple of your son you inspire us. Throughout the many lands and cultures of the world, you encourage us and show us all how to be faithful followers of Jesus. May we be ready to respond generously to those in need; may we be present to those who are suffering or struggling, and may we share the good news with those around us.
Holy Mary, pray for us. Amen.
Monday, September 5
Labor Day
Oh Lord, our God,
You called us to work not only for our own benefit but for the common good. We thank you for the opportunity to labor. Be with us as we work, guide us and govern our world. May all people have a job that enhances human dignity and bounds us to one another. Help us to build a better world through our labor. May your spirit help us to value each worker. Help us this Labor Day to work for justice and peace where all people share in the abundance which you have given us.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Sunday, September 4
“To everything there is a season, and a time for every affair under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
As the days of summer come to a close and give way to autumn, we have the perfect opportunity to reflect on the movement of the seasons of our lives.
Loving God, as we marvel at the beauty of your creation as it passes through the different seasons, open our hearts and minds so that we may consider our own passage through time. Help us to always keep our focus on you so that we can face the coming seasons secure in your love.
Saturday, September 3
Holy St. Peregrine,
We ask that you pray for all of those who are suffering from debilitating illness, in particular those who are suffering from cancer. Just as you received a miraculous cure from the Almighty, we pray that he would extend this same mercy to all those who wholeheartedly seek his help.
Friday, September 2
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my savior.” Luke 1:46-47
Mary Our Mother,
By praying the Holy Rosary, we our able to meditate on the life of Jesus, and on your role in his Earthly mission. As we pray for an intention with each decade, we humbly ask that you present our petitions to your beloved Son. We know that although he hears whatever we ask, our prayer will have that much more merit if you help present our request. Pray for us O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Thursday, September 1
“Do not be afraid”
Oh, Lord, the powerful words of Jesus, “ Do not be afraid,” are powerful each time he says them in Scripture. We doubt, like St. Peter in today’s Gospel, that we are worthy to come to Jesus because of our sins, our lack of awareness of our self worth.
Give me the grace today, Lord, to not be afraid to approach You in spite of my feelings of self worth, to come to Jesus without fear. He came as my savior and offers, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and healing. Jesus wants me to follow Him and to know and feel His love. It is Jesus who will make me worthy of His love and mercy. He wants to offer me his compassion to follow Him and call to bring others to seek Him and all He has to offer.
I ask this grace today in the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Wednesday, August 31
Oh, Lord my God, You sent Your Son Jesus among us to call us to be co-workers for the sake of the Kingdom. Jesus was sent among us asking people in every age to leave what is comfortable and familiar and to share the hope we have found in Jesus’ Words and actions.
He speaks of mercy, compassion, love and forgiveness to live a new life filled with hope. I too, am called to share that hope and consolation I have found. Give me the grace today to help me find creative ways to reach people with Jesus’ Divine Love, mercy and forgiveness.
Let my words be “Lord, send me.” Amen.
Tuesday, August 30
The Power of God’s Word
Oh, Lord of power and might, by Your Word You created all things. Give me the grace to listen each day to the Words of Holy Scripture to know that power in my life. By Your grace and love, allow me to hear and act on that Word to transform me for the better.
By the power of Jesus’ words he cured the sick, raised the dead and transformed sinners to saints. Pour out Your divine Spirit on me, and with Your mercy, forgive my sins and lead me to choose wisely what I say and do for Your honor and glory each day.
I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Monday, August 29
The Price of Discipleship
On this day, Lord, You give me the example of the cost of following You in St. John the Baptist. You call me Lord today to as be passionate as St. John was in his passion for the Word of God.
Grant me the grace today to be passionate in following You. To radiate the enthusiasm, excitement and joy of following You. Give me that excitement and fire in my heart to experience Your presence and grace to know You better so as to speak to others of Your love, compassion and mercy for all of us. Fill me with Your love to be able to love You and let it overflow to others around me.
I ask this in the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sunday, August 28
The Gift of Humility
Oh, Lord, in today’s Gospel I am given a lesson in humility. Give me the grace today to see myself as You see me. You gave me the gift of life and guide me in Your ways. A humble person can more easily see the needs, desires and struggles of those around them. Give me the awareness of the needs of others and allow me to treat them with respect and honor. It opens me to the love You want to grow between me and others. The gift of humility takes strength. Humility can make me less aware of myself and more aware of the needs of others.
