The Secular Order of the Servants of Mary is a group of men and women who live out their baptism in the spirituality of the mendicant Order of the Servants of Mary. They live the Gospel of Jesus every part of their lives and work to fulfill the commandment of love of God and neighbor. These men and women follow the inspiration of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order, which was founded in 1233 by Florentine merchants. The Grotto (The National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother) supports this community of Secular Servants of Mary.
The community of the Secular Order of the Servants of Mary meets every second Saturday in The Grotto’s Auditorium, immediately after the 12 noon Mass.
A Secular Servite prays the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary (Servite Rosary) every Friday at 11:30 am in the Chapel of Mary, before the daily Mass.
To learn more about the Secular Servites, please click here.