There are so many ways you can help support The Grotto. Even the smallest gesture can make a world of difference. Learn how you can help:
There are so many ways you can help support The Grotto. Even the smallest gesture can make a world of difference. Learn how you can help:
Your gift will make it possible for The Grotto to continue its essential community ministry.
Sustaining Donors give monthly to The Grotto.
The cost of maintaining a 62-acre shrine, open daily, is immense. We need your help.
Our Friends of The Grotto program provides different levels of support; it is a wonderful way to help The Grotto and to enjoy special events and benefits.
Consider including The Grotto in your estate, will, and other sources of giving.
Giving of your time is just as important as the giving of your finances. We have an incredible need throughout the year and there are many opportunities to volunteer with us!
Find out about ways to serve at The Grotto.