Lord, make me as humble as Your Son Jesus was, that by giving respect we may also receive respect from others. I ask this through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Saturday, August 27
Oh Lord, my God, today Jesus tells the parable of the pearl of great price. Give me the grace today to recognize the message of the Gospel as that pearl of great price.
Allow me to look deep into my heart to seek and to know that Your message is that pearl of great price. The wisdom of the Saints, that “it is that in giving that we receive,” “ that in caring for others that we find fulfillment.”
Throughout His life, Jesus touched others and healed broken bodies and broken hearts by His touch, by His concern, by His mercy.
Give me the grace of coming to know where my treasure is, to seek it and find it in my life. I ask this in the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Friday, August 26
The Wisdom of God
Oh, Eternal God, through Your Son, Jesus, You have taught me the power of the wisdom of the cross as opposed to the wisdom of this world. Give me the grace today to follow through in my daily life to act on this wisdom. Too often I am naturally inclined to the wisdom of the world that urges to control situations and be independent. Sometimes I mix my will with what I think is God’s will. I may take something to prayer but then go and do my own will, as if it is God’s will, instead of listening to what the Lord may be saying to me. Give me the grace today to surrender my will to the will of the Father. Allow me to listen to the wisdom of the cross and surrender to Your will.
Thursday, August 25
“The poor you will always have with you; but you will not always have me.” Matthew 26:11
Loving God,
You created all humankind in your image and likeness. Open our eyes so that we can see your beloved Son reflected in the faces of the poor and the marginalized. Advance our understanding so that we can realize that through loving kindness, we can erase the margins that we have created separating “us” from “them”. Help us to always choose to do what is right, and to always seek to help those who cannot help themselves.
Wednesday, August 24
Gracious God,
You created the angels to serve you in many ways. In heaven they offer you continuous praise. In your goodness you also charged them to act as messengers and protectors of your people here on Earth. Let us offer our prayers to your archangels – St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and to our guardian angels whose names we do not know. We ask them to intercede with you on our behalf in our time of need, and to protect us from the ills of this world until we can join you in the next.
Tuesday, August 23
Saint Philip,
we thank you for your remarkable example of humility. Pray that the Lord will give us the strength to follow your example. Ask God to help us understand that a humble spirit is a compassionate spirit; a spirit more likely to understand the opinions and recognize the needs of others. And if we must boast, let us boast of our love of God and our fellow man. We ask for your intercession in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Monday, August 22
O Holy Mother of Sorrows, with strength from above you stood by the cross of Jesus, sharing in his sufferings, and with tender care you bore him in your arms, mourning and weeping.
We praise you for your faith, which accepted the life God planned for you.
We praise you for your hope, which trusted that God would do great things in you.
We praise you for your love in bearing with Jesus the sorrows of his passion.
Holy Mary, may we follow your example, and stand by all your children who need comfort and love. O Most Blessed Mother of God, stand by us in our trials and care for us in our many needs.
We ask you to support us with your embrace of motherly love and protection. Pray for us to you Son, Jesus, now and always. Amen.
Sunday, August 21
I Am Not Alone
As I pray quietly alone at this sanctuary I know that I am not alone. I am surrounded by this cathedral of trees and beautiful artwork reflecting the life and death of your Son Jesus.
I also see images of Blessed Mary, St. Peregrine, St. Bernadette, and other saints.
I am not alone. I am part of the company of believers, Saints who have gone before me.
Give me courage to be loving and forgiving like the holy men and women who have gone before me.
I pray that in some small way my words and actions can lead others to a closer relationship with you.
I ask this through your Son Jesus, Our Lord. Amen.
Saturday, August 20
The Big Picture
Gracious and ever-loving God,
Help me to seek you, to learn from you, to know you. I so often get caught up in my thoughts, my daily routine, and my circle of friends and family that I forget about everything else.
Remind me of the Big Picture: others around me who I do not see. Open my mind and heart to their needs and burdens. May I tend to others as sisters and brothers.
Broaden my view and understanding of the world around me. May I tend to the earth as a steward. Help me to see others and the world with your eyes – your view becoming more loving and forgiving; patient and kind.
I pray that each day I grow to be ever more faithful to the teachings and life of your Son. I humbly ask all this through Jesus Christ your Son, in union with the Holy Spirit.
