The Grotto is pleased to welcome Fr. Donald Siple, O.S.M., as Rector. Fr. Don will be responsible for the religious ministries of the sanctuary including the celebration of liturgies and sacraments, religious education, spiritual counseling, as well as ensuring a welcoming presence for our visitors.
Originally from Chicago, Fr. Don professed solemn vows as a Servite friar in 1991, and was ordained a priest in 1992. He served as pastor at Servite parishes in Chicago, St. Louis, and Fullerton, Calif. Additionally, he is a member of the Provincial Council, a Vocation Director, and served on the Grotto Board of Directors. “I am honored to be asked by my community to take responsibility for this important ministry,” said Fr. Don, “and I look forward to working with and serving the people of God who come to visit the shrine.”
The Grotto is a ministry of the Friar Servants of Mary (Servites), USA Province. Fr. Don will work collaboratively with the local Servite friars, Executive Director Chris Blanchard, and the Board of Directors to carry on the mission of The Grotto, according to the spirit and mission of the Servite Order.
“No one is better suited to be Rector of our beautiful Sanctuary,” said Blanchard. “I hope everyone will come and meet Fr. Don. He is sure to be out in the gardens and plaza every day, and if you don’t greet him, I am confident Father will greet you. We are very excited he is here.”