Friday, August 19
Prayer for Peace of Mind and Heart
Slow me down, slow me down, O Most Blessed Lord!
Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Steady my harried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time.
Give me, amidst the confusions of my day, the calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tensions of my nerves with the soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory.
Help me to know the magical power of sleep.
Teach me the art of taking “minute vacations” of slowing down to look at a flower; to chat with an old friend or make a new one; to pet a dog; to watch a spider build a web; to smile at a child; or to read a few lines from a good book. Remind me each day that the race is not always won by the swift; that there is more to life than increasing its speed.
Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak and know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well.
Slow me down, Lord Jesus, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life’s enduring values that I may grow toward the stars of our greater destiny.
Thursday, August 18
Father, lover and source of all that is good, we pray today for all the less privileged individuals in our society. In particular, we pray for all those who are jobless and homeless all over the world. Protect them from every danger and harm. May the government officials be able to find ways to help them find proper housing and decent work. Lord, constantly send generous people to supply and provide for their daily needs while waiting the for the government to prepare a decent place for them. All this we ask in Jesus Name. Amen.
St. Bernard, abbot and doctor, pray for us.
Fr. Benedi-an, OSM
Wednesday, August 17
Lord our God, we pray for all business owners and their employees. May all business owners not discriminate towards their workers and their applicants. May they be honest, just and generous to them. May also all the employees be diligent, trustworthy and honest to their employers. And may those seeking dignified and honest work soon find work that corresponds to their field of expertise, Lord. Grant all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Clare of Montefalco, pray for us.
Fr. Benedi-an, OSM
Tuesday, August 16
Our Providential God and Father, we pray to you today for equal and just distribution of the world’s good and resources. Free us from greediness and selfishness, so that everyone has more than enough on their table. Grant us generosity and make our hearts charitable. Touch our stony hearts and make them natural hearts, Lord. We ask this through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen.
St. Rock, healer, St. Stephen of Hungary, king, pray for us.
Fr. Benedi-an, OSM
Monday, August 15
Lord God, our loving Father, as we celebrate today the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we pray for all women in the world. Father, protect them from all forms of exploitation and trafficking. May the world recognize their equal dignity and value same that of men. Let them realize that there is no need for them to prove anything to the world, everyone, both men or women are gifted with all good gifts and talents by God, our One Father. As a matter of fact, they are more powerful than men with regards to bearing a child. Grant us rather a sense of dependence and appreciation of each other’s contributions for the good and betterment of our life in our society. But most of all, like Mary, make us all entrust, rely, depend and put everything in your loving hand, Lord our God. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Lady of Assumption, pray for us.
Fr. Benedi-an, OSM
Sunday, August 14
Almighty Father,
We pray today for all families all over the world, especially for Christian families. May all the members of every human family accept Jesus as their Brother and Lord, so that all may become one Family in Heavenly presence. Drive away from every family any sign of discord. May love, respect, forgiveness and understanding to every home grow each day. Drive away from them all evil seen and unseen. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, priest and martyr, pray for us.
Fr. Benedi-an, OSM
Saturday, August 13
God, our loving Father, we pray for our brethren who are vulnerable. In particular, we pray for all children all over the world, especially in poor countries. Free them from any danger and from all form of abuses. We also pray for the unborn. May their mothers love them and nurture them. Grant all mothers motherly love proper and due to their children. Make them more responsible and caring each day. We ask all these prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Pontian, pope, and St. Hippolytus, priest, martyrs, pray for us.
Fr. Benedi-an, OSM
Friday, August 12
Loving Father,
We pray for all the married couples today to keep them faithful to each other and to you, who is the source and fullness of marriage love. Grant them also forgiving hearts. We surrender to you those married couples who are experiencing difficulties in their married life. Grant them the grace of openness to reconcile. We also pray for young people. Let their understanding and experience of love grow each day. Keep them in your loving protection, O loving Father. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. St. Jane Frances de Chantal, religious, pray for us.
Fr. Benedi-an, OSM
Thursday, August 11
Almighty God, We thank you for your love, peace, forgiveness and healing that we have received through your Holy Sacraments. Continue to strengthen our faith that we can be your signs in the world. Help us to courageously bring your love, peace, forgiveness and healing to others around us. Amen.
Wednesday, August 10
Almighty God,
We thank you for your love, peace, forgiveness and healing that we have received through your Holy Sacraments. Continue to strengthen our faith that we can be your signs in the world. Help us to courageously bring your love, peace, forgiveness and healing to others around us.
Tuesday, August 9
Your Love Encircles Me
Gracious God,
Your love encircles me.
I sometimes feel like a child wrapped in a warm blanket; you surround me with the beauty of your creation.
You provide a circle of friends and family that support and challenge me.
When I close my eyes I even see those beloved family members who have gone before me, as well as other holy men and women at my shoulders echoing your loving presence to the whole world.
May my words and actions reflect your never-ending love and mercy.
Teach me your ways – the way of patience, mercy, generosity and unbounded love.
I ask this through Jesus our Lord and Brother.
Monday, August 8
Prayer for God’s Light
Let me be still and at peace just for a few moments. In the busy-ness of this day, filled as it is with so many cares, doubts, and fears, let me be attentive to where I have been, where I am standing, and where I am headed.
Above all, let me see, with the purity of Your eternal Light, where you have been present in my life today. And make me a reflection of that same divine Light as I serve the many needs of my sisters and brothers, who might be struggling in any way.
Sunday, August 7
Dambana Prayer
Lord God, bless this Filipino Shrine at The Grotto, and bless all who come here in search of peace, prayer, and the beauty of nature. Give us insight as we walk the garden paths and as we pray and reflect at this Dambana. May your loving presence inspire our minds and hearts, so that we may go forth from here renewed and refreshed in mind, body, and soul. Loving God, bless this image of Mary, represented as Our Lady of Dambana. May we see Mary as a model of faith that we are called to imitate, and may the Mother of Jesus be a source of comfort to each one of us. Loving Creator, you sent your only son to be savior of all. Jesus came into the world as a helpless child; may this image of the Santo Niño remind us that God became fully human to share his love and bring us salvation. Lord God, we honor your faithful servant San Lorenzo Ruiz and his companion martyrs. As the first canonized Filipino Saint, San Lorenzo inspires us with his unwavering faith and tremendous courage, even to his death. May the example of his life and death lead us to live lives of faithful service. Gracious God, you call us to love, you call us to help one another. We thank you for this Dambana at The Grotto. May it be a light of faith and a symbol of the universality of your Church.
Saturday, August 6
Gracious God,
Your beloved Son showed his love for the sick by touching, healing, and forgiving them. Your servant St. Peregrine received your healing touch after he placed his life unreservedly in your hands. As we come to you seeking help for those who are sick, particularly those suffering from cancer and other life-threatening illnesses, we humbly ask that you hear the prayers we offer you in honor of St. Peregrine.
Friday, August 5
“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” Hebrews 6:10
God, as the high temperatures return to the Northwest this weekend, we thank you for giving us the means to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the dangers of the heat. We ask that you protect those who lack water and a cool and safe place to reside. Encourage us, God, to be bold enough to stop, to reach out, and to provide for those we see who are in need, and not to simply drive by. Safeguard, too, God, all your creatures, the animals in the forests and those under the care and control of people, who so often suffer needlessly at the hands of their owners. Help us all remember that you gave us dominion over your creatures, and entrusted us with their care. Finally, we thank you for bringing us safely to the end of another busy week. Amen.
Thursday, August 4
Create in me a pure heart
Almighty and all merciful God, create me a new heart. Throughout the week You have reassured me in the scripture from the prophet Jeremiah of Your everlasting love. Give me the grace today to have a pure, clean, undivided heart. A heart that is always pleasing to You, not a divided heart. Give me a mind and heart that thinks and sees as You do. Because I am human I always seem to struggle to think as You do. Assist me to see my blind spots. If You wish, you can allow me to grow in grace to see things as You do, to see things in a much wider and broader view. I ask this in the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Amen.ugust
Fr. Ignatius Kissel, OSM
Wednesday, August 3
A Sign of God’s Love
O faithful and all-loving God, You assure me in today’s scripture in Jeremiah and in Matthew’s Gospel, of Your age-old love. You show me this in the faith-filled Canaanite woman asking Jesus to cure her daughter.
Give me the grace to never doubt Your love for me; deepen my faith today to live a faithful life of devotion to You. May I never doubt Your support and grace in times of uncertainty and temptation. Help me to know You as a good shepherd who guards his flock and leads them to springs of living water and green pastures of refreshment. I ask this of You in the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Fr. Ignatius Kissel, OSM
Tuesday, August 2
God’s Everlasting Love
Oh, faithful and forgiving God, today’s scripture readings at Mass remind me of your faithful and everlasting love. Give me the grace today to know You deeply as the God who allows suffering, spiritual and physical, in order to bring me back to You. You clearly tell me through scripture that because of my guilt and numerous sins, You allow me to know the pain, yet You assure me of bringing me fully back to You, fully forgiven and sharing Your divine mercy and love. Give me the grace today never to forget your promise of full restoration in Your love. I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Fr. Ignatius Kissel, OSM
Monday, August 1
Feed them Yourselves
Oh, Lord, in today’s Scriptures Jesus asks His disciples to feed the crowd He is speaking to. He also asks the same of us. Jesus sees the hunger in everyone’s heart, for love, for food, for recognition, for Jesus Himself. I feel Jesus is asking all of us to be attentive to the needs of others.
Father, give me the grace today to respond as I can to those around me to do whatever I can to respond to the needs around me. To feed the hungry, to feed the souls and needs of others as You have given us in the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, as Jesus did in His public life, to extent of my own capabilities and limitations. Allow Your Holy Spirit to alert me to someone’s needs. I ask for that grace to see and to respond to the people in need in my life. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Fr. Ignatius Kissel, OSM
Sunday, July 31
Oh, Generous Father, our scripture for today wants to remind me of the temporary reality of this world. Jesus never promised us a worldly kingdom, yet I live sometimes as if this is all there is. I am reminded today that Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world. We are only here for a time, long or short, to work out our salvation by following His commandments – love of God and neighbor. Give me the grace today to be reminded that although I may strive for a life here, it is only a passing world, and my true home is to be with You, Father, Son and Spirit. Give me the grace to remember to be “rich in the things that matter to God” and that shrouds have no pockets. I take nothing with me but my good deeds to Your eternal kingdom in heaven. I ask this of You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Fr. Leo Hambur, OSM
Saturday, July 30
Faithful to the Word of God
Oh, faithful and loving God, give me this day the power of the faith of the prophet Jeremiah and St. John the Baptist. Today in the Mass readings, both endure suffering for their finality to Your divine Word. Both Jeremiah and John called others to faithfulness in You. Keep me steadfast in my belief, even when others oppose me. Allow me the courage to be strong in spirit and to withstand ridicule from others for my faith and beliefs in Your Word, Jesus Christ. Give me the ability to stand firm in faith despite words or actions of others that would have me deny my faith in You. I ask this in the name of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Fr. Ignatius Kissel, OSM
Friday, July 29
Like clay in the hand of the potter…so are you in my hand…
Almighty God and Creator,
We thank you for creating us beautifully. We thank you for all the gifts that we have received from your bounty. We ask you this day to bless all your creation; bestow upon each one of us, we pray, your protection, for all harm and danger, especially the danger of evil and all its temptation. We are the clay in your Mighty Hand, so we ask that you protect us with your love and kindness. Guide us with your Powerful hand that we may walk in the path of righteousness and thus not be thrown into the fiery furnace. We also humbly ask that you forgive us our sins and grant that the Holy Spirit walks with us all the days of our life. We ask this, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Leo Hambur, OSM
Thursday, July 28
Like clay in the hand of the potter…so are you in my hand…
Almighty God and Creator,We thank you for creating us beautifully. We thank you for all the gifts that we have received from your bounty. We ask you this day to bless all your creation; bestow upon each one of us, we pray, your protection, for all harm and danger, especially the danger of evil and all its temptation. We are the clay in your Mighty Hand, so we ask that you protect us with your love and kindness. Guide us with your Powerful hand that we may walk in the path of righteousness and thus not be thrown into the fiery furnace. We also humbly ask that you forgive us our sins and grant that the Holy Spirit walks with us all the days of our life. We ask this, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Leo Hambur, OSM
Wednesday, July 27
All Powerful God,
We come to you today, asking for your help, strength and healing for our world that suffers from so many things. You are the source of healing for all your creation. Bestow upon us, we pray, your healing power and your strength to those who are sick, especially for those who are infected with Covid19 and its variants. May you strengthen them in their illness and restore them to good health.
We also pray for our brothers and sisters who suffer from war. May you console them in their struggles and help them to reach peace that they need. Help all the leaders of the world to put their attention not only for their country but also for peace of the whole world. We ask you this, through Christ, Our Lord, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Fr. Leo Hambur, OSM
Tuesday, July 26
Saints Joachim and Anne – the Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Lord Jesus,
As we celebrate the memorial of your earthly grandparents, we ask you to bestow your special blessing to all our grandparents. Through your blessing, may they continue to be strong, healthy in mind, body and spirit, and enjoy their advance aged with happiness and experience the love of their family. For those who are sick and lonely, may your peace, healing and presence be with them. Console them when they are in sorrow, strengthen them when they are weak, heal them when they fall sick. May Saints Joachim and Anne continue to intercede for them that their faith continue to grow stronger each and everyday. Thank you Lord Jesus for our grandparents and for your blessings upon them. Amen.
Fr. Leo Hambur, OSM
Monday, July 25
Saint James – Apostle
Lord God,
We thank you for the courage of your Apostle James in proclaiming the Kingdom of God. As we celebrate his feast today, we praise you for what he believed, he spoke and proclaimed to us. We thank you for the gift of faith that Saint James proclaimed. Through his intercession, we humbly ask that we too believe and are able to speak and proclaim what we believe, “that the grace bestowed in abundance on more and more people may cause the thanksgiving to overflow for the glory of God” (2 Cor. 4:7-15). May our words and actions reflect what we believe and bring many people closer to Christ, who is our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Fr. Leo Hambur, OSM
Sunday, July 24
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lord Jesus,
It is hard sometimes for us to pray. And even when we pray, there are still things in our hearts and in our lives that we need to fix. Attitudes and words that could our brothers and sisters; pride and jealousy; gossiping and unforgiving heart. Teach us all the time to allow ourselves to pray to God the Father, to ask for His love and mercy, and to change our hearts into your likeness. Teach us how to pray, as you taught your first disciples. Make us humble of heart, forgiving and praying for one another that we too may experience your love, mercy and forgiveness all the days of our life. Amen.
Fr. Leo Hambur, OSM
Saturday, July 23
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Temple of the Lord
Lord, our God, in the world that is filled with many troubles: injustice, Covid-19, war, we humbly ask your peace and healing. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Temple of the Lord, we pray that you safeguard all your children from harm, danger and illnesses. Through her prayers, may you transform the hearts of us all so as to become the temples of the Lord. We ask this, through Christ, our Lord, Your Son, who lives with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Fr. Leo Hambur, OSM
Friday, July 22
Here I Sit
Gracious God,
You have called my name and daily I try to follow. I am tired, Lord.
I listen to your words in Scripture. I seek you in the hustle and bustle of my day. You call me to come to you – to bring my worries, my regrets, my hopes and cares. I am tired, Lord.
You call me to come and sit with you a while – in a church, under a tree, or on a bench outdoors.
Here I sit, Lord – tired, worried, burdened and afraid.
I take a deep breath and exhale …
Sitting here, surrounded by the quiet, I can really listen. I can reflect and contemplate.
With each breath I take in, and each beat of my heart, I feel invigorated, inspired, renewed.
Thank you for the ways that you create in me. Thank you for the gift of salvation through your Son, Jesus. And thank you for the inspiration that your Holy Spirit brings.
Thursday, July 21
Journeying Along the Path
In my journeying with you, O Blessed Lord, may I never lose my sense of direction on the path, never lose sight of the landmark towards which I travel.
And should cloud or rain obscure my vision, may I draw closer to you, so that my feet may tread in your footsteps, your words be my encouragement, and your love be my protection against the storms that assail me.
Wednesday, July 20
Prayer to St. Philip Benizi
Loving God, we give you thanks for the life of Philip Benizi, the Servite saint who placed his gifts at the service of others. Help us to live our lives with his spirit of generosity. Like Philip, may we be your instruments of reconciliation and unity wherever we encounter conflict and strife. As the steadfast service of Mary inspired Saint Philip, so too may we follow her footsteps as faithful and loving disciples of Jesus. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Tuesday, July 19
Our Lady of Lourdes Prayer
Oh ever immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Comfortess of the Afflicted, you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings.
Look upon me with mercy.
When you appeared in the grotto of Lourdes, you made it a privileged sanctuary where many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal.
I come, therefore, with unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession.
My loving Mother, obtain my request.
I will try to imitate your virtues so that I may one day share your company along with God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and bless you in eternity.
Monday, July 18
Gracious God, thank you for the gift of music.
The melodies are a language all their own.
When words are added we can sing your praises, or express our sorrow, embrace your forgiveness, or discover your faithfulness.
Thank you for the gift of song writers, musicians, singers and choir directors; through their God given gifts they share – each in their own way – your hope, joy, peace and presence with the world.
Sunday, July 17
“When I wake up every morning, I thank God for the new day.” Francisco Sionil Jose
Dear God, we join Francisco in thanking You for another beautiful day. We thank you that no matter what the day brings, You are with us to guide and protect us. We pray for our families, friends, and co-workers, that they, too, may be reminded of the glory of this day. And we ask your blessing on those less fortunate than us. Keep them safe and give them hope for a better day. We pray all this in Jesus name.
Saturday, July 16
“The Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forget you. Don’t be afraid and don’t worry.” Deuteronomy 31:8
God, we ask for your blessing and protection as we travel this summer to visit family and friends across the nation and across the oceans. Bring us safely into their loving embrace. We ask that you bless the pilots; the bus drivers; the train engineers, and the ships’ captains. Give them confidence and skill to bring us safely to our destinations. We ask a special blessing, God, upon the many thousands of pilgrims who this summer will seek a sanctuary of peace and prayer at our beloved Grotto. Bring these pilgrims safely to us and guard them during their return home.
Friday, July 15
And on the seventh day God ended His work. Genesis 2:2
Thank you, God, for getting us through the work week. We turned to You when we were troubled at work, and you encouraged us. We talked with You as we drove home after a worrisome day, and you calmed us. We prayed to you before work in the morning, and you fortified us for the day. Now we thank You, God, for the weekend ahead, for time to spend with family, friends, and You. We ask your blessing, too, God, on the people who will work through the weekend. Encourage, calm and fortify them, and bring them safely to their days of rest.
Thursday, July 14
“God does not abandon us”
Oh, God of surprises, give me the grace today to know You as my loving father who wants to give me all I need to succeed in being Your faithful servant and Your child who looks forward to Your generous care, concern and desire to gift me with all I need to follow Your divine Son faithfully. I praise and thank You, Father, for Your gifts of grace that keep me close to You. You called me and graced me through baptism, eucharist, and reconciliation to always keep close to You. In spite of my wandering You are ever faithful, especially in my time of need. For all this I give You thanks today. Amen.
Fr. Ignatius Kissel, OSM
Wednesday, July 13
“God does not abandon us”
Oh, God of surprises, give me the grace today to know You as my loving father who wants to give me all I need to succeed in being Your faithful servant and Your child who looks forward to Your generous care, concern and desire to gift me with all I need to follow Your divine Son faithfully. I praise and thank You, Father, for Your gifts of grace that keep me close to You. You called me and graced me through baptism, eucharist, and reconciliation to always keep close to You. In spite of my wandering You are ever faithful, especially in my time of need. For all this I give You thanks today. Amen.
Fr. Ignatius Kissel, OSM
Tuesday, July 12
“Fear, Anxiety and Faith”
Oh, ever loving God, give me this day a stronger and deeper faith. Izaah speaks of “the heart of the people trembling like the trees of the forest tremble in the wind.” My heart is filled sometimes with anxiety and fears. You, Lord, want us to see these times in the light of Your divine love, for me and to remain tranquil, to feel the courage. Your love gives me faith not to fail. You want me to see my sins in the light of Your love, so I can feel firm in my faith in You. I ask this in the name of Your Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Fr. Ignatius Kissel, OSM
Monday, July 11
“Let My Prayer be Sincere”
Oh God, give me Your grace today to make my worship and honor of You be sincere, and not just going through the motions of prayer and sacrifice. Give me the grace today to share in a portion of the heart of Jesus, who is full of compassion and mercy. Allow me to know if and when I may be acting for others to see my good deeds that are merely for show. Allow my prayer not to be half hearted. Teach me through Your Saints to be whole hearted in my prayer, worship and sacrifices, for the sake of others, as was St. Benedict. Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Fr. Ignatius Kissel, OSM
Sunday, July 10
“Help me to be merciful”
This Sunday Jesus tells us the parable of “who is my neighbor.” Thank You for the powerful Gospel message today of the good Samaritan and the admonition “to go and do likewise.” Give me the grace to see Your Son, Jesus, in those I see in need. This parable is also letting me know that Jesus is the One who cares for us when battered by sin and the powers of evil. Jesus is the One who offers us forgiveness of sins and binds up our wounds. I thank You, oh Lord, for the power of Your mercy and the lessen to learn to be more merciful to those around me each day. Amen.
Fr. Ignatius Kissel, OSM
Saturday, July 9
“God is our help and Salvation”
Oh, loving God, help me this day to know and recognize You as my help and salvation. Give me Your grace today to realize that You are loving and powerful and I am not. Allow me to realize I need to count on Your mercy, and know although I may not be perfect, that You will be my help and means to strive for perfection, and when I fail Your love will support me as I rest in Your hands. I know You are my source of blessings that may lead me to humility and gratitude. The more I understand that You are a God of mercy, it will lead me to be more understanding and merciful. Through Jesus, Your Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Fr. Ignatius Kissel, OSM
Friday, July 8
“Trust in times of Suffering”
Oh Lord, my God, hear my voice in the midst of suffering and tribulation. I know You are there to help me, but ask that when I take that narrow road that leads to life, Your Spirit will be there. If and when I need Your help, You Will be there to assist me in the circumstances of my life. Give me the grace today to be aware of Your ever-guiding Spirit to care for me in assessing and choosing Your way among the choices in my life in those times of hardship and anxiety. I count on Your grace in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Fr. Ignatius Kissel, OSM
Thursday, July 7
Father, lover and source of all that is good, we thank you for this new life and day. As we begin this new day, grant us a positive outlook in life. Help us imitate Jesus, your Son. Grant us humility, patience and endurance. Make us also grow in obedience and respect. Once again grant us the grace to make this day fruitful in good works. Keep our mind, lips and hands pure and clean, free from what is wrong and evil. All this we ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Edelburg, pray for us.
Fr. Edgar Benedi-an, OSM
Wednesday, July 6
Praise to Lord God for another day. We worship you and love you. As we begin this Wednesday, keep us safe in your service. Protect us from all dangers. Grant us your peace and joy. From the rising of the sun to its setting, may we please you in thoughts, words and actions. Grant all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Edgar Benedi-an, OSM
Tuesday, July 5
Good morning, God our loving Father. With renewed strength we express our thankfulness and gratitude to you for this beautiful day. Help us and guide us so that we may be able to do your holy will today. Make us joyful for all the countless blessings you have provided us, especially the gift of people who love and surround us. Keep away from us, we pray, all evil and danger. We ask this through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen.
St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, priest, pray for us.
Fr. Edgar Benedi-an, OSM
Monday, July 4
Lord God and our loving Father, praise be to you. Thank you once again for another day. As we begin this week, grant us courage and strength. Make us faithful and productive today. May everything we do today be for your glory and for the salvation of our souls. Protect us from every evil and every danger today. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Fr. Edgar Benedi-an, OSM
Sunday, July 3
Almighty Father, thank you for this beautiful Sunday. Grant us the grace to spend this day with you in prayer and at Mass as your chosen people, so as to be filled again with spiritual grace necessary for the coming week of work and responsibilities. May we participate actively in your mission for us to deserve the inheritance you prepared for those who persevere in following you and doing your holy will while still here on earth. Renew us in your friendship. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Thomas, apostle, pray for us.
Fr. Edgar Benedi-an, OSM
Saturday, July 2
God, our loving Father, we are grateful for the gift of a new day. Thank you also for sending to us good and generous people, ever ready to offer help, and for never getting tired of loving and understanding us. Make us always appreciative of all the good things you have given to us, beginning with the little and ordinary things around us. Rather than complaining and questioning you, make us always be grateful. We ask all these in Jesus’ name. Amen.
St. Oliver Plunkett, pray for us.
Fr. Edgar Benedi-an, OSM
Friday, July 1
Loving Father, we thank you for this wonderful day. Please grant us the grace we need so that we may be able to do your holy will today. As you call St. Matthew to follow you in today’s gospel, may we also say yes to your invitation to be with you and to stay with you always. Grant us an open heart and a humble spirit. Keep us in your loving care and sustain us in all we do.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Junipero Serra, pray for us.
Fr. Edgar Benedi-an, OSM